









はい、それは深刻です。 NPDの国会議員と上院議員は、緊急措置の発動を終了し、ジャスティントルドーを首相の独裁者としての地位から外すために議会で必要な追加の数を保持しているため、この災害を止めることができる唯一のメンバーです。

カナダ人がその任務に関してどちらの側にいるかは関係ありません。法の支配、多数の嘘、敵対者の悪魔化、この首相による緊急措置法の違法な発動のために、現時点で国が深刻な危険にさらされていることをすべての人が理解する必要があります。 、カナダの民主的な法の支配に対する共産党の中国の独裁政権を賞賛する。彼の犯罪行為のために誰もが危険にさらされています。


WorldNetDailyのBobUnruhは、カナダの緊急法が、トラック運転手だけでなく、あらゆる市民権の行進者にとって脅威であると説明しています。 「そのようなカナダの緊急大国の標的になることができるのは、トラック運転手だけではありません。抜本的な言葉は、トルドーが現代の公民権運動とキング博士のような指導者を護送船団と同じくらい簡単に閉鎖することを可能にするでしょう。」








クラウスシュワブの若き世界指導者でありNDPの指導者であるジャグメートシンによる、トラック運転手とその支持者に関する憎悪とばかげた嘘のこのビデオストリームをご覧ください。このdiatribeに対するヘイトクライムでシンを起訴する正当な理由があるようです。彼のNDP党員集会のメンバーは、トルドーの緊急措置法の違法な発動に対する彼の支持を正当化するために彼が使用した極端で分裂的な虚偽の告発に関連していることを恥じるべきです。 NDPの国会議員は、良心と国の愛情によって、EMAを支持するために投票するという彼の指示を無視する義務があります。彼らは憎しみの名の下に国を破壊するために使用されています。

Liberty Coalition Canadaは、ジャスティントルドーに公開書簡を発行し、オタワの自由輸送船団に対する彼の「専制的」な対応を非難し、緊急法を発動しました。


別の感動的なビデオ、コンボイ2022のTime to Riseは、元および現在の軍および警察官が、奉仕することを誓った国への任務の影響について深刻な懸念を表明していることに焦点を当てています。多くのカナダの法執行機関と軍の将校は、彼らが彼らを選出した人々と彼らが取った誓いを裏切っているトルドーと他のカナダの政治家によって彼らが愛する国に何が行われているのか心配しています。







A Message from the Editor Dear LifeSite readers, The past few days have been a nightmare for freedom in Canada. For the past three weeks, there have been extraordinary scenes of patriotism, heroism, kindness, joy and united efforts by hundreds of thousands of Canadians generated by the massive Convoy 2022 trucker movement. Then, late last week and this weekend, an army of hundreds of grim, seemingly heartless “police,” behaving more like an invading military force, arrived in Ottawa from across Canada, and possibly also from one or more other nations, to crush this populist movement that actually threatened no one. The alleged and contrived threats of the protesters, who were never violent, was met with four days of real violence and brutality by the invaders acting in total violation of Canadian and international law. Many of them engaged in what strongly appeared to be criminal actions. Canadians have never experienced anything like this before. Many citizens were shocked and dismayed by this deep betrayal by their federal and some provincial and Ottawa city governments. Contrary to the lies of the Ottawa mayor, its police chief and the prime minister, numerous Ottawa citizens welcomed and strongly supported the truckers and their hundreds of thousands of protesters during the weeks they were there. That is because Ottawa citizens have also suffered from the unnecessary and harmful mandates as much as did Canadians across the nation. This was a weekend that will go down in history as perhaps the darkest time in Canadian history considering the extremely disproportionate and brutal measures undertaken against the peaceful, patriotic protesters that included many military veterans. As the great Canadian and former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford eloquently and thoroughly explains in an interview with John-Henry Westen, democracy is in ‘grave danger’ of being canceled forever in Canada as a result of the events of recent days. Yes, it is that serious. The NPD Members of Parliament and the Senate are the only ones who can stop this disaster because they hold the additional numbers required in Parliament to end the Emergency Measures invocation and remove Justin Trudeau from his position as Prime Dictator. It does not matter on what side Canadians are regarding the mandates, all must understand the grave danger the nation is in at this this time because of the lawlessness, numerous lies, demonization of opponents and illegal invocation of the Emergency Measures Act by this Prime Minister, who admires the Communist Chinese dictatorship over Canada’s democratic rule of law. Everyone is in danger because of his criminal actions. Trudeau’s first allegiance is to the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum. Maajid Nawaz explained to podcaster Joe Rogan how the World Economic Forum infiltrates world governments and has openly put its members in leadership roles to steer world governments toward “more and more authoritarianism.” Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily explains how Canada’s Emergencies Act is a threat to any civil rights marcher, not just the truckers. “It is not just truckers who can be the targets of such Canadian emergency powers. The sweeping language would allow Trudeau to shut down a contemporary civil rights movement and a leader like Dr. King as easily as he did the convoy.” There were many instances of brutality and thuggish behavior by the police brought in by Trudeau to deal with the truckers who dared to tell him to end the mandates that have caused enormous suffering and harm to the nation over the past two years. Rebel News, one of the few other news services not beholden to Trudeau’s large, taxpayer money bribes, is suing Ottawa police after one of their female reporters was brutally beaten with “police” clubs and shot with a tear gas canister. Read the article and watch the videos on this shocking crime. There is a video of a mob of these thugs dressed as police who threatened to smash the window of a coffee shop in Ottawa where they are serving coffee to people. The video has suddenly disappeared. They did not carry through with their criminal threats because of people filming them. I am sure most Canadian police officers are ashamed of them because of what they have done to the many years of the hard-won good reputation of most Canadian police officers. Here is some footage showing just one police beating in Ottawa during the government’s crackdown on the peaceful protesters this past weekend. One Canadian police officer explains her many co-workers don’t resist illegal and unjust COVID measures for fear of “being reprimanded.” That is another video that appears to have conveniently disappeared. In addition to beating some people with rifle butts, mounted police trampled some of the protesters and were caught on video doing so. Watch this moving, powerful testimony of a kindly, innocent Ottawa Gelato owner who received a large number of cruel, vicious threats from persons who stupidly fell for Trudeau’s false demonization and characterization of donors to the truckers’ movement. Watch this video stream of hate and ridiculous lies about the truckers and their supporters by Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. There appears to be good reason to charge Singh with a hate crime over this diatribe. His NDP caucus members should be ashamed of being associated with the extreme and divisive false charges that he using to justify his support for Trudeau’s illegal invoking of the Emergency Measures Act. The NDP members of parliament are obliged by conscience and love of country to ignore his direction to vote to uphold the EMA. They are being used to destroy the nation in the name of hate. Liberty Coalition Canada has published an open letter to Justin Trudeau condemning him for his ‘tyrannical’ response to the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and invoking the Emergencies Act. The U.S. People’s Convoy, drawing inspiration from Canada’s Freedom Convoy, sets off from California on February 23 demanding an end to COVID restrictions in the U.S. Pray for the success of this patriotic venture. Another inspiring video, Time to Rise, on Convoy 2022, focuses on former and current military and police officers expressing serious concerns about the impact of the mandates on the nation they have sworn to serve. Many Canadian law enforcement and military officers are worried about what is being done to the nation that they love by Trudeau and other Canadian politicians who are betraying those who elected them and the oaths that they took. Copy and paste this list of items to as many people as you can think of. Canada is in grave danger right now from dictatorship. This is not an exaggeration. What is happening now has obviously been planned for some time, but the truckers inadvertently forced Trudeau and his globalist tyrants to act sooner that they planned. That gives us a chance to defeat them. The Convoy 2022 movement is far from dead. They have been forced out of downtown Ottawa, but the movement is alive and growing in many other locations across the nation. It cannot be allowed to die, or else freedom will die in Canada and then this cancer will spread into the U.S. and other nations. This is a fight for the life or death of Canadian democracy. Above all, there needs to be a wave of public prayer for Canada. That prayer can release powers that those who would enslave us cannot defeat. Steve Jalsevac LifeSiteNews


これはカナダの民主主義の生か死のための戦いです[LifuSiteNewsからの手紙 日本語朗読]040222

