



JOHN DOES 1 – 10 (名前は虚偽で不
原告Donald J. Trumpは、下記の弁護士を通して、被告、ヒラリーR. Clinton, HFACC,
Inc.、DNC Services Corporation、Perkins Coie, LLC、Michael Sussmann、Marc Elias、Debbie
Wasserman Schultz、Charles Halliday Dolan, J
Phillipe Reines、Fusion GPS、Glenn Simpson、Peter Fritsch、Nellie Ohr、Bruce Ohr、Orbis
Business Intelligence, Ltd.、Christopher Steele、Igor Danchenko、Neustar、Inc.、Rodney Joffe、
James Joffe、James Strzok、Peter Strzok、Lisa Page、Kevin C


  1. 2016年の大統領選挙に向けて、ヒラリー・クリントンと彼女のコホートは、想像を絶する陰謀を編成した。これは良心を揺るがすものであり、この国の民主主義を脅かすものである。 被告らは、共和党の反対派であるドナルド・J・トランプが敵対的な外国主権と共謀しているという虚偽の物語を作成するよう悪意をもって共謀した。 彼らの計画を推進するためにとられた行動偽造証拠、法執行機関を欺き、極めて機密性の高いデータソースへのアクセスを利用することは、とても乱暴で破壊的で、しかも悪意に満ちたものであるため、ウォーターゲートの出来事でさえ、それに比べると青ざめてしまう。
  2. 「反対調査」、「データ分析」、その他の政治戦略を装って、被告は大いに国民の信頼を揺るがそうとした。 彼らは、ドナルド・J・トランプを文明化するという、独創的な目的を持って一緒に働いた。 実際、彼らの広範囲にわたる陰謀は、根拠のない連邦捜査の引き金となり、メディアの狂気を引き起こすスキャンダルを作り出すことで、トランプの大統領候補を台無しにすることを目的としていた。
  3. この計画は、クリントン・キャンペーンの幹部と、第三者の壁の後ろに自分の関与を遮断しようとした「候補者」自身を含むDNCの幹部らによって構想、調整、実行された。最初に、クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、民主党と深い結びつきを持つ法律事務所、パーキンス・コイ氏の共同顧問の支援を受けた。弁護士・依頼人特権のベールの下で、彼らの行為を覆い隠す希望 パーキンズ・コイは、ドナルド・J・トランプとロシアの不吉な結びつきを見つけるか、それを証明する計画を主導した。 そのため、パーキンズ・コイは並行業務を開始した。ある面では、パーキンズ・コイ・パートナーのマリック・エリアスが、トランプ・キャンペーンとロシアのオペレーティブとの間の不正な関係を明らかにするために、偽の「反対派調査」を主導した。別の面では、パーキンズ・コイ・パートナーのマイケル・スススマンが、トランプ・タワーの電子メール・サーバーとロシア所有の銀行との間の偽の「裏
  4. マーク・エリアスは、反トラムプ「反対派調査」を受け入れることを任務とし、調査会社フュージョン・GPSとその共同創業者であるピーター・フリッチュとグレン・シンプソンに委託し、トルンプとロシアとの間の共謀の証拠(現実のもの、あるいはその他のもの)の収集を指示した。 FritschとSimpsonは、次にOrbis Ltdの支援を受けた。 そして、その所有者であるクリストファー・スティールは、談合の証拠を含むとされる一連の報告書を作成した。 も ち ろ ん 、 「 ステ ィ ー ル ・ ド ッ シ ャ ー 」 と 呼 ば れ る 、 今 で は 全 く わ か ら な く な っ た 報 告 書 の 集 ま りは 、 虚 偽 の 記 載 、 虚 偽 の 表 明 、 そ し て 、 ほ と ん ど す べ て が 横 た わ っ て い た 。 実際、Steele Dossier は、その主たるサブソースであるIgor Danchenko によってSteele に提供された情報に主として基づいていた。彼はその後、彼の主張を偽って起訴された。 さらに、ダンチェンコはクリントン・キャンペーンの幹部、チャールズ・ハリデイ・ドーラン・ジュニアと密接な関係を持っていた。彼は知りながら、ダンチェンコに虚偽の情報を提供した。彼はスティールにその情報を伝え、スティール・ドシエで報道し、メディアとFBIの双方に詐欺を熱心に与えた。 ド ナル ド ・ J ・ ト ラ ン プ と 彼 の選 挙運 動の信 用 を 失墜 させ る と い う 、 独 特の利 己 的 な 目的の ために 、 この重複 し た取 り 決め が存在 し たの であ る 。
  5. それと同時に、マイケル・スススマンは、インテルを傷つけようと捜していた。
    Trump Campaignは、情報技術企業であるNeustar, Inc.に目を向け、その経営幹部の1人であるRodney Joffe氏に目を向けた。Rodney Joffe氏は、クリントン政権との間の秘密の「バック・チャネル」接続を探すために、非公開データへのアクセスを利用するために、クリントン政権の最上位の地位を そのようなチャネルが存在しないことが判明したとき、被告は、真に破壊的な手段——トランプタワー、トランプのプライベートアパートメント、そして最も恐ろしいことにホワイトハウスでのサーバーのハッキング——に訴えた。 こ う し て 得 ら れ た デ ー タ は 、 誤 解 を招 く 「 推 論 」 を 引 き 起 こ す た め に 操作 さ れ 、 ド ナ ル ド ・ J ・ ト ラ ン プ 氏 と そ の 選 挙 運動 と を 誤 っ て 結 び つ け よ う と 法 執行 機 関 に 提 出 され た 。 2 . こ れ ら の行 為 は い ずれ も 、 ク リ ン ト ン ・ キ ャ ン ペ ー ン や D N C と 協 力 し て 、 特 定 の民 主 党 「 V I P 3 」 の要請 を 受 け て行 われ た もの で あ る 。
  6. 被告は、多面的な攻撃が行われている間に、本格的なメディアの熱狂を誘発することによって、公然と悪意を持ってドナルド・J・トランプを襲撃する機会を得た。 実 際 、 ク リン ト ン ・ キ ャ ン ペ ー ン と D N C は 、 自 ら が 考 案 し た 「 ト ラ ン プ ・ ロ シ ア 」 と リ ン ク する 4 カ 国 に つ い て 「 警 告 を 発 す る 」 と い う 「 ミ ッ シ ョ ン 」 を 掲 げ 、 メ デ ィ ア に 不 正 な情 報 を 繰 り 返 し 送 り 、 彼 ら の 虚 偽 の 物 語 を 恥 ず か し が ら ず に 宣 伝 し た 。 一方、ヒラリー・クリントン、ジェイク・サリバン、デビー・ワッセルマン・シュルツなどは、プレスリリース、ソーシャル・メディア、その他の公的な発言を通じて、疑わしい虚偽の主張を広めるために最善を尽くした。
  7. 第1審被告らの行動の副作用は、トランプ市民の移民とその選挙運動に限られたものではなかった。 連邦捜査局(FBI)は、被告の詐欺的証拠に頼り、大規模な捜査を開始し、貴重な費用を費やした。ECF Doc.での起訴 番号 1) United v. サスマン、症例番号1:21-cr-00582-CRC、コロンビア特別区(9月) 2021年16月16日(以下「サスマン訴追」という。)
    3日間。 ¶ 10.
    4人のジェニファー・パーミエリ(元クリントン・キャンペーン・コミュニケーション・ディレクター)、クリントン・キャンペーンは、ロシアについて警告した。 しかし、誰も私たちの話を聞いたことはありませんでした。
    トルンプ・キャンペーンが2016年の大統領選挙に干渉するためにロシア政府と共謀したという誤った主張を調査する時間、資源、納税者のドル この根拠のない捜査の影響は、司法省とFBIの内部に精通したクリントン忠誠派の少数派が存在することによって、長引き、さらに悪化した。
  8. ジェームズ・コメイ、アンドリュー・マクカベ、ピーター・ストラゾック、リサ・ページ、ケビン・クリネスミス、ブルース・オール。 これらの政府高官は、司法外のFISA令状の取得やロバート・ミュラー特別弁護士を長とする監督捜査の開始など、新しいレベルへ向けた根拠のない捜査を進めるために、公的信頼の地位を濫用しようとした。 その結果、ドナルド・J・トランプと彼の選挙運動は、これらの意図的で正当化されない訴訟に対して弁護するために、数千万ドルの訴訟費用を費やさざるを得なかった。 最終的には、2年間にわたる捜査を経て、ミュラー特別弁護士はドナルドを追放した。
    J. Trump氏は、ロシアとの共謀の証拠はないとの発見をもって、選挙運動を行った。
  9. 第1審被告の不正行為の全容は、トロンプとロシアの共謀の起源について司法省の捜査を進めているジョン・ダーラム特別弁護士によって、着実かつ徐々に明らかにされている。 現在までに、サスマンとダンシェンコは、法執行官に虚偽の発言をしたとして起訴されている。 以下に概説するように、これらの「発言」起訴は、本明細書に記載されている被告人の多くを含意させるだけでなく、被告人らの共謀事業の内部的な働きについての多くの洞察を提供するものでもある。 最近の進展とダーラムの捜査の全体的な方向性に基づくと、追加的な起訴が予定されていることは確かである。
  10. 要するに、被告人らは、政治的野心にとらわれて、ドナルド・J・トランプとその選挙運動について、自分の人生、政治的経歴、そして2016年の談合を破壊することを願って、特許的に虚偽で有害な情報を流布する悪意ある共同謀議を組織したのである。

    ヒラリー・クリントン大統領選挙 ギャンビットが失敗し、ドナルド・J・トランプが選出されたとき、被告らは、単に大統領政権を弱体化させることに焦点を移すだけで、努力を続けた。 さらに悪いことに、被告人らは、二度と選出されることのないようにするために、根拠なく、全面的に不正とされた虚偽を公表し、今日に至るまで、彼らの悪質な虚偽を広め続けている。 被告らが犯した詐欺、悪意、背信行為は、米国民、原告であるドナルド・J・トランプに重大な損害をもたらし、その凶悪行為について責任を負わなければならない。
  11. 本裁判所は、28 U.S. C. §1331による本訴訟に対する管轄権を有し、そのクレームはすべて、同一の事件または論争の一部を構成する連邦問題に関連するため、米国法第28 U.S. C. §1367(a)による追加クレームの補充的管轄権を有する。
  12. 本裁判地は、28 U.S. C. §1391(b)(2)に従い、本裁判地において適切である。なぜなら、少なくとも1名の被告および原告が本裁判地に居住し、原告の請求を生じさせる事由または不作為の実質的な部分が本裁判地において生じたからである。 これに関連して、有害な偽装の出版物はフロリダ州南部地区で発生することが意図され、フロリダ州南部地区で発生した。
  13. 原告である米国第45代大統領ドナルド・J・トランプは、法廷弁護士であり、フロリダ州南部地区のフロリダ州に居住する民間人である。
  14. 被告人ヒラリー・R・クリントン(以下「クリントン」という。)は、ニューヨーク州の居
    住者であり、裁判官である。 彼女は 2016 年大 統 領 選挙 の 民 主 党候 補 だ っ た 。 本訴訟において特定されたクリントンの作為不作為は、下記の行為に起因または関連する。
  15. 被告HFACC, Inc. (以下「クリントン・キャンペーン」という)ニューヨークに主たる
    営業所を有し、フロリダ州南部地区を含む米国全域で事業を行っている法人。 本訴訟におい
  16. 被告、民主党全国委員会は、52 U.S. C. §30101によって定義される国家委員会
    Services Corp./Demとして登録されている。 同社は、被告DNCサービス株式会社を通じて運営している。 また、DNCサービス公社は、コロンビアの非営利地域法人であり、ワシントンD.C.に主たる事業所を有しており、DNCサービス公社(以下、民主国家委員会とDNCサービス公社を総称して「DNC」という)を通じて、その事業活動および財務活動のほとんどを行っている。DNCは、フロリダ州で実質的かつ継続的な事業を運営し、実施している。 DNCの作為不作為は、本訴訟で特定されているように、フロリダ州の他の管轄区域におけるその行為に起因するか、またはそれに関連するものである。
  17. 被告Perkins Coie, LLP(以下「Perkins Coie」という)は、ワシントン州シアトルに本社を置く国際法律事務所である。 パーキンズ・コイはフロリダ州タラハッセに登録代理店を有し、フロリダ全般およびフロリダ南部地区で具体的に実質的で継続的な事業を行っている。
    Perkins Coieの作為および不作為は、本訴訟において特定されたとおり、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為に起因または関連し、また/または、それらに影響を及ぼすものである。
  18. 被告Michael Sussmann(以下「Sussmann」という。)は、次の居住者である。
    米国、およびsui juris。 彼は、Perkins Coieの弁護士であり、かつての代理人および/または従業員であり、本契約に関連するすべての時点において、Perkins Coieとの雇用の範囲内で行動していた。 本訴訟において特定されるSusmannの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を及ぼすことに起因または関連する。
  19. 被告Debbie Wasserman Schultz(以下「シュルツ」という。)は、フロリダ州の居住
    者であり、陪審員である。 2011年5月から2016年7月28日退任までDNCの会長を務めた。 本訴訟において特定されたシュルツの作為不作為は、フロリダ州のその他の法域におけるシュルツの行為および/またはそれに関連するものである。
  20. 被告、チャールズ・ハリデー・ドーラン、ジュニア。 (以下「ドーラン」という)は、米国の居住者であり、陪審員である。 2016年のクリントン・キャンペーンでは、ヒラリー・クリントンを代表して、積極的に呼びかけやイベントに参加しました。 本訴訟において特定されるドーランの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を与えることに起因または関連する。
  21. 被告Jake Sullivan(以下「Sullivan」という。)は、米国居住者であり、陪審員である。 彼は、2016年クリントン・キャンペーンのための外交政策諮問機関長であり、ここでは常に、クリントン・キャンペーンに雇用されている範囲内で行動していた。 現在、サリバンはバイデン政権の国家安全保障顧問を務めている。 本訴訟において特定されたサリバンの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を与えることに起因または関連する。
  22. 被告人ジョン・ポデスタ(以下「ポデスタ」という。)は、米国居住者であり、法律事
    務所である。 彼 は 、 2 0 1 6 年 の ク リ ン ト ン ・ キ ャ ン ペ ー ン の 議 長 を 務 め 、 こ こ で は常 に 関 連 す る 時 期 に 、 ク リ ン ト ン ・ キ ャ ン ペ ー ン で の 彼 の 雇 用 の 範 囲 内 で 行 動し て い た 。 本訴訟において特定されたPodestaの作為および不作為は、当該作為または不作為に起因または関連し、
  23. 被告Robert E. Mook(以下「Mook」という。)は、米国居住者であり、2016年クリン
    トン・キャンペーンのキャンペーン・マネージャーを務めた。 ここではいつでも、クリントン・キャンペーンとの雇用の範囲内で行動していた。 本訴訟において特定されるMookの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/または他の法域に影響を及ぼすことに起因または関連する。
  24. 被告フィリップ・リーンズ(以下「ラインズ」という。)は、米国居住者であり、裁判官
    としての地位を有する。 彼は ヒ ラ リー ・ ク リ ン ト ンの元 コ ミ ュ ニ ケー シ ョ ン ・ア ドバ イザー と して長年務め 、 こ こ ではいつで も、 ク リン トン ・キ ャ ンペーン での雇用の範囲内で行動 してい た 。 本訴訟において特定されたライネスの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為に起因または関連するか、またはフロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為に影響を及ぼす。
  25. 被告人マルク・エリアス(以下「エリアス」という。)は、ワシントンD.C.の居住者であり、裁判官である。 彼は、Perkins Coie、DNCおよびClinton Campaignの弁護士および元従業員および/または代理人であり、本契約に関連するすべての時点で、Perkins Coieの雇用および/または代理人の範囲内で行動していた。 本 訴 訟 に お い て 特 定 さ れ る エ リ ア の 作為不作為は 、 フ ロ リ ダ州の他の法域に おけ る その行為に起因 ま たは関連す る 。
  26. 被告Fusion GPSは、世界中の企業、法律事務所および投資家に調査、戦略的情報およびデュー・ディリジェンス・サービスを提供するデラウェア州の有限責任会社であり、ワシントンD.C.に本部を置いており、本訴訟において特定されたとおり、Fusion GPSの作為不作為は、フロリダ州の他の管轄区域におけるその行為に起因または関連する。
  27. 被告人グレン・シンプソン(以下「シンプソン」という。)は、Fusion GPSの主たる共同設立者であり、米国居住者であり、弁護士である。 シ ン プ ソ ンの行為
  28. 被告Peter Fritsch(以下「Fritsch」という。)は、Fusion GPSの主たる共同設立者で
    あり、フロリダ州の居住者であり、陪審員である。 本訴訟において特定されるFritschの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を与えることに起因または関連する。
  29. 被告人ネリー・オア(以下「オア夫人」という。)は、米国居住者であり、裁判官である。 彼女はいつでも、Fusion GPSの従業員であり、Fusion GPSの雇用の範囲内で行動していた。 本 訴 訟 に お い て 特 定 さ れ た O h r 夫人の作為不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法 域 に お け る 彼女の 行為 に 起因 ま た は関 連 し 、 ま た / ま たは 、 フ ロ リ ダ州 の他 の
    法域 に お け る 彼女の行為に 影響 を与 え る 。
  30. 被告Bruce Ohr(以下「Ohr」という。)は、米国居住者であり、裁判官である。 ブル ー ス ・ オ ー ル は 、 い つ で も 、 米 国 司 法 省 の 職 員 だ っ た 。 本訴訟において特定さ
  31. 被告人オービスビジネスインテリジェンス株式会社 (以下、「Orbis Ltd.」という)
    は、英国ロンドンに本拠を置く情報コンサルタント会社である。 本訴訟において特定される
    Orbis Ltd.の作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為に起因または関
  32. 被告Christopher Steele(以下「Steele」という。)は、英国居住者Orbis Ltd.(以下
    「Orbis Ltd.」という。)の主たる創業者であり、法律事務所である。 本訴訟において特定されたSteeleの作為および不作為はすべて、Orbis, Ltd.との雇用の範囲内でなされたものであり、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を及ぼす行為に起因または関連するものである。
  33. 被告人イゴール・ダンチェンコ(以下「ダンチェンコ」という。)は、本件訴状に常に関係があり、ロシア連邦の市民であり、合衆国に合法的に在住していた。 DanchenkoはワシントンD.C.とバージニアに居住し、sui jurisである。 DanchenkoはいつでもOrbis Ltdの請負業者であった。 Orbis Ltd.の代理店の範囲内で行動していた。 本訴訟において特定されたダンチェンコの作為不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為に起因または関連して発生する。
  34. 被告ニースター (以下、「Neustar」という)バージニア州スターリングに本社を置く
    IT企業。 本訴訟で特定されているように、近隣の行為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法
  35. 被告のロドニー・ジョフィー(以下「ジョフィー」という。)は、米国居住者であり、法
    律事務所である。 J o f f e は 、 N e u s t a r の 元 幹 部 で あ り 、 こ こ で は 常 に 関 連 す る 時期 に 、 N e u s t a r と の 雇 用 の 範 囲 内 で 行 動 し て い た 。 本訴訟において特定されるJoffeの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を及ぼすことに起因または関連する。
  36. 被告ジェームズ・コメイ(以下「コメイ」という。)は、合衆国の居住者であり、陪審員である。 コメイは、2013年から2017年5月まで、連邦捜査局の第7次長であった。 本訴訟において特定されたComeyの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるその行為および/またはそれに影響を与えることに起因または関連する。
  37. 被告人ピーター・ストラゾック(以下「ストラゾック」という。)は、米国居住者であり、
    法律事務所である。 ストラゾックは、いつでも連邦捜査局の捜査官だった。 本訴訟において特定されるStrzokの作為および不作為は、フロリダ州のその他の法域におけるその行為に起因または関連する。
  38. 被告人リサ・ページ(以下「ページ夫人」という。)は、米国居住者であり、法律事務所である。 ミセス・ページは、連邦捜査局の弁護士だった。 本訴訟において特定されたMr.Pageの作為不作為は、フロリダ州の他の法域におけるMr. Mrs. Pageの行為に起因または関連するか、またはそれらに影響を及ぼす。
  39. 被告Kevin Clinesmith(以下「Clinesmith」という。)は、米国居住者であり、裁判
    員である。 Clinesmithは、いつでも連邦捜査局の弁護士であった。 本訴訟において特定され
  40. 被告Andrew McCabe(以下「McCabe」という。)は、米国居住者であり、法律事務
    所である。 McCabeは、2016年から2018年3月までの間、連邦捜査局の副局長を務めた。 本
  41. 被告、ジョン・ドーズ1~10は、原告が損害賠償を請求する事件または事件を引
  42. 被告、ABC Corporation 1~10は、報道会社、出版社、編集会社、地方自治体、
  43. 2015年4月12日、クリントンは米国大統領候補を宣言した。 クリントンは民主党
  44. その後、2015年4月、クリントン・キャンペーンは、民主党との長年のつながりを
  45. 民主党の予備選挙当初から、民主党は、自らのルールに従い、民主党の予備
  46. 例えば、2015年5月26日付の社内DNC覚書(「DNCメモ」)では、DNCサーバー
    が「Guccifer 2.0」という名前の個人によってハッキングされた後に初めて明らかになったが、
    DNCは「GOPフィールドとHRCの間のコントラストを提供する」ことを求め、「HRC 7に対する倫
  47. 特に、DNCメモでは、周辺の「水を濁す」ために、次のように述べている。
    5 ℃での起訴。
    6 DNC憲章および付属定款、アート 5 § 4.
    7苦情例 A(ECF文書) 番号 8) ワイルディングv. DNC Services Corp., et al., Case No. 0:16-cv-61511-WJZ,
  48. その頃、DNCの責任者であるシュルツ氏は、クリントンの民主党のライバルで
  49. さらに、当時DNCの副議長であったドナ・ブラジルは、シュルツに対する批判の
  50. 2015年半ば頃、クリントンやクリントン・キャンペーンとの協調と団結を促進する
  51. Perkins Coieの上級パートナーであるEliasとSussmannの2人は、DNCとClinton
    Campaignの法務、政治、その他の業務における同社の代表を担当していた。 特にエリアスは、
  52. 2015年8月頃、Elias社とSussmann社は、2社のクライアントであるDNCとクリント
  53. 共同募金協定は、クリントンに与えることによって、DNCとクリントン・キャンペー
  54. 具体的には、クリントン政権が民主党の指名を獲得する数カ月前に締結された
    DNCの財政、戦略、集められた資金のすべてを支配することが明記されていた。 彼女の選挙
    最終的な決定を下すことになった。 DNCはまた、他のすべてのスタッフ配置、予算編成、デー
  55. DNCとクリントン・キャンペーンの緊密な結びつきと、クリントンがどちらに対して
  56. 2015年6月16日、ドナルド・J・トランプは大統領候補を発表し、共和党の指名を
  57. クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、トランプの選挙戦を阻止し、彼が選挙に勝利
  58. この構想は、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、およびDNCによって構想され、
    った。 ザ
  59. まず、クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、共同弁護士のパーキンズ・コイの協力
  60. クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、特定の目的のために計画を監督・調整する
    護下での取引を隠蔽するのに役立つことを期待していた。 し か し 、 弁 護 士 と依 頼 人 の 特
    権 は 、 こ れ ら の当 事者 間の 関連 す る 話 し 合 い に は全 く 適用 で き な い 。 D N C / ク リ
    ン ト ン ・ キ ャ ン ペ ー ン と パ ー キ ン ズ ・ コ イ と の 間 の 通 信 は 、 本 質 的 に 合 法 で は な
    く 、 犯罪 や詐 欺的 な不 正行 為 を助長 し て い た だ け で は な い 。
  61. 具体的には、クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、ペルキンズ・コイに対して、ドナ
  62. ある面では、エリアスはFusion GPSなどと協力して、トルンプとロシアの間に不
  63. 別の面では、サスマンは、情報技術会社であるNeustarに、ドナルド・J・トランプ
    の個人住宅、Trump Tower、そして最も衝撃的なことにホワイトハウスなど、非常にセンシティ
    エリアスはFusion GPSなどを採用し、
  64. 第一段階の被告の共謀を実行するために、DNCとクリントン・キャンペーンは、
  65. Fusion GPSはいつでも、政治に特化した民間調査会社だった。 ウォール・ストリ
  66. 2016年3月1日、フリッチャーは「民主党の幹部」に電子メールを送り、トランプは
    「止まらなければならない」との信念を伝え、民主党のコンタクトは「はい」と答えた。 11をお話
  67. 「民主党のシニア・フィギュア」は、フリッチュとシンプソンがエリアスと会うよう手
    配した。 2016年4月20日、ワシントンD.C.12にて開催
  68. 2016年4月頃、クリントン・キャンペーンおよびDNCを代表して、その指示に基づ
    き、EliasおよびPerkins CoieはFusion GPSを保持した。
  69. 特に、Fusion GPSは、クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCの「反対研究」を行うため
  70. クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、フュージョン・GPSが、同社が生産する「強烈
    一般的には10 Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, Crime in Progress: Inside the Steele Dossier and Fusion GPS Investigation of Donald Trump(以下
    11 Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, Crime in Progress: Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS Investigation of Donald Trump ( 55.
    12日間。 56で
  71. クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、フュージョン・GPSは、Fusion
  72. クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、Perkins Coieを通じて資金を集め、Fusion
    GPSの研究に資金を提供した。 F u s i o n G P S は そ の 後 、 「 調 査 」 の 結 果 を パ ー キ ン
    ズ ・ コ イ の 弁 護 士 Elias に 報 告 す る 。
  73. 実際、SimpsonとFritschはEliasにしか報告せず、「選挙運動の真ちゅうとの接触
  74. FritschとSimpsonが著書で説明したように、この関係は特定の理由でそのように
    設定された。Eliasper、Fusion GPSは、「法律上の理由:Fusionの通信が弁護士との通信であれ
    ば、特権を与えられたものとみなされ、秘密に保持される15」のために、Clinton Campaignと
  75. 当時あるいはそのころ、ネリー・オアはフュージョンGPSの従業員であり、ドナル
  76. オア夫人のブルース・オアは、司法省の副司法長官補佐であった。 オア夫人も
    13日 57歳で
  77. クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、フュージョン・GPSは、このよ
  78. この書類を作成するために、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、
  79. オルビス この計画には、アナリストの1人であるダンチェンコ氏と、クリントン・キャ
    a. ロシア市民のダンチェンコは、Orbis Ltd.の請負業者/アナリストとして働いてい
    た。 2011年以降、ロシアとユーラシアの地政学的問題に焦点を当てている16。
    b. Kglobal社の広報担当者であったドーラン氏は、民主政治に長年参加し、以前
    米国務省 2 0 1 6 年の ク リ ン ト ン ・キ ャ ンペー ン では 、 ク リ ン ト ン ・キ ャ ン
    ペ ー ン の ボ ラ ン テ ィ ア と し て 、 積極的 に キ ャ ン ペ ー ン を行 い 、 コー ル
    やイベン トに参加 しました。1 7。
    16 Danchenko Inction (16)
    17日 ¶ 19.
  80. 2016年4月下旬、ダンチェンコはドーラン社との間で、オルビス社との業務提携
    の可能性について話し合いを開始した。 Kglobalは、ドナルド・J・トランプを塗抹し、誤った告発
    をメディアに広めるための「書類」を作成した。 これらの議論は 、 D anc hen koとD ola nが
    お互いの経歴やO rb is Lt d.に対する Da nche nk oの研究、Steele :18 などの専門的
    活動に関する情報交換を行ったこ とを反映している 。
    c. 2016年4月29日頃、DanchenkoはDonchenkoがDolanに代わってSteeleに手紙
    d. 同日、DanchenkoはDolanに、DanchenkoがOrbis Ltd.と共同で行っている特定
    の作業の概要を記載した電子メールを送った。 Orbis Ltd.を添付した電子メー
    ル。 「情報ブリーフィングノート」、「コムプロマット」、「ナドゾル」と題する報告書
    e. 2016年6月10日頃、 Dolanは米国の知人に電子 メール を送 り 、 Dolan と
    Danchenko が 同 僚 と な り 、 情 報 交 換 を 行 っ て い た こ と を 反 映 し た 。
    Danchenko に つ い て 説 明 す る と 、 Dolan は 次 の よ う に 述 べ て い る 。
    「彼はKG Bには若すぎる。 しかし、彼はFSB.21のために働いていたと思い
    ます。彼は私に話してくれたので、イランで2年間過ごしていました。 そして、最
    初に会ったときには、彼は私よりも私のことをよく知っていた。 [顔文字をひね
  81. 2016年6月頃、Fusion GPSはOrbis Ltd.を正式に保有していた。 スチールは「ロ
    シアと当時の共和党候補者とのつながり」を見つけた。 . . Donald J. Trump. そうでない場合
    18日 ¶ 23.
    19 Danchenko Inction 24.
    20Id。 ¶ 25.
    a. この任務を引き受けるにあたり、スティールは、「民主党のアソシエイト」が、
    Fusion GPSの「研究」に支払っていること、「究極のクライアント」が「クリントン
    b. スティールは批判的に、「候補者」ヒラリー・クリントンが「自分の報告を知って
    c. さらに、スチールは、被告人らの包括的な共謀という共通の目標を共有した。
  82. その後まもなく、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、フ
    ュージョン・GPS・オービス社の指示を受けた。 スティールはムーク、ネリー・オア、ダンシェン
  83. ドシエが出版された直後、ポデスタ・シンプソンは選挙でロシアの干渉に関する
  84. クリントン・キャンペーンの責任者、ロビー・ムック氏は、ドシエに資金を提供した
    人物についての知識を持っていないと述べた。 しかしエリアスは、Fusion GPSからMook.27に
    23 IG Report at 96;Trも参照。 Christopher Steele Deposition at 162-163(2020年3月18日)、Aven v.の Orbis (2020) EWHC
    1812 (QB) (Q: ) . . 7月上旬に . . 最終的な顧客は誰だと思いましたか? A:キャンペーンだと思った。 . . Q:クリント
    ン大統領選挙の指導者だったことを知っていましたね。 A:キャンペーンだと思いました。そうですね。 Q:クリント
    ン・キャンペーンのリーダーシップ? A:選挙運動のリーダーシップ、Fine。」
    24 FBI Notes at 96; Trも参照。 スチール部の 163(強調追加)となりました。
    25 Bruce Ohr Transcription Interview 124, Aug. 28, 2918.
    26 https://www.shiftfrequency.com/podesta-reall-spying-on-trunmp/
    27 https
  85. ドシエは、トランプの立候補を傷つけるだけでなく、さらに重要なことに、ロシアと
  86. ドシエを起草するにあたり、スティールは、彼に情報と宣言を提供した多くの情
  87. 申請書に記載されていると主張される情報源のいくつかは、宣誓の上、申請書
    d. ロシア人のオルガ・ガルキナは、ドシエルで「サブソース3」と言及されているが、
    e. ドシエで「サブソース4」と言及されているロシア人のアレクシー・ダンディチは、
    f. ロシア人であるPetr Avanは、本文書に記載されている主張を否定し、その内
  88. Dossierで提供された情報の第一の情報源は、Steeleのアナリストである
  89. 2016年5月から2016年12月にかけて、Danchenkoは、SteeleがDossierの草案作
  90. その間、ダンチェンコは数多くの会合、コミュニケーションを行い、
    2021年6月8日付Olga Aleksandrovna Galkina宣言(ECF Doc) 番号 153-8) Fridman, et al. v. Bean LLC a/k/a Fusion GPSら、症例番号
    2021年5月13日付Alexey Sergeyevich Dundich宣言(ECF Doc)29 番号 153-4) Fridman, et al. v. Bean LLC a/k/a Fusion GPSら、症例
    2020年10月2日付けPetr Avenの証人陳述書30、Aven v. Orbis (2020) EWHC 1812 (QB)
  91. DanchenkoがSteeleに提供した、DolanがDanchenkoに伝えた情報、鏡、および/
  92. 例えば、ドナルド・J・トランプがモスクワのホテルで大統領スイートで「サラシー
    g. ドーランは2016年6月にモスクワのホテルに滞在し、その間、1)モスクワのホテ
    h. その後、ドーランはダンチェンコに、あるホテルのスタッフから、トランプが大統
    i. モスクワ・ホテル、プレジデンシャル・スイート、ホテル・マネージャー、その他の
    j. ドーランは最終的には、ホテルの誰も、トランプの「性的、サラシーな」行動につ
  93. ロシア政府がワシントンDCのロシア大使館で、米国大統領選挙における外交
    ディアで報じられることになるからである。 しか し 、後任の[ロ
    シア外交- 2]はこの点では清潔であった。
  94. この主張は、Dolanが2016年の期間に受け取った情報と実質的に類似していた。
  95. さらに、ドーランは、ポール・マナフトがトランプ・キャンペーンから出発したことに
    ート]を外に出したかったと述べた。 この点で特に重要なのは、
  96. 上記の主張は、Danchenkoに提供されたDolanが特定の要求に応じた情報を含
    んでいた。 特に8月19日。 2016年、DanchenkoはDolanに、Paul Manafortに関する「思考、噂、
  97. その後、平成28年8月20日 ドーランはダンチェンコに次のように電子メールを送っ
    細を提供している。 彼女はまた、[Paul Manafort]を嫌い、いまだ
    が定期的に役割を演じていると私に言った。 彼はその上で幸せ
  98. 同日後半、ダンチェンコはドーランに回答し、この情報に対する感謝の意を表明
  99. さらに、日付の付いていないドシエ報告書に記載された主張には、「十分」と記載
    な協力関係があることを認め、同胞を信任した。 これは、共和党
    ランプ側で管理していた。 両国は、民主党のヒラリー・クリントン
  100. この申し立ては、結局、元トランプ・キャンペーンのアソシエイト・カーター・ペー
  101. さらに、ワシントンD.C.、ニューヨーク、マイアミのロシア外交官が、民主党とクリ
  102. エリアスはFusion GPS、Orbis、Steeleなどと共謀しながら、クリントン・キャンペー
  103. この計画を実行に移すために、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンス・コ
  104. Neustarは、1998年に設立された情報技術企業であり、以下のような様々なイン
  105. 非難から遠く離れて、近隣諸国とその従業員は、長い間、民主党と同調してき
    た。 2016年だけでも、議会の選挙運動の寄付金の100%は、ネウスターの従業員が民主党に
  106. ジョッフェは、いつでもネウスター社の幹部であり、少なくとも2社のハイテク企業
    Dissect Cyber Inc. の 所 有 権 を 持 っ て い た 。 ( 「 D i s s e c t C y b e r 」 ) と Z e t a l y t i c s
    L L C ( 「Z e t a l y t i c s 」 ) 3 2
  107. Joffeは、2016年の大統領選挙に向けて、クリントン・キャンペーンやDNCの幹
  108. この間、クリントンが大統領に勝利した際、ジョッフェは「民主党のサイバーセキ
    ュリティで一番の仕事を暫定的に提供した」。 彼は「トランプ33の下では、必ずしも仕事を引き
  109. 特にPerkins CoieとSussmannは、Neustarの社外弁護士を務めることが多く、この
    点でPerkins Coieの重要な収益源であった34。
  110. 2016年7月頃またはその頃、クリントン・キャンペーンおよびDNCを代表して行
    動するPerkins CoieおよびSussmannは、Neustarに対し、その幹部であるJoffeの指示のもと、情
    報収集サービスおよび非公開データへのアクセスを利用して、Donald J. Trump、Trump
    CampaignまたはTrump Organizationによる不正行為を示す可能性のある情報、データ、また
  111. その後、Joffeが率いるNeustarは、秘密の「裏返し」の証拠を探し始めた。
    31 サスマン・インディケーション (12)
    Charlie Savage and Adam Goldman, Trump Server Myster Produces Myster Produces Fresh Conflict, The New York Times, 2021, 9月30日、https://www.nyties.com/
    33Id。 ¶ 15.
    34 Susmann Incuction (14)
  112. 2016年8月20日、Joffe氏とその研究者らは、2つの異なるウェブサイト上で販売
    た。 . . ”
  113. Joffeは、この偽の「推論」は、「ヒラリーの反対研究や、政府や捜査ジャーナリス
  114. 同日かほぼ同日、Joffeは電子メールで、Perkins Coie、Clinton Campaign、そし
    証拠を提供することができれば、VIPは幸せになるでしょう。 彼
    らは 、 よ り 詳細 な検討の基礎 と し て利用 で き る 本当の物
    語を探している 。
  115. 2016年8月21日、Joffeは研究チームに電子メールを送り、「非常に有用な物語
  116. Joffeは、このような電子メールの中で、TrumpとAlfa Bankの結びつきは「無視す
  117. この知見にもかかわらず、SusmannとJoffeは、Donald J. TrumpとAlfa Bankの間
  118. サスマンが「白書」の起草に費やした時間はいつも、彼が費やした時間と同じであ
    Neustar、Fusion GPS、そして被告の陰謀を助長する彼の行為のすべてが、クリントン・キャン
  119. 2016年8月27日、Joffeは、Susmannが研究していたホワイトペーパーを、以下の
    言えるとは言えません。 この作業に1時間以上費やしてはいけま
    うれ し くない。 🙂
  120. 同日かほぼ同日、Joffeの研究者の一人が、ホワイトペーパーはJoffeの目的を
  121. 2016年9月15日または9月15日付で、質問の受領者の1人がJoffeに回答し、
  122. 2016年9月16日または9月16日頃、Joffeのチームの1人は、Sussmannがドナルド
  123. さらに、サスマンやエリアスと協力して、トランプに関する虚偽の主張を広めよう
    と努力したほか、ジョフェは、Neustar、Dissect Cyber、Zetalyticsなどの複数の企業を通して得
    a. このようなデータを得る目的は、Trumpのロシアとの関係についての「推論」と
    b. これらの行動は、クリントン・キャンペーンとパーキンズ・コイの一部の「VIP」に
    c. これらの「VIP」には、クリントン、サリバン、エリアス、および/またはススマンが含
  124. 特に、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、およびDNCの指示により、Neustar、
    Joffeおよびその同僚は、(i)ヘルスケアプロバイダー、(ii)Trump Tower、(iii)セントラルパーク
    k. その際、JoffeおよびNeustarは、上記施設において、許可なく、または許可を超
    l. さらに、JoffeおよびNeustarは、上記施設から、専有の機密性の高い機密デー
  125. EOPに関して、JoffeとNeustarは、EOPにDNS解決サービスを提供する高感度の
    35 Susmann Inction ℃ 21-23 ;(ECF Doc) 4「潜在的利益相反の調査のための動き」も参照のこと。 番号 米国対35 Sussmann、症例番号:1:21-cr00582-CRC、コロンビア特別区(2022年2月11日)(以下「Sussmann Conflict Motion」という)。
    36 サスマン訴追23
    37日 22-23;Susmann Conflict Motion (4-5)も参照。
  126. JoffeとNeustarは、とりわけ、EOPのDNSトラフィックや他のデータをマイニングし
    て、Donald J. Trumpに関する軽蔑的な情報を収集することによって、この取り決めを活用しま
  127. さらに、Joffe、Neustar、そして彼らのアソシエーツは、非公開のインターネットデ
    ータを、9,000以上のIPアドレス、3,000以上のインターネットドメイン、そして、Donald J. Trump、
    Trump Organization、そして多くのTrumpアソシエーツに関連する60の電子メールアドレスとド
  128. 共和党全国委員会(以下、「RNC」)は、2016年7月18日から7月21日にかけて大
  129. 2016年7月26日、クリントンは、2016年大統領選挙の大統領候補として民主党
  130. 同日、米情報当局からの説明会では、「ヒラリー・クリントンによる承認の疑い」
    に関する通信を傍受したと警告した。 . . ドナルド・トランプ氏の外交政策アドバイザーの1人か
  131. その舞台が整い、選挙サイクルが進む中で、被告人らは、その計画を実行に移
  132. 具体的には、被告人らは、連邦法に虚偽の情報を提供し始めた。
    40 John Ratcliffe, Dir. からの手紙 ナショナル・インテリジェンスのリンゼー・グレアム上院議長 司法当局に(9月)
    Donald J. Trump、Trump Campaign、およびTrump Organization に悪意のある願望を投げかけ
  133. オープニング・サーボは、2016年7月上旬から中旬にかけて発生したもので、ス
  134. 2016年7月31日午前、SteeleはNellie OhrおよびBruce Ohrと会談し、その際
    SteeleはSteele Dossierに関する研究について話し合った。 ブルース・オアは、当時、スティール
  135. 同日、FBIは、「クロスファイア・ハリケーン作戦」として知られる外国代理人登録
  136. FBIでは、クロスファイア・ハリケーンの主導者として、FBIのピーター・ストラゾッ
    a. ストラゾックとFBI特別弁護士のリサ・ページの間で、この間違法な事件に関与
    b. 例えば、2016年8月8日、Strzokのテキスト「[Trump’s]は、決して進まない。
    41Id. 2. IG Report も参照のこと。
    42 S. REP. いいえ。 116-290、vol.5、909-10。
    社長になるのは正しいですか? 正しい?!」ストラゾケは答えた。「いいえ。 そうでは
    c. テキストメッセージには、Trumpが選挙に勝利した場合にFBIでStrzok, Page,
    McCabe, Comey, その他によって培われた「保険契約」への言及も含まれてい
    d. 例えば、2016年8月15日、Strzokのテキストページで、Andy(FBIのAndrew
    す。 あなたが40歳になる前に亡くなる可能性が低い場合には、それは保険契
    e. この「保険証券」への言及は、StrzokとPageが、もしDonaldであれば、それを保
    証することを意図していることを示している。 実際、J・トランプは大統領選挙で
  137. FBIは、2016年8月16日までに、クロスファイア・ハリケーンの傘下で、4人の米
  138. Page, Papadopoulous, Manafortの3人は、トランプ・キャンペーンに参加していた。
  139. クロスファイア・ハリケーンの焦点は急速にFISA令状を取得し、トランプ・キャン
  140. 米国市民を監視するために、FISAは、以下のような可能性のある原因があること
  141. 2016年8月 、Bruce OhrはAndrew McCabeおよびLisa Pageに会い 、Steele
    Dossierに含まれている虚偽の告発、特にCarter Pageに関する告発について説明した。
  142. 2016年9月19日、SteeleはSteele DossierからFBIに報告書を提出した。FBIには
    Carter Pageとロシアとの関係について虚偽の情報が含まれていた。
  143. その後、FBIはカーター・ページについて4つのFISA保証を申請した。
  144. その際、連邦捜査局は、カーター・ページがロシア連邦の賢明な捜査官であっ
  145. 実際、2017年12月には、スティール・ドシエのためでなければ、FISAの令状43
  146. FISAの各申請書は、カーター・ページがロシアの有名な代理人であり、さらに、
  147. FBIは、最終的に、2016年10月頃から2017年9月頃までの間に、Carter Pageを
    対象としたFISA申請を合計4件の裁判所から承認を受けた。Carter Pageは、Carter Pageの侵
  148. 2016年10月21日に承認された最初の申請書(以下、「FISA#1」という)は3件である。
    43 120919-examination.pdf (jascience.gov) at fn. 264.
  149. FISAの申請は、FBIの多数の捜査官、FBIの弁護士、国家安全保障局(NSD)の
  150. 実際、Carter Page、Donald J. Trump、またはTrump Campaignに対する申し立て
  151. ストルゾックは、クロスファイア・ハリケーンと4つのFISAアプリケーションを開設
    する決定に直接関与した。 さらに、「4件の個別調査のそれぞれを開始した文書はStrzok 45に
  152. さらに、ComeyとSally Yatesは最初の更新申請を承認した。
    カメイとダナ・ボエンテ司法長官代行は、2回目の更新を承認した。 F B I の 取 締 役 代 理 で
    あ る ア ン ド リ ュ ー ・ マ ク カ ベ 氏 ( 当 時 ) と 、 DAG の ロ ー ズ シ ュ タ イ ン 司 法 次 官 ( 当
    時 ) は 、 3 回 目 の 更 新 を 承 認 し た 4 6 。
  153. McCabeは、クロスファイア・ハリケーンの進捗状況について定期的に説明を受
  154. Clinesmithは、Crossfireハリケーンに従事するFBI職員に法的支援を提供する
    ために任命された。 Clinesmithは、米国司法省国家安全保障局と協力して、FISA申請書を作
    46Id. 7時に
    47 120919-examination.pdf (jisce.gov) (69ページ)
    一般的には、48「起訴状」、「合衆国v」参照。 Clinesmith, Case No. 1:20-cr-00165-JEB, Columbia District of Columbia(2020年8
    月14日)(以下「Clinesmith Inct
  155. ClinesmithはFBIを 「支援 」しながら、中央情報局に電子メールを送った。
    Clinesmithは、Carter Pageが情報源であるかどうかについてCIAと連絡を取った。 49
  156. Clinesmithは受け取った電子メールを受け取り、「ソースではない」という言葉を
  157. Ohrはクロスファイア・ハリケーン・チームと定期的に連絡を取り、FBIのインタビ
  158. ジェームズ・コメイはFBIの長官であり、この立場での行動によって、偽のトラン
  159. Comeyは、Carter Pageをスパイするために、3つのFISA申請書に個人的に署名
  160. Comeyは、FISA申請の根拠がなく、Steele Dossierが信頼できる情報源ではない
    a. ワシントン・タイムズ紙は、2016年9月から機密扱いの高い3ページのメモを入
    いてアドバイスを受けたことを示している。 コメイは、米連邦捜査局(FBI)が共
    b. Comeyは、2018年12月、下院司法委員会での証言において、Carter Pageのサ
    偽のDossierがClinton CampaignとDNCの資金援助を受けていることを知って
    いたこと、または「Donald J. Trumpに反対する政治的行為者」と言及していたこ
    c. さらに、下院司法委員会でのコメイの証言では、2017年1月にトランプ・タワー
    d. Comey は意図的に、Donald J. Trump およびFISA アプリケーションからその情
    報を差し控えた。 コメイは、ドナルド・J・トランプとFISAの法廷からこの情報を
    源、つまり「一式文書」の調査を依頼した。 従って、コメイは、ドナルド・J・トラン
  161. Comeyは、FISAの文書に署名したとされる証拠としてSteele Dossierを利用して、
    Carter Pageのサーベイランスを実施した。その際、Dossierが不信用で失敗したことを知ってい
  162. コメイは、FISAの裁判所に、ドシエがクリントン・キャンペーンとDNCから資金提
    供を受け、Fusion GPSがまとめたと報告されていることを伝えなかった。
  163. カメイはFISA裁判所に、カーター・ページをモニターする令状を要求したのは
    Fusion GPSの製品だったと伝えなかった。
  164. カメイは、数カ月後、ドシエのサラシオスの情報を検証されていないものと呼ん
  165. コメイは、FBIがこの文書はごくわずかな確証しかないと判断したにもかかわら
  166. また、FBIの根拠のない捜査が行われたと同時に、被告人らは報道機関を通じ
  167. その当時又はその前後における調整された努力には、次の行為が含まれるが、
    a. 2016年9月1日、Sussmann氏は記者と会い、偽のTrumpAlfa Bankの接続につ
    b. 2016年9月12日、Sussmannは電話でEliasと話し、Alfa Bank、Sussmann、Elias
    話した。 それぞれがクリントン・キャンペーンへの電話料金を請求した。
    c. 2016年9月21日、Steele, Fritsch, and Simpsonは、The New York Timesの記者
    Washington Post、New Yorker、Yahoo News、CNNは、Donald J. Trump とロシ
    d. 2016年10月中旬、Steeleは、The New York Times、The Washington Post、
    Yahoo Newsの記者らと再会し、Trump-Rosとの関係52に関して、彼が推定した
  168. 計画の次の段階では、FBIとサスマン会合を開催し、虚偽の証拠と情報を提供
  169. SussmannとFBIとの会合のリードアップでは、SussmannとElias、Neustarおよび/
    またはFustion GPSとの間で多数の会合が行われ、これらはすべてクリントン・キャンペーンお
    a. SussmannとEliasは、2016年7月29日またはその頃、Elias事務所のFusion GPS
    b. 2016年8月初旬、スススマンはスティールと会い、トランプタワーとロシア・アル
    51 犯罪の進行状況は110。105のIG報告書も参照のこと。
    52Id。 117時に
    54Tr. 74-75 H. Permanent Select Commでインタビューを Intelligence Interview of Michael Sussmann(2017年12月
    18日)、https://www.dni.gov/files/HPSCI_Transcripts/2020-05-04-Michael_Sussmann-MTR_Re スチール部の 1-
    c. 2016年8月12日頃、SusmannはElias事務所のEliasおよびJoffeと面会し、
    Clinton Campaignに「Eliasその他との秘密会議」という請求書の説明を付して
    d. 2016年8月17日または約8月17日、SusmannはEliasおよびJoffeと電話会談を行
    い、時間は請求書記載の「Joffeとの電話会議」でClinton Campaignに請求され
    e. Sussmannは、2016年8月19日または8月19日に、EliasおよびJoffeと再会し、
    を添えて、Clinton Campaignへの時間を請求した。
    f. 2016年8月20日または8月20日付で、SusmannはFusion GPSの代表者と会い、
    メディアと通信し、Clinton Campaignへの時間を請求書の説明「コンサルタント
  170. SussmannがFBIと会談するわずか4日前の2016年9月15日、EliasはSullivan、
    Clinton Campaignのマネジャーおよびコミュニケーションディレクターと、Donald J. Trumpをロシ
    アの銀行であるAlfa Bankに誤って接続し、その地位をメディア55に伝える計画に関して電子メ
  171. 2016年9月19日またはその頃、スススマンはワシントンD.C.にあるFBI本部の
  172. 今回の会合では、以下のとおり、実質的にも一部も行われました。
    55 サスマン告発25号
    a. サスマンは、どのクライアントにも代わって行動していないと虚偽の発言をして
    b. Sussmannは、ロシアの銀行接続に関する疑惑について、複数のサイバー専門
    前を提供したが、Neustar、Joffe、Clinton Campaign、または上記に言及されて
    c. Sussmannは、ロシアの銀行と通信中の秘密のTrump Organizationサーバーの
    疑惑について、ロシアの銀行がTrump Organizationと通信するためにヘルスケ
    d. Sussmannは、メディアがTrump Organizationの秘密サーバーに関する情報を
    e. Sussmannは、2つの親指ドライブとハードコピー用紙をFBI総合弁護士に提供し
    た。これらは、(i) Sussmannが原稿作成に協力した、日付も著者の名前も含ま
    れていない、白書#1 AuditableV3と題する前述の白書、(ii) 研究者が原稿した
    白書、タイトルは、2016年9月19日付の、白書コメント:Recursive Queriesの時系
    (iii) ロシア銀行およびその親会社に関するFusion GPSが作成した、日付また
    は著者の名前が記載されていない白書;および(iv) ロシア銀行のデータおよび
  173. サスマンは、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNCの主催で、どんなクライ
    ルファ銀行とのつながりを報告し、FBIの法務部長にうそをついた。 実際、彼はクリントン・キャ
  174. サスマンがFBI総合弁護士に行った、いかなるクライアントにも代わって行動し
    ていないという発言は、故意に虚偽であった。 実際、スススマンはよく知っていたように、彼と
  175. Susmannは、FBIのゼネラル・カウンセルとの会合を、請求書に「秘密プロジェク
  176. Sussmannは、(i) 彼がFBI総合弁護士に提出した白書の1つの草案作成に時間
    を費やし、その時間をクリントン・キャンペーンに請求したこと、(ii) 当時クリントン・キャンペー
    ンとDNCの有償代理人でもあったFusion GPSが、これらの白書の別の草案を作成したことな
  177. Sussmannの誤りと不作為は重大なものであった。なぜなら、Sussmannの業務の
  178. もしFBIが関連するデータと分析の起源を明らかにしたら、FBIは次のようになる
    Joffeは、(i) Alfa Bankの主張を編集・分析する際に、Donald J. Trumpに関する反対調査を実
    施するために、非公開データへのアクセスを悪用したこと、(ii) これらの努力を促進するために、
    析している米国の大学の研究者の支援を依頼し続けていること、(iii) Sussmann, Elias, Perkins
    Coie, Joffe, and Neustarは、Clinton CampaignおよびDNCの代表者および代理人と調整し、
  179. 直ちに、前述の2016年9月19日の会合の直後、FBIの法務部長は、FBIのカウ
    ンターインテリジェンス部長補佐官と話し合った。 会話中、FBIの法務部長は、スススマンとの
    会談の内容を伝えた。 事務局長補は、Sussmannの上記の発言を実質的に反映し、とりわけ
    「Michael Sussmann – Atty: Perkins Coie, LLPはいかなるクライアントに対してもこれを行ってい
  180. SussmannがFBI総合弁護士と会談した数日後、FBIはその会合の結果、TrumpAlfa Bankの疑惑について調査を開始した。
  181. それにもかかわらず、FBIがこれらの疑惑について調査した結果、ロシアの銀
    行との秘密通信チャネルの疑惑を裏付けるには証拠が不十分であると結論づけられた。 特
    に 、 F B I の 調 査 で は 、 問 題 と な っ て い る 電 子 メ ー ル ・ サ ー バ ー は 、 T r u m p
    O r g a n i z a t i o n に よ っ て所有 ま たは運営 され てい る のでは な く 、む し ろ T r u m p ホ テ
    ルや他の何百 もの ク ラ イア ン トに広告 を送 った マス マー ケ テ ィ ング ・ メ ール会社に
    よ って管理 されていた こ とが明 らかに なった 。
  182. さらに、サスマンが顧客のために上記の作業を行ったことを示し、その後数週
  183. 例えば、2016年10月10日または10日頃、Sussmannは、調査記者がドナルド・J・
  184. 2016年の米国大統領選挙の約1週間前の2016年10月下旬ごろ、複数の報道機
  185. 2016年10月8日にNew Yorkerが発表したこれらの論文の1つに、次のような記述
    のペアから検索する。 ア ル フ ァ 銀 行 の コ ン ピ ュ ー タ ー は 、
    ほ ぼ 毎 日 、 ト ラ ン プ ・ サ ー バ ー の ア ド レ ス を 調 べ て い た 。
    ました。 マックス氏は「われわれは、これをリアルタイムで観察し
    ていた。 これは、飛行機の飛行機を見ているようなものだった」と
    述べた。 「なぜこの地獄は、ロシアの銀行が、トランプ機構に属
  186. 2016年の大統領選挙の8日前か10月31日頃、サリバンは、トランプとロシアがア
    ピュータ科学者」という独立した専門家の仕事として描いた。 ステートメントの詳細は次のとお
    がりを持っている可能性がある。 コンピューター科学者は明らか
    に、Trump Organizationとロシアの銀行を結ぶ隠れたサーバーを
    発見した。 この秘密のホットラインは、トランプとロシアとの関係
    の謎を解き明かす鍵となるかもしれない。 確かに、Trump
    すべきことがあると感じていたように思われる。 このコミュニケー
    支持したことを説明するのに役立つかもしれない。 これは、ヒラリ
    に厄介な問題を提起するものである。 我々は、現在、連邦当局
  187. サリヴァンは、クリントン・キャンペーンでこの虚偽の発言を行い、トランプとその
  188. クリントン・キャンペーンの範囲と権限で活動するエリアスは、クリントン・キャン
  189. 同日、クリントンは、Twitterの記事を通じて、同じ虚偽の、そして有害な発言を
    ター科学者たちは、明らかにTrump Organizationをロシアの銀行に結びつける隠れたサーバ
  190. 同日、クリントンからの2つ目のツイートでは、「トルンプがロシアとの関係につい
  191. Donald Trump には秘密サーバーがあります。 (はい、ドナル
    ド・トランプ) 2. プーチンと結びついたロシアの銀行「アルファ銀行」
    と個人的にコミュニケーションをとるために設立された。 3. 記者
    からの問い合わせで閉鎖した。 4. 1週間後、彼らは別のサーバ
    56 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton)、Twitter (2016年10月31日、午後8時36分)、
  192. クリントンは、これらの発言は、彼らが特許的に虚偽であり、ドナルド・J・トランプ
    ず、行ったものであった。 彼女は、ダメージや国民の不和にかかわらず、ホワイトハウスに入
  193. ヒラリー・クリントンの選挙運動の議長である被告のジョン・D・ポデスタも、偽の
    トランプ・ロシアの主張を押しつけた。 ポデスタは、ウィキリークが社内のクリントン・キャンペー
    た」と語った。 これは確かに、私が関与した最初のキャンペーンであり、ロシアの情報機関と交
  194. そして彼は、「ストーン氏が事前警告を発しており、トランプ・キャンペーンはアッ
  195. 平成28年11月9日、被告人らの総力を挙げての努力にもかかわらず、トランプ
  196. 被告人らの努力は、彼の勝利にもかかわらず、断固として続いた。
  197. 2016年11月中旬、Glenn Simpsonは、自らの要請により、ロシアと選挙に関する
    Fusion GPSの調査結果について話し合うため、Bruce Ohrと個人的に会談した。
  198. オア氏はこの会合を司法省から隠蔽した。
    57 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton), Twitter (2016年10月31日、7:32 PM.7:32)、https://twitter.com/status/7934239169576947712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp
    58 https://time.com/4528049/hillary-clinton-john-podesta-eメール-hackers-russia/
  199. 2016年12月10日、Glenn Simpsonは、Steele Dossierを構成する報告の大半を含
    む親指でブルース・オアにドライブを提供した。 そして次に、FBIに親指を駆動させた。
  200. 10日後の2016年12月20日、ブルース・オアはFBIに2度目の親指で駆けつけ、
    Fusion GPSの職員として妻のネリー・オアが作成した反トラムプの「反対派調査」報告書を掲
  201. その後、FBIはドシエの調査、検証、分析を試みたが、最終的には、その主張の
  202. こうした取り組みの文脈で、FBIは、ロシアのアナリストであるダンチェンコが、ド
  203. FBIは、2017年1月から2017年11月にかけて、DanchenkoがDossierのために
  204. これらのインタビューの過程で、ダンシェンコは、彼がドシエに寄稿した主な疑
  205. さらに、以下でさらに詳しく述べるように、ダンチェンコは、FBI捜査官のインタビ
  206. まず、Danchenkoは、Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr(特許的に虚偽であるクレーム)
  207. 実際、2016年4月以降、ダンチェンコとドーランは頻繁にコミュニケーションをとり、
  208. DanchenkoとDolanとの関係の開示は、FBIのDossierの内容の理解と信じられ
    a. ドーランは、いつでも民主党の活動に深いつながりを持ち、ヒラリー・クリントン
    b. その結果、ドーランは、プーチンの広報担当者ドミトリー・ペスコフや、当時の駐
    c. また、2006年には、クレムリンが広報担当副社長を務めた広報会社ケッチュム
    と契約を結んだ。 この合意の一環として、Ketchumはロシア政府と国営エネル
  209. 実際、上記で詳述したように、ドシエに含まれている主張の多くは、次のようなも
  210. ドーランの情報提供者としての役割は、以下の理由から、FBIによる報告書の
    a. Dolanは、Danchenkoのロシアのサブソースの1つを含め、Dossierに指名または
    b. ドーランは、ドーランの信頼性、動機、潜在的偏見をドシエの情報源とする民主
    c. Danchenkoは、DonchenkoがDolan’sに参加したモスクワのイベントで、Dossier
  211. 2017年1月13日またはその頃、Dolanは、Dossierに関する最近のニュース記事
    [] 私はワシントン・ポスト紙とロンドン・タイムズ紙のインタビュー
    を受けたことがあります。 この2日間、ストリール・ドシエ・オン・ト
    め に 働 い て い ま し た ) を 知 っ て い ま す 。 [ F o r e i g n
    C o u n t r y ] [ B u s i n e s s ] の ク ラ イ ア ン ト は 、 ハ ッ キ ン グ を 組
    織 し た当事者 で あ る と非難 され て い ます 。 現在、ロンドン
    後にある男性が隠されていたため、明らかにされている。 また、
    スティールを知っている元英国大使との会話でもある。 まった く
  212. 当時、ダンチェンコはスティールの源泉として公に知られていなかった。
  213. 2017年3月16日、ダンチェンコは、FBIに対し、上述の主張の情報源は、少なくと
    も部分的には、議長に言及されていると信じていると伝えた。 その後 、 2 0 1 7年3月1 6日 、
    2 0 1 7 年 5 月 1 8 日 、 2 0 1 7 年 1 0 月 2 4 日 、 2 0 1 7 年 1 1 月 2 日 、 又 は 同 日 頃 の ヒ ア リ ン
    グ に おい て も同様の主張 を繰 り返 し た 。
  214. 一方、サスマンとジョフェは、被告人の大陰謀に関与し続けた。
  215. 2016年後半から2017年前半にかけて、Joffeと研究者は、Alfa Bankの疑惑に関
    する追加情報とデータを編集し続け、Donald J. Trumpの関連コンピュータ・ネットワークが関与
  216. その頃、スススマンは中央情報局(CIA)との会談を手配し、彼のうそを広げ続け
  217. 2017年2月9日または約2月9日、Susmannは、コロンビア特別区外の場所でCIA
  218. 会議では、以下のことが実質的にも部分的にも起こった。
    a. サスマンは、以前FBIの法務部長に「特定の顧客を代表していない」と述べて
    b. サスマンは、パーキンズ・コイが、DNCとクリントンを含むいくつかの民主党の
    主張と役員の代表として活躍していることを明らかにした。 しかし、Sussmann
    c. Sussmannは、FBI総合弁護士に提出しなかったとされるロシア銀行の申し立て
    d. Sussmannは、CIAの従業員に、(i)いくつかの白書、(ii)2016年から2017年初頭
  219. 前回のFBIとの会談で行ったように、クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCを代表して
  220. サスマンが、クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCに代わって、協調して行動していた
    [] Q: [Q:] あなたが9月に2人の校長、[FBI総合弁護士]、そして12
    なた それは正しいですか?
    Q: それでは、あなたのクライアントはそのような会話をするように指示し
    Q:OK。 また、あなたのクライアントは、個人があなたに提供した情
    [ . .. ]
    Q:OK。 お願いしたいのですが、貴社のクライアントは、これらの
    社のクライアントに指示したとおっしゃいました。 それは正しいで
    [Sussmann]: [] [W] [e] は、弁護士がクライアントのニーズと目的、
    と話し合った。 だから、私たちが一緒にやってきたのは、決断だ
    ったかもしれません。 つまり、私は、自分のより良い判断に反し
  221. 他方、被告人らは、メディアを通じた情報発信運動を継続した。
  222. 2017年3月7日、Mookは、Fox & Friendsの登場の際、Trump大統領の関係者と
  223. 2017年10月、ポデスタはツイッターに行き、ドナルド・J・トランプを起訴した。
  224. 2017年5月9日、コメイはFBIのディレクターを解任されました。
  225. その後まもなく、コメイはドナルド・J・トランプに対する報復措置をとった。
  226. コメイは、FBIとの間に、ドナルド・J・トランプとの交渉のいくつかを、一連のメモ
    の中で記録していた。 コメイは、もはやFBIの従業員ではなくなった後、このメモを弁護士の友人の
  227. この漏洩については、FBIの査察総局(IG)が調査した。査察総局(IG)は、2019
  228. コメイが議会への自らの加盟を希望した結果は、ドナルド・Jを捜査する特別弁
  229. IGの報告書は、コメイが「公的な行動に対する公的圧力を作り出すために、機
  230. コメイは不法で特別な船長を任命することに成功した。
    59 https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-behound-apos-big-lie-164719959.html
    ジ ェ ー ム ズ ・ コ メ イ 元 捜 査 局 長 の 機 密 情 報 の 開 示 お よ び 特 定 の 覚 書 の 取 扱 い に 関 す る 調 査 報 告 書 (2019 年 8 月 19-02 日 、 監 督 ・ 査 察 部 長 室 、
  231. 2017年5月には、ロバート・ミュラーが特別弁護士に任命され、「2016年の大統
  232. ロシア調査の責任者、ストラゾック氏は、2017年5月、リサ・ページに、ミュラー氏
  233. また、2017年5月、Pageは、Ratcliffe代表に対し、MuellerやFBIが何をしたとして
  234. 2019年3月22日、ロバート・ミュラー特別弁護士は22カ月にわたる調査を終え、
  235. ミュラー報告書は、米連邦捜査局(FBI)による1年に及ぶ捜査に続いて2年に及
    J. Trumpまたはその選挙運動は、2016年の選挙を弱体化させるためにロシア政府と共謀した。
  236. 具体的には、ミュラー特別弁護士は「トランプ作戦やその関係者が、こうした努
    61 特別弁護士の選任(プレスリリース)、米国司法省、2017年5月17日、https://www.jasce.gov/opa/pr/任命特別弁護士。
    62 Lisa Page の爆弾: FBI は、Mueller の指名前に、Trump-Ros の談合を証明できなかった。 | The Hill
  237. マラー・レポートが談合の証拠がないと判断した直後の2019年3月、リーンズは
  238. リーンズは、リーンズ氏に共謀は終わったと語ったモリー・ヘミングウェイ氏と議
    論し、リーンズ氏は「FOXで言ったことはそうはならない」と回答した。 ニューヨーク南部地区な
  239. 2019年頃から、FBIのクロスファイア・ハリケーンの起源を調査するために、さら
  240. まず、査察総局は、クロスファイア・ハリケーンの捜査が十分に前提となってい
  241. IGは、この調査を通じて、FBIの行為に多くの欠陥があることを明らかにした。
  242. IGは、2019年12月9日付の報告書において、「Carter Page FISA出願における少
    なくとも17の重大な誤り又は脱漏、及びWoods Procedureにおける多くの追加的な誤り」を特定
  243. その後、2020年1月23日、司法省は、少なくとも最後の2つの令状請求について、
    を、FISCに正式に認めた[Dr.]。 ページは外国の権力の代理人として働いていた」と語った。
  244. また、FISAのワラントには重大な記載漏れ、虚偽の記載、率直さの欠如、およ
    AG William Barr, March 24, 2019より63レター
    65 IG Report (12/19)
    a. フィックスは、2019年12月17日付の命令書において、「FBI職員による表明が、
    b. 2020年1月7日付の命令書において、フィスコは、「裁判所は、重要な虚偽表示
    c. 2020年3月5日付の命令書において、フィックスは「政府が(カーターページを含
    d. 2020年6月25日付命令書において、フィックスは「政府は、重大な不作為があっ
  245. クロスファイア・ハリケーンの正当性についての明らかな疑問に加え、このよう
  246. その後、2020年10月19日、バーは特別弁護士としてダーラムを正式に任命し、
  247. デュラムは2021年9月16日、捜査に1年足らずかかったが、サスマンを起訴した。
    18 U.S. C. §1001(a)(2)は、2016年9月19日に、「[Donald J. Trump]に関する特定の申し立てを、
    Clinton Campaign 66]に代わって行動しているとき、Sussmannがクライアントに代わって行動し
  248. 2021年11月3日、Durhamは、18 U.S. C. §1001(a)(2)に違反した5件の別個の訴
    e. Count Oneは、Danchenkoが18U.S. C. §1001(a)(2)に違反したと主張し、その際、
    「[Steele Dossier]に含まれている資料について、[Dolan]と話したことがあること
    2016年8月22日付の[Steele Dossier]に含まれている主張の出所であり
    f. Count Twoは、Danchenkoが18U.S.C.§1001(a)(2)に違反したと主張し、2017年3
    g. カウント3は、Danchenkoが18U.S.C.§1001(a)(2)に違反したと主張し、2017年5
    66 起訴27、United States v. Sussmann, 症例番号:1:21-cr-00582-CRC, Columbia District of Columbia(9月) 2021年16月16日
    一般的には、67「起訴状」、「合衆国v」参照。 バージニア州東部地区(2021年11月3日)(以下「ダンチェンコ告発」という)のダンシェ
    68 Id. 37歳で
    h. カウント4は、Danchenkoが18U.S. C. §1001(a)(2)に違反したと、2017年10月24
    i. 5番組は、Danchenkoが18U.S.C. §1001(a)(2)に違反したと、2017年11月16日、
    DanchenkoがChamber President-I 72に話をしたことがないと信じている」と述べ
  249. 2021年12月17日、ダーラムは、ダンシェンコの刑事事件における潜在的な利益
  250. この申し立てにおいて、ダーラムはまた、同事務所が、この訴訟の主題におけ
    あると思われる調査の再開」を述べている。 . . (1)クリントン・キャンペーンの知識、被告人が
    70Id. 38歳で
  251. 2022年1月25日、ススマンの刑事事件における発見に関連した動議において、
  252. 2022年2月11日、ダーラムは、サスマン事件における潜在的な利益相反を調査
    するための申し立てを行った。 注目すべきことに、被告らの陰謀に関連するNeustarおよび
    の同僚は、(i)特定のヘルスケア・プロバイダー、(ii)Trump Tower、(iii)Donald Trumpのセントラ
    73 一般に、「潜在的利益相反に関する質問の申し立て」(ECF Doc)を参照。 No.35、United States v. Danchenko, No. 1:21-cr-00245-AJT,
    Eastern District of Varginia (12. 17, 2021)
    74 政府の発見更新および残存発見資料作成のための追加時間の要求を参照。
    米国対 Sussmann、症例番号:1:21-cr-00582-CRC、コロンビア特別区(2022年1月25日)。
  253. ドナルドを虚偽に含意し、公然と非難する被告の集団的努力
  254. Fusion GPS、Simpson、Fritsch、Steeleは、2016年の選挙でTrumpが勝利した後
    も、Donald J. Trumpに証拠を作り、それを非難するという集団的なミッションを継続した。
  255. 2017年以降、The Democracy Integrity Project(以下、「TDIP」)は、Donald J.
  256. 特 に 、 TDIPはFusion GPS に 330万 ド ル 、 Steele と そのパ ー ト ナ ー で あ る
    Christopher Burrowsが所有するロンドンに本拠を置く「Walsingham Partners Ltd.」に25万ドルを
    営する 「エドワード・オースティン(Edward Austin)」に13万ドル、法律事務所「Zuckerman
  257. フィリピンは、ドナルド・J・トランプが共謀したと主張し続けている。
  258. 2018年4月16日、Reinesは「Breaking: Trumpは、Haleyの発表を逆転させ、新
    たなロシア制裁にブレーキをかける」と題する記事に対して、「yes collusion, yes collusion,
    yes collusion」と
  259. Debbie Wasserman Schultzは、Donald J. Trumpも維持している。
    一般的には、75「潜在的利益相反に関する質問の申し立て」(ECF Doc)を参照のこと。 No.35、United States v. Sussmann、症例番号:1:21-cr00582-CRC、コロンビア特別区(2022年2月11日)。
  260. たとえば、2019年5月10日、シュルツはMSNBCに登場し、ドナルド・J・トランプが
    ロシアと共謀した「明白な兆候」があることを大胆に発表した。 彼女は次のように述べた。
  261. 同様に、クリントンは、トランプの政治的経歴を傷つけることを期待して、偽のト
  262. 例えば、2021年6月16日、クリントンはMSNBCのモーニング・ジョー・ショーに出
  263. 2022年2月16日、クリントンは、ダーラムの2022年2月11日の動議の提出に関す
    ダルを絶望的に回転させている」と述べた。 だか ら 、 それは Y に 終わ る 日で あ り 、 彼の
    不正行為が露出されればするほど、より多くのうそをついてしまう。 現実に興味を
  264. これらは、被告人らが現在行っている努力の一例にすぎない。
    77 https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1494036101575232
  265. 第1審被告の訴訟の直接的かつ直接的な原因として、トランプは、被告の不法
  266. この実質的な経済的被害は、被告の陰謀の目的であり、実際、予見可能かつ
    自然な結果であった。 原告は、自らの名誉を毀損するような請求をせず、損害賠償を求める
  267. すべての先行する行為および要件は、被告によりなされたかまたは放棄された。
  268. 原告は、この訴訟を提起し、合理的な弁護士費用を支払うために、下記の弁護
    78 蒸発したさまざまな機会はあまりにも多すぎてリストに入れることができないが、例えば、ドナルド・J・トランプは、ツイッターを含むさまざまなソーシャル・メディア・プラットフ
    ォームから禁止されている。 その大部分は ヒラ リー ・ ク リン トンが行 った誤 った情報キ ャンペーンによるもので、
    それによ って真実は虚偽 とみなされ 、虚偽は真実とみなされた。
  269. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  270. 被告、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、エリアス、
  271. RICOの被告、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、エ
    リアス、およびスススマンは、常に、18 U.S.C.§1961(4)の意味における事実上の団体企業(「企
  272. 企業の構成員は、継続的な企業を営むという共通の目的のために一緒に関係
  273. RICO被告人の職業上の関係および頻繁な業務提携により、企業は、ラケチャ
  274. 企業の活動は2016年の大統領選挙競争に大きな影響を及ぼし、資金調達と選
  275. Enterpriseは2015年4月に設立され、現在も継続中である。
  276. RICO被告の長年にわたる政治的・政治的性格を踏まえ
  277. 企業の構成員は、共通の支配、継続的な取引、並びに共通の活動及び取引へ
  278. 企業は、その目的を遂行するために、組織化され、明確に規定され、継続中の
  279. リコ被告は、本件企業から撤退し、または解散したことはない。
  280. RICOのSection 1961(1)はまた、「ラケテアリング活動」には、18 U.S.C. §1832(企
    業秘密の窃盗に関する)および18 U.S. C. §1503および/または§1512(司法妨害)に基づいて起
    訴される行為 本明細書に記載されているように、原告を詐欺するスキームを促進するために、
    RICO被告は、18 U.S. C. §1832および18に違反する多数の行為に従事した。
  281. 各RICO被告は、直接間接を問わず、下記事項を実施し、これに参加した。
    18 U.S. C. 第1832条(企業秘密の窃盗)及び18 U.S. C. 第1503条及び/又は第1512条(司法妨
  282. リコ被告人らは、少なくとも平成27年4月以降、常にラケットを用いた行為を行っ
    ている。 これらの複数の行為は、共通の又は関連する目的、目標、結果、参加者、被害者及
  283. 2015年4月以降、RICO被告は、2016年の大統領選挙を損なうために、原告とそ
  284. RICO被告は、詐欺的・詐欺的行為により、警察、メディア、一般市民を不正に
  285. この制度を推進するため、被告人らは、複数の関連行為をしたが、その各行為
    営業秘密の窃盗(18 U.S. C. §1832)
  286. 18 U.S. C. 1832(a)(5)条に違反して、RICO被告は、少なくとも2回、ニューヨーク
    州際通商に携わる会社であるTrump Organization LLCは、18 U.S. C. §1832(企業秘密の盗
  287. DNSインターネットトラフィックデータは、非常に独占的で、機密性が高く、機密性
  288. RICO被告は、NeustarおよびJoffeと共謀して、非公開のデータソースおよび/ま
    イベートアパートメントに所在し、原告に所属する、(ii)Trump Towerに所在し、原告が所有権を
    有するTrump Organizationに所属する(集合的に、原告のプライベートアパートメントに所在す
  289. RICO被告は、前記情報及びデータに不正アクセスすることを共謀して、Neustar
  290. この情報およびデータは、原告およびTrump Organizationの事業取引、金融取
  291. この専有情報、機密情報および/または秘密情報は、18 U.S. C. §1839(3)の意
  292. 原告および信託統治機構は、DNSデータを含む専有の機密情報およびデータ
  293. 原告及び幹線組織は、更に、かかるアクセスを提供する前に、締結された秘密
  294. 原告の秘密記録は、被告により、18 U.S. C. 第1839条(5)の意義の範囲内で不
  295. RICO被告らは、合衆国法典第18条第1項に違反した共謀した。
  296. RICOの各被告は、NeustarとJoffeがDefend Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S. C. §1832
  297. RICO被告の行為は、18 U.S. C. 1832(a)(5)条に違反して企業秘密を盗んだ共
    司法妨害(18 U.S. C. §1503, 1512)
  298. RICO被告は、本企業を通じて、また本企業を利用して、原告の政治的経歴を
    し、引き続き従事している。 こ の 調 整 さ れ た 努 力 は 、 類 似 の 目 的 、 結 果 及 び 方 法
    を 有 す る 一 連 の 関 連 す る 述 語 行 為 に 相 当 し 、 こ れ に は 、 合 衆 国 法 典 第 1 8 巻
    第 1503 条及び / 又は第 1512 条 ( 司法妨害 ) に 違 反 す る 行 為 が 含 ま れ る 。
  299. RICO被告は、1回またはそれ以上の機会に、連邦捜査局およびCIAを含む法
  300. 2016年9月19日、SussmannはワシントンD.C.のFBI関係者と以下の場所で会談し
    とりわけ、(i) 顧客の代理として行動していることを含め、FBI職員に虚偽の陳述を行った、(ii)
    FBI職員に、偽装、改ざん、誤解を招くような記録(白書を含む)を提供した、(iii) 本白書の本質、
    Neustar and Joffeとの作業、Trump TowerとAlfa Bankとの間の主張されたリンクの偽り、および
  301. 2016年9月19日、Sussmannは、ワシントンD.C.のFBI関係者に会い、その際、以
    していないこと、(ii)白書#1 AuditableV3、(2)白書コメント:再帰的質問の時系列分析、
    (3)Trump-Alfa Bank接続の主張に関するFusion GPSが起草した白書、(4)FBA銀行、Trump
    質、Trump TowerとAlfa Bankとの間の主張されたリンクの偽り、およびTrump
  302. 2016年9月19日のFBIとの会合に関連するSusmannの行為は、司法および/また
    IGは、従って、18 U.S.C.§1503及び/又は§1512の違反を構成した。
  303. 2017年2月9日、Sussmannは、ワシントンD.C.外の場所でCIA職員と会い、その
    Joffeとの作業の真の性質、Trump TowerとAlfa Bankとの間の主張されたリンクの偽り、および
  304. 2017年2月9日のSusmannの行為は、正義の適正な管理、および/または1つ以
    て妨害し、影響し、妨害し、および/または妨害しようとし、従って、18 U.S.C.§1503および/また
  305. 他のRICO被告、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンス・コイ、
    およびエリアスは、上記18 U.S. C. §1512の違反に関し、共通の意図を持って、上記18 U.S. C.
  306. したがって、RICO被告、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキン
    § 1512(k).
  307. 前記により、サスマンおよびその他のRICO被告は、故意に、故意に、故意に、
  308. さらに、RICO被告は、Fusion GPS、Fritsch、Simpson、Orbis Ltd.、Steele、および
    Danchenkoと共謀して、Steele Dossierを作成した。FBI、司法省およびCIAは、18 U.S.C.§1512
  309. さらに、RICO被告は、以下を含むがこれらに限定されない、18 U.S. C. 第1512
    a. 2017年6月15日、ダンチェンコは、RICO被告の指示と調整の下、ドーランとの
    間で、 ドシエに含まれる資料について話 し合ったこ とはないと述べた。
    ドーランが一式文書でなされた申し立ての情報源として提供した情報。 b. 平
    成 2 9 年 3 月 1 6 日 、 同 年 5 月 1 8 日 、 同 年 1 0 月 2 4 日 及 び 同 年 1 1 月
    1 6 日 、 ダ ン チ ェ ン コ は 、 第 1 審 被 告 ら の 指 示 に よ り 、 同 被 告 ら と 協
    調 し て 、
  310. RICO被告らは、上記18U.S. C. 1512. 第1512条の違反を犯したことに関連して、
    Fusion GPS、Fritsch、Simpson、Orbis Ltd.、Steele、およびDanchenkoを知り、共謀した。これに
    は、Steele DossierおよびDanchenkoの様々な虚偽陳述を法執行機関に提出し、不正に流布す
  311. したがって、RICO被告らの行為は、合衆国法典第18巻第1512(k)条に違反する
  312. 前記に基づき、RICO被告の訴訟は、18 U.S. C. §1503および/または§1512の少
  313. 18 U.S. C. §1832に違反した被告の訴訟はすべて、2016年5月11日以降に発生
  314. 原告は、被告による18 U.S. C. §1962(c)の違反の直接的かつ直接的な結果とし
  315. 第1審原告は、第1審被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、実際の補
  316. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
  317. これらの傷害はすべて、米国内で起こったものであり、米国内で起こった行為
  318. 原告は、合衆国法典第18編に従い、回復する権利を有する。
    §1964(c)、審判時の証拠の申出により決定される金額の3倍の損害賠償額。 原告は、また、本
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所に対し、補償的損害賠償、格子状損害賠償、費用、
    に関して、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告、ヒラリー・クリントン、HFACC, Inc.、民主国家委員会、
    Perkins Coie、LLP、Michael Sussmann、およびMarc Eliasに対する判

    (Clinton、Clinton Campaign、DNC、Perkins Coie、Sussmann、Dolan、Sullivan、Podesta、
    Mook、Reines、Elias、Fusion GPS、Simpson
  319. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  320. 被告、クリントン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、パーキンズ・コイ、ススマン、ド
    びジョフェ(「RICOコンスピラシー被告」)は、すべて、18 U.S.C.
  321. RICO共謀被告らは、相互に共謀して、18の合衆国法典に違反した。
  322. RICO共謀被告は、企業秘密の窃盗(18 U.S. C. §1832)および司法妨害(18 U.S.
    C. §1503および/または 1512)など、前提となる行為を行うために共謀を行っていることを知って
    て、これらの各々の参加および合意が、このパターンラケタリング行為の委託を可能に こ の
    行 為は 、 1 8 U . S . C . § 1 9 6 2 ( d ) に 違反 し て 、 1 8 U . S . C . § 1 9 6 2 ( c ) に 違反 す る 共 謀
    を構成す る 。
  323. 各RICO共謀被告は、原告の政治的経歴を損ない、本契約で特定された不法
    業のスキームを知り、これを促進することに同意した。 RI CO共謀被告が共謀 した一環
  324. いかなるRICO共謀被告も、争点となっている共謀者または他の共謀者から撤
  325. RICOコンスピラシー被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、原告は、
  326. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされた
  327. 原告は、合衆国法典第18編に従い、回復する権利を有する。
    §1964(c)、審判時の証拠の申出により決定される金額の3倍の損害賠償額。 原告は、また、本
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告、Michael Sussmann、Perkins
    Coie、LLP、Hillary R. Clinton、HFACC, Inc.、DNC Services Corporation、DNC Services
    Corporation、Charles Halliday Dolan、Jr.、Jake Sullivan、John Podesta、Perkins Coie、LLP、
    Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, Robert
    Mook, Philippe Reines, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Andrew
    McCabe, John Does 1
  328. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  329. ここで詳細に詳述するように、被告クリントン、ジョフィー、スススマン、スティー
  330. いずれにせよ、被告らは、原告がロシアと共謀していないことを知り、少なくとも、
  331. これらの個々の被告、クリントン、サリバン、シュルツ、ダンチェンコ、ススマンお
  332. クリントン、サリバン、シュルツなどは、とりわけ、虚偽で意図的に
  333. その一方で、報道機関は、自らの主張を真実のものとして報道し、原告は、主
  334. サリバンは、とりわけ、クリントンおよびクリントン・キャンペーンを代表して、
    であるかもしれない。 コンピューター科学者は明らかに、Trump
    明かす鍵となるかもしれない。 確かに、Trump Organizationは、
    ると感じていたように思われる。 このコミュニケーション・ラインは、
    説明するのに役立つかもしれない。 これは、ヒラリー・クリントン
    を提起するものである。 我々は、現在、連邦当局が、我々の選
  335. また、クリントン自身も、2016年10月31日にTwitterのアカウントを通して、またマ
  336. クリントンは引き続き、報道機関に虚偽の、そして破壊的な申し立てを公表してい
  337. たとえば、2021年6月16日、ヒラリー・クリントンはMSNBCのモーニング・ジョー・
  338. シュルツはまた、この件に関して、多くの虚偽の、そして有害な発言を発表してい
  339. 例えば、CNNのエリン・バーネット氏に「アウトフロント」と語ったところによると、
    ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領の選挙支援者とロシアとの接触は談合であったという。 シュルツは
  340. とりわけ、ダンチェンコは、FBIに虚偽の証拠を提出し、FBIに虚偽の、かつ、傷
  341. とりわけ、サスマンは、FBI、司法省、CIAに虚偽の証拠を提出し、FBIに虚偽の、
  342. Steeleは、とりわけ、FBIを含むがこれに限定されない第三者に、「Steele Dossier」
  343. 個々の被告は、その供述がなされた時点で虚偽であることを知っており、また、
  344. 個々の被告の不法行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、原告は、経済的損
  345. 原告は、被告の訴訟の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、弁護費用および弁護
  346. なかでも、原告は費用を負担せざるを得なかった。原告は、裁判で決定された
  347. 原告は、自らの名誉を毀損するような請求をせず、損害賠償を求めるのではな
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所に対し、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告、Hillary
    Clinton、Jake Sullivan、Debbie Wasserman Schultz、Michael Sussmann、Christopher Steeleおよ
    びIgor Danchenkoに対する判決、ならびに懲罰的損害賠償、費用、ならびに本裁判所が公正
    (Clinton、Clinton Campaign、DNC、Perkins Coie、Sussmann、Dolan、Sullivan、Podesta、
    Schultz、Mook、Reines、Elias、Fusion GPS、Simpson、Fritsch
  348. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  349. 被告らは、原告がロシア政府及びプーチン大統領と共謀したとされる行為につ
  350. したがって、被告人らは、不正の手段により不法行為を共謀したものというべきで
    Danchenko, Dolan, Steele, and Joffe などの役者が、Dossier に投入すると思われる事実の作
    成に関与し、後にFBI にそれを押しつける手助けをした。一方、他の役者は、マスコミや一般
  351. 被告人らは、各自、本件訴状に詳述されているように、共謀を助長するために
  352. この点に関し、被告らは、原告がロシアと共謀しているとする虚偽の記述を、虚
  353. いずれにせよ、被告らは、原告がロシアと共謀していないことを知り、少なくとも、
  354. このような認識にもかかわらず、共謀の証拠が存在しなかったにもかかわらず、
  355. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、実際のものを含むが
  356. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
  357. 原告は、自らの名誉を毀損するような請求をせず、損害賠償を求めるのではな
    原告Donald J. Trumpは、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告Michael Sussmann、Perkins Coie、
    LLP 、 HFACC, Inc. 、 Democratic National Committee 、 DNC Services Corporation 、 DNC
    Wasserman Halliday Dolan、Jr.、Jake Sullivan、Jake Sullivan、Jake Podesta、Perkins Coie、LLP、
    Marc Elias、Fusion GPS、Glenn Simpson、Peter Fritsch、Bruce Ohr、Orbis Business Intelligence,
    Ltd.、Christopher Steele、Igor Danchenko、Neustar、Rodney Joffe
    (Sussmann、Elias、Danchenko、Fritsch、Simpson、Nellie Ohr、Steele、Joffe、Comey、
  358. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  359. 被告、スススマン、エリアス、ダンチェンコ、フリッチシュ、シンプソン、ネリー・オ
  360. 被告、スススマン、エリアス、ダンチェンコ、フリッチ、シンプソン、ネリー・オア、
  361. 被告、Sussmann、Elias、Danchenko、Danchenko、Fritsch、Nellie Ohr、Steele、
  362. 被告らの努力の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、FBIは、2016年7月31日、原
  363. 被告らは、原告を害するという明白な目的で、FBIによる捜査を開始するために
  364. 被告、サスマン、エリアス、ダンチェンコ、フリッチ、シンプソン、ネリー・オア、ス
  365. クロスファイア・ハリケーンの開始後、FBI、コメイ、マッケイブ、ストラゾック、ペ
  366. 原告、被告、コメイ、マッケイブ、ストラゾック、ページ、およびクリネスミスを害す
  367. 被告、コメイ、マッケイブ、ストラゾック、ページ、クリネスミスは、原告がロシアと
  368. 原告は、被告の訴訟の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、弁護費用および弁護
  369. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所に入廷することを敬意をもって要求する。
    Donald J. Trumpおよび被告Michael Sussmann、Peter Fritsch、Glenn Simpson、Christopher
    Steele、Nellie Ohr、Igor Danchenko、Rodney Joffe、James Comey、Andrew McCabe、Peter
    Strzok、Lisa Page、およびKevin Clinesmithの賠償損害賠償、懲罰
  370. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  371. 被告、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリヴァン、エリアス、シンプ
  372. 被告、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリバン、エリアス、シンプソ
  373. 被告、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリバン、エリアス、シンプソン、
    の後、米国大統領の職を適切かつ効果的に管理する計画をまとめた。 この計画を実行する
  374. 被告人、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリバン、エリアス、シンプ
  375. 被告、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリバン、エリアス、シンプソ
  376. さらに、FBIが、原告、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリバン、エリ
  377. クロスファイア・ハリケーンが発生した後、FBI、コメイ、マッケイブ、ストラゾック、
  378. 原告、被告、コメイ、マッケイブ、ストラゾック、ページ、およびクリネスミスを害す
  379. 被告、コメイ、マッケイブ、ストラゾック、ページ、クリネスミスは、原告がロシアと
  380. 被告人らは、いずれも、本件訴状に詳述されているように、共謀を助長するた
  381. 原告は、被告の訴えの直接的かつ直接的な結果として、以下のとおりとする。
  382. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、弁護費用および弁護
  383. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、尊敬の上、被告、ヒラリー・クリントン、Michael Sussmann、
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz、Charles Halliday Dolan、Jr.、Jake Sullivan、Marc Elias、Glenn
    Simpson、Peter Fritsch、Christopher Steele、Nellie Ohr、Igor Danchenko、およびRodney Joffe、
    John Podesta、Robert Mook、Philippe Reines、James Comey、Andrew McCabe、
    コンピュータ詐欺悪用法(18 U.S.
    C. §1030)
    (Neustar, Joffe, DNC, Clinton Campaign, Clinton, Perkins Coie, Sussmann)
  384. 原告は、前各項の主張を退け、
  385. 合衆国大統領行政府に属するコンピューターは、非公開であり、合衆国の省庁
  386. Trump Towerに所在するTrump Organization LLCに属するコンピュータは、州
    間および外国間の通商および通信に関与しており、従って、18 U.S. C. §1030(e)(2)に基づく保
  387. 本明細書に おい て主張 され る被告の行為は 、 18 U.S. C. §1030(a)(2)、
  388. 被告、NeustarおよびJoffeは、故意に、故意に、意図的に、および不法に、米国
    大統領事務局のコンピュータにアクセスする権限を超え、それにより、18 U.S.C.§1030(a)(2)(B)、
  389. そのような情報およびデータは、非公開、機密、機密、分類および/または専有
  390. また、NeustarおよびJoffeは、Trump Towerに所在するTrump Organization LLC
    び/または超過し、それにより、18 U.S.C.§1030(a)(2)(C)に違反して、それらのコンピュータから
  391. かかる情報およびデータには、非公開、機密情報が含まれるが、これらに限定さ
  392. 本明細書で詳細に詳述するように、被告、DNC、クリントン・キャンペーン、クリ
  393. DNC、クリントン・キャンペーン、クリントン、パーキンズ・コイ、スススマン、ニア
  394. とりわけ、被告は、原告に関する価値ある、機密の、専有の、秘密のデータ及び
  395. 18 U.S. C. 1030§に違反した上述の被告人の行為は、2021年9月16日までは、
    U.S. v.のMichael Sussmannの起訴状に記載されている当該行為の開示を受けて発見すること
    ができなかった。 Sussmann, Case No. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC, United States Distract Columbia.
  396. 被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、原告は、実質的、補償的、特別
    § 1030(g).
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、損害賠償、懲罰的損害賠償、費用、弁護士費用、および本
    名誉裁判所が公正かつ適切と見なすその他の救済に関して、本裁判所が被告、Neustar, Inc.、
    Rodney Joffe, Perkins Coie, LLP、Michael Sussmann, HFACC, Inc.、Democratic National
    Committee、DNC Servi
    U.S.C. §1830-32)
    (Neustar, Joffe, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Clinton)
  397. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  398. 原告は、DNSデータを含むがこれらに限定されない、特定の非公開、専有、機
  399. DNSインターネットトラフィックデータは、非常に独占的で、機密性が高く、機密性
  400. Neustar and Joffeは、Perkins Coie、Sussmann、Clinton Campaign、DNC、および
    サーバー: (i) ニューヨーク州セントラルパーク西部の原告のプライベートアパートメントに所在
    し、原告に属する。 (ii) トランプタワーに所在し、かつ、原告が所有権を有する(集合的に、原
  401. JoffeとNeustarは、非公開データへのアクセスを悪用し、とりわけ、原告に関する
  402. その際、JoffeおよびNeustarは、原告のサーバーに許可なく意図的にアクセスし
  403. 上記の情報及びデータに不正アクセスすることにより、Neustar及びJoffeは、特
  404. この情報およびデータは、原告およびTrump Organizationの事業取引、金融取
  405. この専有情報、機密情報および/または秘密情報は、18 U.S. C. §1839(3)の意
  406. 原告および信託統治機構は、DNSデータを含む専有の機密情報およびデータ
  407. 原告及び幹線組織は、更に、かかるアクセスを提供する前に、締結された秘密
  408. 被告、ニアスター、ジョフィーは、合衆国法典第18巻第1段落(Defend Trade
    Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C.)に違反した。
  409. 被告、パーキンズ・コイ、スススマン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、およびクリ
  410. 被告、パーキンズ・コイ、スススマン、クリントン・キャンペーン、DNC、クリントン
    ち去り、隠蔽することにより、18 U.S.C. §1832(a)(1)に違反した。
  411. 被告、Perkins Coie、Sussmann、Clinton Campaign、DNC、およびClintonは、そ
    れぞれ、NeustarおよびJoffeがDefend Trade Secrets Act, 18U.S.C. §1832に違反することを共謀
  412. 原告の秘密記録は、18 U.S. C. 第1839条(5)の意味において、被告により不正
  413. 保護された企業秘密の窃盗は原告に損害を与えた。
  414. 被告、ニアスターおよびジョフィーの訴訟は、18 U.S. C. 1832(a)(1)条に違反する
  415. 被告、Perkins Coie、Sussmann、Clinton Campaign、DNC、およびClintonの行為
    は、18 U.S. C. §1832(a)(5)に違反して企業秘密を窃取する共同謀議を構成する。
  416. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、防御費用に加えて、
  417. とりわけ、原告は、被告の訴訟に対する防御に関連して発生した防御費用、訴
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所に対し、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告、Neustar, Inc.、
    Rodney Joffe, Perkins Coie, LLP, Michael Sussmann, HFACC, Inc.、Democratic National
    Committee、DNC Services CorporationおよびHillary Clintonの
    Stored Communications Act
    (18 U.S.C. 2701-12)
  418. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本
  419. 被告、NeustarおよびJoffeeは、1回または複数回、意図的に、許可なく、または
  420. NeustarおよびJoffeeは、(i) 原告のプライベート・ニューヨーク居住区のコンピュ
    ータ、ネットワークおよび/またはサーバー、(ii) 事務所のコンピュータ、ネットワークおよび/また
    米国大統領、および(iii) Trump Organization LLCのコンピュータ、ネットワークおよび/または
    サーバー、特にTrump Tower(総称して「コンピュータ」)に所在するもの。
  421. NeustarとJoffeeは、このようなシステムに電子的に記憶されていたコンピュータ
  422. 原告は、NeustarおよびJoffeの行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として被害を受
    け、重大な損害を被り、18 U.S.C.§2707(c)に基づく金銭的救済の裁定を受ける権利を与えら
  423. Neustarお よびJoffeの違反は 、故意かつ意図的であ り 、それに よ り 、 18
  424. さらに、FBIが、原告、クリントン、スススマン、シュルツ、ドーラン、サリバン、エリ
  425. 原告はまた、18 U.S. C. §2707(c)に従って許可される弁護士費用の裁定を求め
    原告のDonald J. Trumpは、本裁判所がDonald J. Trumpおよび被告のNeustar, Inc.に
    対して判決を下すよう、敬意をもって要請する。 およびRodney Joffeは、補償的損害賠償、懲

  426. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  427. クリントンは、プリンシパルとして、弁護士事務所パーキンス・コイとクリントン・キ
  428. 具体的には、クリントン・キャンペーンとクリントンの指揮下にあるDNCは、不正
    した。 公表された声明は、故意に虚偽であり、有害であった。
  429. クリントンは、DNCとクリントン・キャンペーンに、2016年の大統領選挙に向けて、
  430. クリントン・キャンペーンとDNCは、ヒラリー・クリントンの指揮のもと、法律事務所
    部の情報機関であるフュージョン・GPSを雇うよう指示した。 原告がロシア人と共謀した虚偽の
  431. クリントンは、自分のために働いている捜査官のバリケードを通して、彼女の関
  432. かつてパーキンズ・コイは、2016年の大統領選挙に向けて、トルンプとロシアの
  433. また、クリントン・キャンペーンによって、ジョッフェとその会社であるニュースタル
    社も買収された。 クリントンの目標達成を支援する。
  434. 2016年の大統領選挙に向けて、クリントン・キャンペーンはパーキンズ・コイを維
  435. パーキンズ・コーイは、被告に法的サービスを提供せず、代わりに、原告にでき
  436. クリントン・キャンペーンの知識と方向性をもって行動するパーキンス・コーイは、
  437. SussmannとEliasは、パーキンス・コイに勤務し、クリントン・キャンペーンに代わっ
  438. サスマンは、メディアやその他の人々に、トランプ組織とアルファ銀行の間に秘
    密の通信チャネルが存在することを虚偽かつ故意に証明したと告げた。 これに関連して、
  439. また、Sussmannは、サイバーセキュリティ問題に関してクリントン・キャンペーンに
    助言を与えており、Perkins Coieは、クリントン・キャンペーンのゼネラル・カウンセルとして行動
  440. Joffeは、候補者のロシアとの関係に関する「物語」を作成することを目的として、
  441. Joffeはその後、SussmannがメディアやFBIに提供できるように、これらのデータ
  442. クリントンは、この計画を十分に認識し、必要な関係者を雇用し、それを実現す
  443. さらに、Perkins Coie、Elias、Sussmannの従業員は、自分たちの仕事に関する会
  444. 上記の行為はすべて、ヒラリー・クリントンおよびクリントン・キャンペーンの指示
  445. 代理人であるクリントン・キャンペーン・アンド・パーキンズは、原告に関する情報
  446. サスマンとその会社であるパーキンス・コイーは、いつもクリントン・キャンペーン
  447. さらに、ロシア銀行に関するスススマンの記録された時間と仕事はすべて、クリ
  448. クリントンは、本人として、本人の要請に基づき、かつ、本人の利益のために、原
  449. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、弁護費用および弁護
  450. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
  451. 原告は、自らの名誉を毀損することを主張せず、損害賠償を求めるのではなく、
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所が公正かつ適切と見なす懲罰的損害賠償、費用
    およびその他の救済を含む損害賠償につき、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告ヒラリー・クリントン
  452. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  453. 上司の被告人パーキンズ・コイは、上司の被告人としての法理に基づき、代理
  454. 具体的には、上司の対応理念の下で、パーキンス・コイは、従業員であるススス
  455. エリアスとススマンは、パーキンス・コイーの上級パートナーで、DNCを代表する
    責任を持っていた。 上級パートナーは、DNCとクリントン・キャンペーンとの間の共同募金協定
  456. SusmannとJoffeは、クリントン・キャンペーンに代わって活動するEliasおよび個
    人と協力して、原告による不正行為の証拠を作成し、Trump OrganizationとAlfa Bankとの間に
  457. サスマンは、アルファ・バンクの接続が本当のものであるかのように、まるで横た
    代わって行動していないという虚偽の発言をした。 実際、彼はクリントン・キャンペーンに自らの
  458. 2016年7月下旬頃から8月中旬頃にかけて、Sussmann、Joffe、およびEliasは、原
    告がAlfa Bankに関与していることについて調整し、連絡した。 SussmannとPerkins Coieは、そ
  459. エリアスとススマンが犯したのは、原告と虚偽の証拠である。 エリアスとススマン
    は、企業のクライアントのために働きながら、このような悪質な行為をしている。 DNCとクリント
  460. いずれの重要な時点においても、上記の従業員は、雇用の範囲内で行動し、不
  461. 上記申し立てのとおり、代理人、使用人、代表者、従業員または請負業者による
    不法行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、Perkins Coieは、雇用の範囲内で働いていた従業
  462. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、弁護費用および弁護
  463. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、懲罰的損害賠償、費用および本裁判所が公正かつ適切と
    見なすその他の救済を含む損害賠償につき、本裁判所がドナルド J. Trumpおよび被告、
    Perkins Coie, LLPに対して判決を下すことを敬意をもって要求する。
  464. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  465. 上司の被告人であるDNCは、上司の回答の原則の下で、代理人、使用人、代
  466. 具体的には、上司の対応理念の下、DNCは会長、シュルツ、その他のメンバー
  467. いずれの重要な時点においても、上記の従業員は、雇用の範囲内で行動し、不
  468. 上述のように、代理人、使用人、代表者、従業員および/または請負業者による
  469. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
    原告Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所が公正かつ適切と見なす賠償損害賠償、懲罰的損
    害賠償、費用およびその他の救済に関して、本裁判所が被告Donald J. Trumpおよび被告
    Democratic National Committee、DNC Services Corporationに対する判決を下すよう、敬意を
  470. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  471. 上司回答の原則の下で、被告人クリントン・キャンペーンは、代理人、使用人、代
  472. 具体的には、クリントン・キャンペーンは、上司の対応理念の下、キャンペーン・
  473. 2016年9月15日頃、EliasはClintonと電子メールをやり取りした。
  474. いずれの重要な時点においても、上記の従業員は、雇用の範囲内で行動し、不
  475. 上述したように、代理人、使用人、代表者、従業員または請負業者による不法行
  476. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所が公正かつ適切と見なす懲罰的損害賠償、費用
    およびその他の救済を含む損害賠償につき、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告HFACC Inc.に対す
  477. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  478. 被告人は、上司の回答主義の下で、Fusion GPSは、代わりに、次のように述べて
  479. 具体的には、Fusion GPSは、上司への対応という理念のもと、従業員である
  480. エリアスは、反トラムプ「反対派調査」を受け入れることを任務とし、Fusion GPSと
  481. FritschとSimpsonは、次に、原告とロシアとの間の談合が想定されることを示す
    一連の報告書を作成するために、Orbis Ltdとその所有者であるSteeleの支援を得た。
  482. さらに、Fusion GPSの常勤に就いている間に、故意に虚偽の書類を夫から司法
    省に渡そうとするOhrの努力も、Fusion GPSの責任につながる。
  483. 「Steele Dossier」または単に「Dossier」として知られている、いまだに解明されて
    ていた。 結局のところ、ドシエは主に、主たるサブソースであるダンチェンコがスティールに提
  484. ダンチェンコは、クリントン・キャンペーンの幹部であるドーランと緊密な関係を築
  485. FritschとSimpsonは、研究とエビデンスを作成する際に、同社のFusion GPSのた
  486. いずれの重要な時点においても、上記の従業員は、雇用の範囲内で行動し、不
  487. 上記申し立てのとおり、代理人、使用人、代表者、従業員または請負業者による
  488. とりわけ、原告は、裁判で決定される金額の費用を負担することを余儀なくされ
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所が公正かつ適切と見なす懲罰的損害賠償、費用
    およびその他の救済を含む損害賠償につき、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告、Fusion GPSに対
  489. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  490. 上司回答の原則に基づき、被告は、代理人、使用人、代理人、従業員または請
  491. 具体的には、上司の対応理念の下、オービス社は、従業員であるスティール社
  492. FritschとSimpsonは、原告とロシアとの共謀が疑われることを示す一連の報告書
    を作成するために、Orbis Ltdとその所有者であるSteeleの協力を得た。
  493. 「Steele Dossier」または単に「Dossier」として知られている、いまだに解明されて
    ていた。 結局のところ、ドシエは主に、主たるサブソースであるダンチェンコがスティールに提供
  494. ダンチェンコはクリントン・キャンペーンの幹部であるドーランと密接な関係を持っ
  495. Fusion GPSは、製作されたDossierを作成するために雇用され、Steeleは製作時
  496. いずれの重要な時点においても、上記の従業員は、雇用の範囲内で行動し、不
  497. 上記の主張に従い、代理人、使用人、代表者、従業員または請負業者による不
  498. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、実際のものを含むが
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、刑事上の損害賠償、費用、および本裁判所が公正かつ適
    切とみなすその他の救済を含む損害賠償につき、本裁判所がDonald J. Trumpおよび被告
    Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd.に対して判決を下すよう、敬意をもって要請する。
  499. 原告は、前各項に記載された主張を退け、これを本訴に盛り込む。これは、本訴
  500. 被告は、上司回答の原則に基づき、代理人、使用人、代表者、従業員または請
  501. 具体的には、上司の対応理念の下、従業員であるジョッフェの不法行為に対す
  502. クリントン・キャンペーンは、ニュースタル社を獲得した。 ヒラリー・クリントンの目
  503. SussmannとEliasは、Perkins Coie, LLPに勤務し、Clinton Campaignに代わって
    活動していたが、Joffeと協力して、原告またはTrump Organizationによる不正行為の発見を試
  504. サスマンは、メディアやその他の人々に、トランプ組織とアルファ銀行の間に秘
    密の通信チャネルが存在することを虚偽かつ故意に証明したと告げた。 この点に関して、
    Susmannは、Clinton Campaignに自分のコミュニケーションのためのインボイスを送った。
  505. また、Sussmannは、サイバーセキュリティ問題に関してクリントン・キャンペーンに
    助言を与えており、Perkins Coieは、クリントン・キャンペーンのゼネラル・カウンセルとして行動
  506. Joffeは、候補者のロシアとの関係に関する「物語」を作成することを目的として、
  507. Joffeはその後、SussmannがメディアやFBIに提供できるように、これらのデータ
  508. Joffeは、不正を発見し、事実と証拠を作り上げようとしたとき、Neustarのために
  509. いずれの重要な時点においても、上記の従業員は、雇用の範囲内で行動し、不
  510. 原告は、被告の行為の直接的かつ直接的な結果として、弁護費用および弁護
    原告、Donald J. Trumpは、本裁判所が公正かつ適切と見なす懲罰的損害賠償、費用、
    およびその他の救済を含む損害賠償につき、Donald J. Trumpおよび被告、Neustar, Inc.に対し
    270 SW Natura Avenue
    Deerfield Beach, Florida 3441
    Telephone: (561) 232-2222
    _/s/Peter Ticktin
    フロリダ州法廷番号 887935
    フロリダ州法廷番号 10802
    1025180 弊社品番22-
    ALINA HABA, ESQUIRE (予期される入院前副)
    ニュージャージー州バー番号 018592010
    MICHAEL T. MADAIO, ESQUIRE (予期される入院前副院時)
    ニュージャージー州バー番号 070752013


JOHN DOES 1 THROUGH 10 (said names
being fictious and unknown persons), and
names being fictitious and unknown entities),
The Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby serves his
suit against the Defendants, Hillary R. Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee,
DNC Services Corporation, Perkins Coie, LLC, Michael Sussmann, Marc Elias, Debbie
Wasserman Schultz, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, John Podesta, Robert E. Mook,
Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 1 of 108
Phillipe Reines, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Business
Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, James Comey,
Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Andrew McCabe, John Does 1 through 10 (said names
being fictious and unknown persons), and ABC Corporations 1 through 10 (said names being
fictitious and unknown entities) and alleges as follows:

  1. In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts
    orchestrated an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s
    democracy. Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative
    that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.
    The actions taken in furtherance of their scheme—falsifying evidence, deceiving law enforcement,
    and exploiting access to highly-sensitive data sources – are so outrageous, subversive and
    incendiary that even the events of Watergate pale in comparison.
  2. Under the guise of ‘opposition research,’ ‘data analytics,’ and other political
    stratagems, the Defendants nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust. They worked together
    with a single, self-serving purpose: to vilify Donald J. Trump. Indeed, their far-reaching
    conspiracy was designed to cripple Trump’s bid for presidency by fabricating a scandal that would
    be used to trigger an unfounded federal investigation and ignite a media frenzy.
  3. The scheme was conceived, coordinated and carried out by top-level officials at the
    Clinton Campaign and the DNC—including ‘the candidate’ herself—who attempted to shield her
    involvement behind a wall of third parties.1
    To start, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC enlisted
    the assistance of their shared counsel, Perkins Coie, a law firm with deep Democrat ties, in the
    1 U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the
    FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation at 96 (2019) (hereinafter “IG Report”).
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 2 of 108
    hopes of obscuring their actions under the veil of attorney-client privilege. Perkins Coie was
    tasked with spearheading the scheme to find—or fabricate—proof of a sinister link between
    Donald J. Trump and Russia. To do so, Perkins Coie launched parallel operations: on one front,
    Perkins Coie partner Marc Elias led an effort to produce spurious ‘opposition research’ claiming
    to reveal illicit ties between the Trump Campaign and Russian operatives; on a separate front,
    Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann headed a campaign to develop misleading evidence of a
    bogus ‘back channel’ connection between e-mail servers at Trump Tower and a Russian-owned
  4. Marc Elias, in his mission to obtain derogatory anti-Trump ‘opposition research,’
    commissioned Fusion GPS, an investigative firm, and its co-founders, Peter Fritsch and Glenn
    Simpson, and directed them to dredge up evidence—actual or otherwise—of collusion between
    Trump and Russia. Fritsch and Simpson, in turn, enlisted the assistance of Orbis Ltd. and its
    owner, Christopher Steele, to produce a series of reports purporting to contain proof of the
    supposed collusion. Of course, the now fully debunked collection of reports, known as the “Steele
    Dossier,” was riddled with misstatements, misrepresentations and, most of all, flat out lies. In
    truth, the Steele Dossier was largely based upon information provided to Steele by his primary
    sub-source, Igor Danchenko, who was subsequently indicted for falsifying his claims. Even more
    damning, Danchenko had close ties to senior Clinton Campaign official, Charles Halliday Dolan,
    Jr., who knowingly provided false information to Danchenko, who relayed it to Steele, who
    reported it in the Steele Dossier and eagerly fed the deceptions to both the media and the FBI. This
    duplicitous arrangement existed for a singular self-serving purpose – to discredit Donald J. Trump
    and his campaign.
  5. At the same time, Michael Sussmann, in his hunt for damaging intel against the
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    Trump Campaign, turned to Neustar, Inc., an information technology company, and one of its top
    executives, Rodney Joffe, a fervent anti-Trumper who had recently been promised a high-ranking
    position with the Clinton Administration, to exploit their access to non-public data in search of a
    secret “back channel” connection between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank. When it was discovered
    that no such channel existed, the Defendants resorted to truly subversive measures – hacking
    servers at Trump Tower, Trump’s private apartment, and, most alarmingly, the White House. This
    ill-gotten data was then manipulated to create a misleading “inference” and submitted to law
    enforcement in an effort to falsely implicate Donald J. Trump and his campaign.2
    All of these acts
    were carried out in coordination with the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, at the behest of certain
    Democratic “VIPs.”3
  6. While their multi-pronged attack was underway, the Defendants seized on the
    opportunity to publicly malign Donald J. Trump by instigating a full-blown media frenzy. Indeed,
    the Clinton Campaign and DNC—admittedly on a “mission” to “raise the alarm” about their
    contrived Trump-Russia link4—repeatedly fed disinformation to the media and shamelessly
    promoted their false narratives. All the while, Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan, Debbie Wasserman
    Schultz, and others did their best to proliferate the spread of those dubious and false claims through
    press releases, social media, and other public statements.
  7. The fallout from the Defendants’ actions was not limited to the public denigration
    of Trump and his campaign. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)—relying on the
    Defendants’ fraudulent evidence—commenced a large-scale investigation and expended precious
    Indictment at ¶ 23 (ECF Doc. No. 1), United States v. Sussmannn, case no. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC, District of
    Columbia (Sept. 16, 2021) (hereinafter the “Sussmannn Indictment”).
    Id. ¶ 10.
    Jennifer Palmieri (former Clinton Campaign Communications Director), The Clinton campaign warned you about
    Russia. But nobody listened to us., The Washington Post, March 24, 2017.
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    time, resources and taxpayer dollars looking into the spurious allegation that the Trump Campaign
    had colluded with the Russian Government to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. The
    effects of this unfounded investigation were prolonged and exacerbated by the presence of a small
    faction of Clinton loyalists who were well-positioned within the Department of Justice and the FBI
    – James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, and Bruce Ohr.
    These government officials were willing to abuse their positions of public trust to advance the
    baseless probe to new levels, including obtaining an extrajudicial FISA warrant and instigating the
    commencement of an oversight investigation headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As a
    result, Donald J. Trump and his campaign were forced to expend tens of millions of dollars in legal
    fees to defend against these contrived and unwarranted proceedings. Justice would ultimately
    prevail – following a two-year investigation, Special Counsel Mueller went on to exonerate Donald
    J. Trump and his campaign with his finding that there was no evidence of collusion with Russia.
  8. The full extent of the Defendants’ wrongdoing has been steadily and gradually
    exposed by Special Counsel John Durham, who has been heading a DOJ investigation into the
    origins of the Trump-Russia conspiracy. To date, he has already issued indictments to Sussmann
    and Danchenko, among others, for proffering false statements to law enforcement officials. As
    outlined below, these ‘speaking’ indictments not only implicate many of the Defendants named
    herein but also provide a great deal of insight into the inner-workings of the Defendants’
    conspiratorial enterprise. Based on recent developments and the overall direction of Durham’s
    investigation, it seems all but certain that additional indictments are forthcoming.
  9. In short, the Defendants, blinded by political ambition, orchestrated a malicious
    conspiracy to disseminate patently false and injurious information about Donald J. Trump and his
    campaign, all in the hopes of destroying his life, his political career and rigging the 2016
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    Presidential Election in favor of Hillary Clinton. When their gambit failed, and Donald J. Trump
    was elected, the Defendants’ efforts continued unabated, merely shifting their focus to
    undermining his presidential administration. Worse still, the Defendants continue to spread their
    vicious lies to this day as they unabashedly publicize their thoroughly debunked falsehoods in an
    effort to ensure that he will never be elected again. The deception, malice, and treachery
    perpetrated by the Defendants has caused significant harm to the American people, and to the
    Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, and they must be held accountable for their heinous acts.
    Jurisdiction and Venue
  10. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331, in that
    claims which arise under the laws of the United States, and this court has supplemental jurisdiction
    of the additional claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a) as they all are so related to the federal
    questions that they form part of the same case or controversy.
  11. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2) because at least
    one Defendant and the Plaintiff reside in this District and a substantial part of the events or
    omissions giving rise to the Plaintiffs’ claims occurred in this District. In this regard, the
    publications of injurious falsehoods were intended to occur in the Southern District of Florida, and
    they did occur in the Southern District of Florida.
    The Parties
  12. The Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America,
    is a private citizen who is sui juris and he resides in the State of Florida in the Southern District of
  13. The Defendant, Hillary R. Clinton (hereinafter “Clinton”), is a resident of the State
    of New York and is sui juris. She was the Democratic nominee for the 2016 Presidential Election.
    Clinton’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to her conduct in
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    and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  14. The Defendant, HFACC, Inc. (hereinafter the “Clinton Campaign”), is a
    corporation with its principal place of business in New York and doing business all over the United
    States, including in the Southern District of Florida. The Clinton Campaign’s acts and omissions,
    as identified in this lawsuit, arise out of or relate to its conduct in and/or affecting, among other
    jurisdictions, Florida.
  15. The Defendant, the Democratic National Committee is a national committee, as
    defined by 52 U.S.C. § 30101, with its principal place of business in Washington, D.C. The
    Democratic National Committee is registered with the FEC as the DNC Services Corp./Dem.
    Services Corp, and it operates through the Defendant, the DNC Services Corporation. In turn, the
    DNC Services Corporation is a District of Columbia not-for-profit corporation, with its principal
    place of business in Washington, D.C. The Democratic National Committee undertakes most of
    its business and financial activities through the DNC Services Corporation (hereinafter, the
    Democratic National Committee and the DNC Services Corporation are collectively referred to as
    the “DNC”). The DNC operates and conducts substantial and continuous business in the State of
    Florida. The DNC’s acts and omissions, as identified in this lawsuit, arise out of or relate to its
    conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  16. The Defendant, Perkins Coie, LLP (hereinafter “Perkins Coie”), is an international
    law firm with its headquarters in Seattle, Washington. Perkins Coie has a registered agent in
    Tallahassee, Florida, and does substantial, continuous business in Florida generally and in the
    Southern District of Florida specifically. Perkins Coie’s acts and omissions, as identified in this
    lawsuit, arise out of or relate to its conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  17. The Defendant, Michael Sussmann (hereinafter “Sussmann”), is a resident of
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    United States, and is sui juris. He is an attorney and a former agent and/or employee of Perkins
    Coie and, at all relevant times herein, was acting within the scope of his employment with Perkins
    Coie. Sussmann’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his
    conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  18. The Defendant, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (hereinafter “Schultz”) is a resident of
    the State of Florida and is sui juris. She served as Chairperson of the DNC from May 2011 until
    the date of her resignation on July 28, 2016. Schultz’s acts and omissions as identified in this
    lawsuit arise out of or relate to her conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  19. The Defendant, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr. (hereinafter “Dolan”), is a resident of
    the United States, and is sui juris. With respect to the 2016 Clinton Campaign, Dolan actively
    campaigned and participated in calls and events as a volunteer on behalf of Hillary Clinton.
    Dolan’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or
    affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  20. The Defendant, Jake Sullivan (hereinafter “Sullivan”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. He was Chief Foreign Policy Advisory for the 2016 Clinton Campaign
    and, at all relevant times herein, was acting within the scope of his employment with the Clinton
    Campaign. Currently, Sullivan is serving as National Security Advisor for the Biden
    Administration. Sullivan’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to
    his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  21. The Defendant, John Podesta (hereinafter “Podesta”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. He was Chairman for the 2016 Clinton Campaign and, at all relevant times
    herein, was acting within the scope of his employment with the Clinton Campaign. Podesta’s acts
    and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting,
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    among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  22. The Defendant, Robert E. Mook (hereinafter “Mook”), is a resident of the United
    States and served as the campaign manager for the 2016 Clinton Campaign. At all relevant times
    herein, was acting within the scope of his employment with the Clinton Campaign. Mook’s acts
    and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting
    among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  23. The Defendant, Phillipe Reines (hereinafter “Reines”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. He served as a long-time former communications advisor to Hillary Clinton
    and, at all relevant times herein, was acting within the scope of his employment with the Clinton
    Campaign. Reines’ acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his
    conduct in and/or affecting among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  24. The Defendant, Marc Elias (hereinafter “Elias”), is a resident of Washington D.C.
    and is sui juris. He is an attorney and a former employee and/or agent of Perkins Coie, the DNC
    and the Clinton Campaign and, at all relevant times herein, was acting within the scope of his
    employment and/or agency of Perkins Coie. Elias’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit
    arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  25. The Defendant, Fusion GPS, is a Delaware limited liability company which
    represents that it provides research, strategic intelligence, and due diligence services to
    corporations, law firms, and investors worldwide, and is headquartered in Washington D.C.
    Fusion GPS’s acts and omissions, as identified in this lawsuit, arise out of or relate to its conduct
    in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  26. The Defendant, Glenn Simpson (hereinafter “Simpson”), is a principal and cofounder of Fusion GPS, is a resident of the United States, and is sui juris. Simpson’s acts and
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    omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting,
    among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  27. The Defendant, Peter Fritsch (hereinafter “Fritsch”), is a principal and co-founder
    of Fusion GPS, is a resident of Florida, and is sui juris. Fritsch’s acts and omissions as identified
    in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions,
  28. The Defendant, Nellie Ohr (hereinafter “Mrs. Ohr”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. At all relevant times, she was an employee of Fusion GPS and was acting
    within the scope of her employment with Fusion GPS. Mrs. Ohr’s acts and omissions as identified
    in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to her conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions,
  29. The Defendant, Bruce Ohr (hereinafter “Mr. Ohr”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. At all relevant times, Bruce Ohr was a United States Department of Justice
    official. Mr. Ohr’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his
    conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  30. The Defendant, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd. (hereinafter “Orbis Ltd.”), is a
    London, England-based intelligence consultancy firm. Orbis Ltd.’s acts and omissions, as
    identified in this lawsuit, arise out of or relate to its conduct in and/or affecting, among other
    jurisdictions, Florida.
  31. The Defendant, Christopher Steele (hereinafter “Steele”), is a principal and founder
    of Orbis Ltd., a resident of the United Kingdom, and is sui juris. Steele’s acts and omissions as
    identified in this lawsuit were all done in the scope of his employment with Orbis, Ltd., and arise
    out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
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  32. The Defendant, Igor Danchenko (hereinafter “Danchenko”), at all times relevant to
    this Complaint, was a citizen of the Russian Federation and was lawfully in the United States.
    Danchenko resided in Washington, D.C. and Virginia and is sui juris. At all relevant times,
    Danchenko was a contractor for Orbis Ltd. and was acting within the scope of his agency with
    Orbis Ltd. Danchenko’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his
    conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  33. The Defendant, Neustar, Inc. (hereinafter “Neustar”), is an information technology
    company with its headquarters in Sterling, Virginia. Neustar’s acts and omissions, as identified in
    this lawsuit, arise out of or relate to its conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions,
  34. The Defendant, Rodney Joffe (hereinafter “Joffe”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. Joffe is a former executive of Neustar and, at all relevant times herein, was
    acting within the scope of his employment with Neustar. Joffe’s acts and omissions as identified
    in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions,
  35. The Defendant, James Comey (hereinafter “Comey”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. Comey was the 7th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from
    2013 to May 2017. Comey’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate
    to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida.
  36. The Defendant, Peter Strzok (hereinafter “Strzok”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. At all relevant times, Strzok was an agent of the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation. Strzok’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to his
    conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida .
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  37. The Defendant, Lisa Page (hereinafter “Mrs. Page”), is a resident of the United
    States, and is sui juris. At all relevant times Mrs. Page was an attorney for the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation. Mrs. Page’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of or relate to
    her conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida .
  38. The Defendant, Kevin Clinesmith (hereinafter “Clinesmith”), is a resident of the
    United States, and is sui juris. At all relevant times, Clinesmith was an attorney for the Federal
    Bureau of Investigation. Clinesmith’s acts and omissions as identified in this lawsuit arise out of
    or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida .
  39. The Defendant, Andrew McCabe (hereinafter, “McCabe”), is a resident of the
    United States, and is sui juris. McCabe was the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of
    Investigation from 2016 to March of 2018. McCabe’s acts and omissions as identified in this
    lawsuit arise out of or relate to his conduct in and/or affecting, among other jurisdictions, Florida
  40. The Defendants, John Does 1 through 10, are individuals whose identities are
    presently unknown to the Plaintiff, including, but not limited to, journalists, publishers, editors,
    investigators, state or federal officials, co-conspirators, officers, employees, agents, managers,
    owners, principals and/or other duly authorized individuals who caused or contributed to the
    incident or incidents for which the Plaintiff seeks damages, and/or are vicariously and/or otherwise
    liable for the acts, commissions, or other culpable conduct of those who did cause or contribute to
    the incidents alleged.
  41. The Defendants, ABC Corporations 1 through 10, are corporate entities presently
    unidentifiable to the Plaintiff, including, but not limited to, media companies, publication
    companies, editorial companies, municipalities, state or federal agencies, law enforcement
    authorities, investigative agencies, political organizations, political affiliates, private firms and/or
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 12 of 108
    other duly authorized corporate or governmental entities who caused or contributed to the incident
    or incidents for which the Plaintiff seeks damages, and/or are vicariously and/or otherwise liable
    for the acts, commissions, or other culpable conduct of those who did cause or contribute to the
    incidents alleged.
    Statement of Facts
    The DNC and the Clinton Campaign
    Become One
  42. On April 12, 2015, Clinton declared her candidacy for President of the United
    States. Clinton sought the nomination of the Democratic Party.
  43. Shortly thereafter, in April 2015, the Clinton Campaign retained Perkins Coie, a
    law firm with longstanding ties to the Democratic Party, as its general counsel.5
  44. It was clear from the early days of the Democratic primaries that the DNC—which
    according to its own rules, is required to “maintain impartiality and evenhandedness” during the
    Democratic Primary nominating process—was backing Clinton and favored her as the preferred
    Democratic nominee.
  45. For example, in a confidential, inter-office DNC memorandum dated May 26, 2015
    (the “DNC Memo”), which only came to light after the DNC servers were hacked by an individual
    using the name “Guccifer 2.0,” it was noted that the DNC sought to “provide a contrast between
    the GOP field and HRC” and that it would “[u]se specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics,
    transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”7
  46. Notably, the DNC Memo also stated that, in order to “muddy the waters” around
    Indictment at ¶ 10.
    6 DNC Charter and Bylaws, Art. 5 § 4.
    7 Complaint, Ex. A (ECF Doc. No. 8), Wilding v. DNC Services Corp., et al., case no. 0:16-cv-61511-WJZ,
    Southern District of Florida (July 13, 2016).
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    Clinton’s perceived vulnerabilities as a candidate, the DNC had outlined a plan to “damage
    Republican presidential candidates’ credibility with voters by looking for targeted opportunities to
    undermine their specific messaging.” The DNC Memo also discussed “opposition research” and
    a strategy to “utilize the research to place highly targeted hits” against Republican candidates.
  47. Around that same time, as later disclosed through a WikiLeaks release of
    confidential DNC documents, Schultz, the head of the DNC, stated in an e-mail that Clinton’s
    Democratic competitor, Bernie Sanders, “isn’t going to be president.”
  48. Furthermore, Donna Brazile, then vice-chair of the DNC, said in criticism of
    Schultz: “She hadn’t been very interested in controlling the party – she let Clinton’s headquarters
    in Brooklyn do as it desired so she didn’t have to inform the party officers how bad the situation
  49. In or around mid-2015, in an effort to foster greater coordination and cohesion with
    Clinton and the Clinton Campaign, the DNC retained the same law firm, Perkins Coie, to serve as
    its general counsel.
  50. Two of Perkins Coie’s senior partners, Elias and Sussmann, were largely
    responsible for handling the firm’s representation of the DNC and the Clinton Campaign in their
    legal, political, and other affairs. Elias, in particular, was designated as “General Counsel” for
    both the DNC and the Clinton Campaign.
  51. In or around August 2015, Elias and Sussmann negotiated a Joint Fund-Raising
    Agreement between their two clients, the DNC and the Clinton Campaign.
  52. The Joint Fund-Raising Agreement was nothing more than a thinly veiled effort to
    align the interests and operations of the DNC and the Clinton Campaign by giving the Clinton
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    Campaign control over the DNC, an organization that was supposed to remain impartial.
  53. Specifically, the Joint Fund-Raising Agreement—which was entered into months
    before Clinton won the Democratic nomination—specified that, in exchange for raising money
    and investing in the DNC, the Clinton Campaign would control the DNC’s finances, strategy, and
    all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal on who would be the party
    communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also
    was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and
  54. Given the intimate ties between the DNC and the Clinton Campaign, and the
    amount of control that Clinton exerted over both, it was clear that the organizations’ interests were
    aligned and they shared a common purpose: get Clinton elected President by any means necessary.
    The Clinton Campaign and DNC Conspire
    With Their Attorneys, Perkins Coie, to Frame
    Republican Candidate Donald J. Trump
  55. On June 16, 2015, Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President and
    sought the Republican nomination.
  56. Seeking to thwart Trump’s campaign and to diminish the likelihood of him winning
    the election, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC devised a nefarious scheme to discredit,
    delegitimize and defame him by proliferating a false narrative that Donald J. Trump and his
    campaign were actively colluding with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential Election.
  57. This plot was conceived and funded by Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, and DNC
    and would require the participation, cooperation and assistance of many individuals and entities
    acting in concert with one another to willfully carry out numerous tortious and criminal acts. The
    9 Donna Brazile, Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White
    House, November 7, 2017.
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    Defendants had a meeting of minds and a common objective: to irreparably harm Trump’s ability
    to get elected and to end his political career.
  58. To start, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC enlisted the assistance of their joint
    attorneys, Perkins Coie.
  59. The Clinton Campaign and the DNC chose Perkins Coie to oversee and coordinate
    their plan for a specific purpose – they anticipated that conspiring with their legal counsel would
    help conceal their dealings under the shroud of attorney-client privilege. However, attorney-client
    privilege is wholly inapplicable to the pertinent discussions between these parties – not only were
    the communications between the DNC/Clinton Campaign and Perkins Coie non-legal in nature,
    they were also in furtherance of criminal and fraudulent wrongdoing.
  60. Specifically, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC directed Perkins Coie to
    coordinate a two-pronged plan to publicly and falsely denigrate Donald J. Trump, with Elias and
    Sussmann each leading parallel operations to wrongly implicate him as colluding with Russia.
  61. On one front, Elias would work with Fusion GPS and a host of others to develop a
    dossier, based on lies and misinformation purporting to show an incriminating link between Trump
    and Russia, which would be used to mislead law enforcement officials and ignite a media frenzy.
  62. On a separate front, Sussmann would commission the information technology
    company, Neustar, to brazenly hack servers from highly-sensitive locations—including Donald J.
    Trump’s private residence, Trump Tower, and, most shockingly, the White House—to uncover
    proprietary data that could then be manipulated to give the impression that Trump was engaged in
    illegitimate business with a Russian bank, Alfa Bank.
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    Elias Recruits Fusion GPS and Others
    to Manufacture a Falsified Set of
    Reports Known as the Steele Dossier
  63. To effectuate the first phase of the Defendants’ conspiracy—involving the creation
    of an incriminating dossier—the DNC and the Clinton Campaign would require the services of an
    investigative firm to dredge up derogatory ‘opposition research’ on Donald J. Trump and, to the
    extent there was none, to manufacture it.
  64. At all relevant times, Fusion GPS was a private investigative firm specializing in
    politics. It was founded in 2011 by former Wall Street Journal employees Glenn Simpson and
    Peter Fritsch.
  65. On March 1, 2016, Fritsch sent an e-mail to a “senior figure in the Democratic
    Party” and conveyed his belief that Trump “had to be stopped.” The Democratic contact responded
    by stating “Yes. Let’s talk.”11
  66. The “senior figure in the Democratic Party” arranged for Fritsch and Simpson to
    meet with Elias. The meeting took place on April 20, 2016, in Washington D.C.
  67. In or around April 2016, on behalf of and at the direction of the Clinton Campaign
    and the DNC, Elias and Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS.
  68. In particular, Fusion GPS was hired to perform ‘opposition research’ for the Clinton
    Campaign and the DNC.
  69. The Clinton Campaign and the DNC were well aware that Fusion GPS had a welldocumented history of employing a ‘scorched earth’ strategy wherein the company would produce
    10 See generally Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, Crime in Progress: Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS
    Investigation of Donald Trump (hereinafter “Crime in Progress”).
    11 Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, Crime in Progress: Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS Investigation
    of Donald Trump (“Crime in Progress”), p. 55.
    12 Id. at 56.
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    false and/or misleading dossiers to be spread through the media to damage his opportunity to win
    an election.
  70. The Clinton Campaign, the DNC, Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS each understood
    that Fusion GPS’s true task was to prepare a fraudulent “dossier” that could be used to falsely
    implicate Donald J. Trump to derail his campaign, ruining his opportunity to be elected and if
    elected to then interfere with his ability to properly serve as President of the United States by
    inducing criminal investigations of Donald J. Trump.
  71. The Clinton Campaign and the DNC funneled funds through Perkins Coie to
    finance Fusion GPS’s research. Fusion GPS would then report to the Perkins Coie attorney, Elias,
    the results of its “investigation.”
  72. In fact, Simpson and Fritsch reported only to Elias and did “not have any contact
    with the campaign brass.” 14
  73. As Fritsch and Simpson recounted in their book, the relationship was set up that
    way for a specific reason; per Elias, Fusion GPS was walled-off from the Clinton Campaign and
    the DNC for “legal reasons: If Fusion’s communications were with a lawyer, they could be
    considered privileged and kept confidential.”15
  74. At or around that time, Nellie Ohr was an employee of Fusion GPS, where her role
    was to conduct extensive opposition research on Donald J. Trump’s family members and campaign
  75. Mrs. Ohr’s husband, Bruce Ohr, was an Associate Deputy Attorney General with
    the DOJ. Mrs. Ohr had also been previously employed with the DOJ.
    13 Id. at 57.
    14 Id.
    15 Id.
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  76. The Clinton Campaign, the DNC, Perkins Coie, and Fusion GPS knew that this
    close relationship with a high-ranking DOJ official would be of great value in effectuating their
    plot – they understood that Mr. Ohr would be instrumental in lending credibility to the Steele
    Dossier by having Mr. Ohr serve as a seemingly trustworthy intermediary to disseminate it through
    government channels such as the FBI and the DOJ.
  77. To develop the dossier, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, Perkins Coie and Fusion
    GPS turned to Orbis Ltd., a private intelligence firm, and its owner, Christopher Steele, a former
    British intelligence officer.
  78. Orbis Ltd. was chosen to partake in the scheme based on the ties between one of its
    analysts, Danchenko, and an individual with intimate ties to the Clinton Campaign and one its
    close associates, Dolan.
    a. Danchenko, a Russian citizen, had been working as a contractor/analyst with Orbis
    Ltd. Since 2011, focusing primarily on Russian and Eurasian geo-political
    b. Dolan, then an employee of public relations firm, Kglobal, was a longtime
    participant in Democratic politics, having previously served as chairman of the
    DNC, state chairman of former President Bill Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 presidential
    campaigns, adviser to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and having been
    appointed by Clinton to two four-year terms on an advisory commission at the
    U.S. State Department. With respect to the 2016 Clinton campaign, Dolan actively
    campaigned and participated in calls and events as a volunteer on behalf of the
    Clinton Campaign.17
    16 Danchenko Indictment ¶ 16.
    17 Id. ¶ 19.
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  79. In late April 2016, Danchenko began having discussions with Dolan about a
    potential business collaboration between Orbis Ltd. and Kglobal to create a “dossier” to smear
    Donald J. Trump and to disseminate the false accusations to the media. Those discussions reflected
    that Danchenko and Dolan had exchanged information regarding each other’s backgrounds and
    professional activities, including Danchenko’s work for Orbis Ltd, and Steele:
    c. On or about April 29, 2016, Danchenko sent an email to Dolan indicating that
    Danchenko had passed a letter to Steele on behalf of Dolan and intended to set up
    a meeting between the two.19
    d. That same day, Danchenko sent an email to Dolan outlining certain work that
    Danchenko was conducting with Orbis Ltd. The email attached an Orbis Ltd.
    Report titled “Intelligence Briefing Note, ‘Kompromat’ and ‘Nadzor’ in the
    Russian Banking Sector.”20
    e. On or about June 10, 2016, Dolan sent an email to a U.S.-based acquaintance
    which reflected that Dolan and Danchenko had become colleagues and were
    exchanging information. In describing Danchenko, Dolan stated: “He is too young
    for KGB. But I think he worked for FSB.21
    Since he told me he spent two years
    in Iran. And when I first met him he knew more about me than I did. [winking
  80. In or about June 2016, Fusion GPS officially retained Orbis Ltd. and Steele to find
    “links between Russia and the then Republican candidate. . . Donald J. Trump.” When no such
    18 Id. ¶ 23.
    19 Danchenko Indictment ¶ 24.
    20 Id. ¶ 25.
    21 The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, commonly referred to as the “FSB,” is the principal security
    agency of Russia and the principal successor agency to the KGB.
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    evidence was found, the directive shifted to manipulating the truth and developing a false narrative
    that Donald J. Trump was colluding with Russia.22
    a. In taking on this assignment, Steele was aware that “Democratic Party associates”
    were paying for his and Fusion GPS’s “research,” and that “the ultimate client”
    was “the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign.”23
    b. Critically, Steele has testified that “the candidate”—Hillary Clinton—was “aware
    of [his] reporting.”24
    c. Furthermore, Steele shared the common goal of the Defendants’ overarching
    conspiracy: he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected” and he “was
    passionate about [Donald J. Trump] not being president.”25
  81. Soon thereafter—at the direction of Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC,
    Perkins Coie, and Fusion GPS—Orbis Ltd. and Steele, with the assistance of Mook, Nellie Ohr,
    Danchenko Dolan, and others, began preparing approximately seventeen anti-Trump memoranda
    known collectively as the “Steele Dossier” or simply the “Dossier.”
  82. Just after the Dossier was published, Podesta met Simpson to compare notes on
    Russia meddling in the election.26
  83. Robby Mook, manager of the Clinton Campaign, has denied having knowledge of
    who funded the Dossier. However, Elias testified he sent the bills from Fusion GPS to Mook.
    22 Id.
    23 IG Report at 96; see also Tr. of Christopher Steele Deposition at 162-163 (Mar. 18, 2020), Aven v. Orbis (2020)
    EWHC 1812 (QB) (“Q: . . . in early July . . . who did you think the ultimate client was? A: I thought it was the
    campaign . . . Q: You knew it was the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign, didn’t you? A: I believed it
    was the campaign, yes. Q: The leadership of the Clinton campaign? A: Fine, the leadership of the campaign.”)
    24 FBI Notes at 96; see also Tr. of Steele Dep. at 163 (emphasis added).
    25 Bruce Ohr Transcribed Interview 124, Aug. 28, 2918.
    26 https://www.shiftfrequency.com/podesta-illegal-spying-on-trump/
    27 https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/05/12/did-hillary-clintons-campaign-manager-know-about-trumpdossier-dem-lawyer-says-he-sent-receipts-n2568625
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  84. The Dossier was intended to not only harm Trump’s candidacy, but more
    importantly, it was fabricated to induce the FBI to commence an investigation into alleged ties
    between Russia and Donald J. Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Organization.
  85. In drafting the Dossier, Steele purported to rely upon numerous sources who
    contributed information and prevarications to him.
  86. Several of the alleged sources named in the Dossier have refuted, under oath, that
    they provided any of the purported information contained in the Dossier to Steele:
    d. Olga Galkina, a Russian citizen who was referenced as “sub-source 3” in the
    Dossier, stated that she was never a source or sub-source to Steele, and, in fact,
    never even met him.28
    e. Alexey Dundich, a Russian citizen who was referenced as “sub-source 4” in the
    Dossier, stated that he never was a source of information, and never even met
    f. Petr Avan, a Russian citizen who was referenced in the Dossier, denies the
    allegations contained in the Dossier and states that its contents are false.30
  87. The primary source for the information provided in the Dossier was Steele’s
    analyst, Danchenko.
  88. From May 2016 through December 2016, Danchenko assembled and provided to
    Steele purported information that Steele would, in turn, rely upon to draft the Dossier.
  89. During that same time, Danchenko had numerous meetings, communications and
    28 Declaration of Olga Aleksandrovna Galkina dated June 8, 2021 (ECF Doc. No. 153-8), Fridman, et al. v. Bean
    LLC a/k/a Fusion GPS, et al., case no. 17-2041-RJL, District of Columbia (June 21, 2021).
    29 Declaration of Alexey Sergeyevich Dundich dated May 13, 2021 (ECF Doc. No. 153-4), Fridman, et al. v.
    Bean LLC a/k/a Fusion GPS, et al., case no. 17-2041-RJL, District of Columbia (June 21, 2021).
    30 Witness Statement of Petr Aven dated October 2, 2020, Aven v. Orbis (2020) EWHC 1812 (QB).
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    interactions with Dolan.
  90. Certain information contained in the Dossier, which Danchenko provided to Steele,
    mirrors and/or reflects information that Dolan had conveyed to Danchenko.
  91. For example, an allegation contained in Report 80 of the Dossier, claiming that
    Donald J. Trump had previously engaged in “salacious sexual activity” in the Presidential Suite at
    a Moscow hotel, was derived from Dolan:
    g. Dolan had stayed at the Moscow hotel in June 2016, and, during that trip, he
    participated in, among other things: 1) a meeting with the general manager of the
    Moscow hotel and a female hotel staff member, (2) a lunch with a Staff Member
    and other members of the Moscow hotel staff and (3) a tour of the Moscow hotel,
    including the Presidential Suite.
    h. Thereafter, Dolan told Danchenko that he learned from a hotel staffer that Trump
    had stayed in the Presidential Suite and engaged in “salacious sexual activity.”
    i. References to the Moscow hotel, the Presidential Suite, and a hotel manager and
    other staff would all later appear in the Dossier, which included absurd allegations
    that Trump participated in “sexual or salacious activity.”
    j. Dolan ultimately admitted that no one at the hotel mentioned anything to him about
    Trump’s supposed “sexual or salacious” activity.
  92. Another allegation, contained in Report 111 of the Dossier, claiming that the
    Russian government withdrew a Russian from his job at the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
    due to fears relating to the diplomat’s purported role in meddling in the U.S. Presidential Election,
    had clearly originated from Dolan:
    [S]peaking separately to [a] compatriot, a senior Russian [Ministry
    of Foreign Affairs] official reported that as a prophylactic measure,
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    a leading Russia diplomat, [Russian Diplomat-1), had been
    withdrawn from Washington on short notice because Moscow
    feared his heavy involvement in the US presidential election
    operation, including the so-called veterans’ pensions ruse (reported
    previously), would be exposed in the media there. His replacement,
    [Russian Diplomat-2] however was clean in this regard.
  93. This allegation bore substantial similarities to information that Dolan received
    during the 2016 time period.
  94. Moreover, Dolan was undoubtedly a source for an allegation in the Dossier
    regarding Paul Manafort’s departure from the Trump Campaign:
    S/he said it was true that the Ukraine corruption revelations had
    played a part in this, but also, several senior players close to
    TRUMP had wanted [Paul Manafort] out, primarily to loosen his
    control on strategy and policy formulation. Of particular
    importance in this regard was Paul Manafort’s] predecessor as
    campaign manager, [Campaign Staff Member-1-], who hated [Paul
    Manafort] personally and remained close to TRUMP with whom
    he discussed the presidential campaign on a regular basis.
  95. The above allegation contained information that Dolan provided to Danchenko is
    in response to a specific request. In particular, on August 19. 2016, Danchenko emailed Dolan to
    inquire as to any “thought, rumor, or allegation” about Paul Manafort.
  96. Thereinafter, on August 20, 2016. Dolan emailed Danchenko the following:
    I had a drink with a GOP friend of mine who knows some of the
    players and got some of what is in this article, which provides even
    more detail. She also told me that [Campaign Staff Member-1],
    who hates [Paul Manafort] and still speaks to Trump regularly
    played a role. He is said to be doing a happy dance over it.
  97. Later that same day, Danchenko replied to Dolan, expressing his appreciation for
    the information, adding that their “goals clearly coincided” with respect to gathering derogatory
    information about Trump.
  98. Moreover, an allegation contained in an undated Dossier report described a “wellCase 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 24 of 108
    developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Donald J. Trump, the Trump Campaign, and senior
    Russian officials, claiming:
    Speaking in confidence to a compatriot in late July 2016, [Source
    E], an ethnic Russian close associate of Republican US presidential
    candidate Donald Trump, admitted that there was a well-developed
    conspiracy of co-operation between them and the Russian
    leadership. This was managed on the Trump side by the Republican
    candidate’s Campaign manager, [Paul Manafort], who was using
    foreign policy advisor, [Carter Page], and others as intermediaries.
    The two sides had a mutual interest in defeating Democratic
    presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whom President PUTIN
    apparently both hated and feared.
  99. This allegation would ultimately be offered in support of four FISA applications
    targeting former Trump Campaign associate Carter Page.
  100. An additional allegation contained in the Dossier indicated that Russian diplomatic
    staff in Washington, D.C., New York, and Miami were paying U.S.-based cyber actors to conduct
    operations against the Democratic Party and Clinton.
    Sussmann Recruits Neustar to Lead a
    Cyberattack Against the Trump Campaign
  101. While Elias was conspiring with Fusion GPS, Orbis, Steele and others to create the
    Dossier, Sussmann—at the direction of the Clinton Campaign and the DNC—was heading another
    aspect of the Defendants’ conspiracy: a plot to exploit sensitive data sources and falsify evidence
    to manufacture ties between Donald J. Trump and a Russian bank.
  102. To put this plan in motion, the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Perkins Coie required
    the assistance of a technology company with the expertise and access to sensitive non-public data
    which could be exploited for their nefarious purposes.
  103. At all relevant times, Neustar was an information technology company founded in
    1998, which offers various internet-related information, data and analytics services, including
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    Domain Name System (“DNS”) resolution services, to its customers.
  104. Far from apolitical, Neustar and its employees have long been aligned with the
    Democratic Party. In 2016 alone, 100% of congressional campaign donations from Neustar
    employees went to Democrats.
  105. At all relevant times, Joffe was an executive of Neustar and had an ownership
    interest in at least two additional technology companies, Dissect Cyber Inc. (“Dissect Cyber”) and
    Zetalytics LLC (“Zetalytics”).
  106. Joffe was in communication with high-ranking officials of the Clinton Campaign
    and/or the DNC in the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential Election.
  107. During that time, Joffe was “tentatively offered the top [cybersecurity] job by the
    Democrats” in the event Clinton won the presidency. He stated that he “definitely would not take
    the job under Trump.”33
  108. Perkins Coie and Sussmann, in particular, frequently served as outside counsel for
    Neustar; in this regard, Neustar was a significant source of revenue for Perkins Coie.34
  109. In or around July 2016, Perkins Coie and Sussmann, acting on behalf of the Clinton
    Campaign and the DNC, tasked Neustar, under the direction of its executive, Joffe, to exploit its
    information gathering services and their access to non-public data to dredge up any information,
    data or records that could show any wrongdoing by Donald J. Trump, the Trump Campaign or the
    Trump Organization.
  110. Thereafter, Neustar, led by Joffe, initiated a search for proof of a secret “back
    31 Sussmann Indictment ¶ 12.
    32 Id.; see also Charlie Savage and Adam Goldman, Trump Server Myster Produces Fresh Conflict, The New York
    Times, September 30, 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/01/us/politics/trump-alfa-bank-indictment.html.
    33 Id. ¶ 15.
    34 Sussmann Indictment ¶ 14.
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    channel” between Donald J. Trump or the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank; when it became
    clear that no such back channel existed, Neustar and Joffe shifted their focus to fabricating
    evidence to invent proof of the supposed “back channel.”
  111. On or about August 20, 2016, Joffe and his researchers manipulated a sales form
    on two different websites, faking the other’s email address to make them “appear to communicate
    with each other. . .”
  112. Joffe believed that this fake “inference” was believable enough that “Hillary’s
    opposition research and whatever professional gov[ernments] and investigative journalists are also
    digging [would] come up with the same things[.]”
  113. On or about the same date, Joffe clarified in an email that the “task” he had been
    “given” by Perkins Coie, the Clinton Campaign, and the DNC was “indeed broad” and further
    stated, in part:
    Being able to provide evidence of anything that shows an attempt
    to behave badly in relation to this, the VIPs would be happy. They’re
    looking for a true story that could be used as the basis for closer
  114. On or about August 21, 2016, Joffe emailed his team of researchers, urging them
    to push forward with their anti-Trump research, which he claimed would “give the base of a very
    useful narrative.”
  115. In that same e-mail, Joffe admitted that the connection between Trump and Alfa
    Bank was merely a “red herring” with no factual basis that should be “ignored.”
  116. Despite this knowledge, Sussmann and Joffe began to draft, review, and revise a
    “White Paper” summarizing the allegations—which they knew to be false—of a tie between
    Donald J. Trump and Alfa Bank.
  117. All the time Sussmann spent drafting his ‘white papers,’ as with all his time spent
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    working with Neustar, Fusion GPS, and all of his acts in furtherance of the Defendants’ conspiracy,
    were billed to the Clinton Campaign.
  118. On or about August 27, 2016, Joffe sent the white paper, on which Sussmann had
    been working, to his team with the following comment:
    Please read as if you had no prior knowledge or involvement, and
    you were handed this document as a security expert (NOT a DNS
    expert) and were asked: Is this plausible as an explanation?’ NOT to
    be able to say that this is, without doubt, fact, but to merely be
    plausible. Do NOT spend more than a short while on this (If you
    spend more than an hour you have failed the assignment). Hopefully
    less. 🙂
  119. On or about the same date, one of Joffe’s researchers replied, stating that the white
    paper achieved Joffe’s objective, but noting that the paper “smartly” avoided discussing
    weaknesses or “holes” in the paper’s hypothesis.
  120. On or about September 15, 2016, one of the recipients of the question responded to
    Joffe, stating, in part, that the “paper’s conclusion was plausible” in the “narrow scope” defined by
  121. On or about September 16, 2016, one of Joffe’s team confirmed that Sussmann
    would convey the false information to the FBI regarding the supposed connection between Donald
    J. Trump and Alfa Bank, with the plan to deceive.
  122. In addition, in furtherance of his efforts with Sussmann and Elias to disseminate
    false allegations regarding Trump, Joffe also exploited his access—which he had through multiple
    companies, including Neustar, Dissect Cyber, and Zetalytics—to unlawfully search, gather and
    mine internet data, including non-public and proprietary data, to obtain derogatory information on
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    Donald J. Trump.35
    a. The purpose of obtaining such data was to create an “inference” and “narrative”
    regarding Trump’s purported ties to Russia.36
    b. Those actions were directed by and/or done at the behest of certain “VIPs” of the
    Clinton Campaign and Perkins Coie.37
    c. Those “VIPs” include Clinton, Sullivan, Elias and/or Sussmann.
  123. Among other things, Neustar, Joffe and their associates—at the direction of
    Clinton, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC — exploited access to non-public and proprietary
    internet data, including without limitation, domain name system (DNS) internet traffic, of: (i) a
    healthcare provider; (ii) Trump Tower; (iii) Donald Trump’s private apartment in Central Park
    West, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).
    k. In doing so, Joffe and Neustar intentionally accessed, without authorization or in
    excess of any authorization, the computers, servers, and/or other sensitive data
    sources at the above-stated facilities.
    l. Furthermore, Joffe and Neustar stole trade secrets, in the form of proprietary,
    sensitive and confidential data, information, and knowledge, from the above-stated
  124. With regard to the EOP, Joffe and Neustar had come to access and maintain
    dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a highly sensitive arrangement whereby Neustar provided
    DNS resolution services to the EOP.39
    35 Sussmann Indictment ¶¶ 21-23; see also Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest ¶ 4 (ECF Doc. No.
    35), United States v. Sussmann, case no. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC, District of Columbia (Feb. 11, 2022) (hereinafter
    “Sussmann Conflict Motion”).
    36 Sussmann Indictment ¶ 23.
    37 Id. ¶ 22-23; see also Sussmann Conflict Motion ¶¶ 4-5.
    38 Id.
    39 Id.
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  125. Joffe and Neustar exploited this arrangement by, among other things, mining the
    EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about
    Donald J. Trump.
  126. In addition, Joffe, Neustar, and their associates queried their holdings of non-public
    internet data against a lengthy list of more than 9,000 IP addresses, 3,000 internet domains, and
    60 e-mail addresses and domains that related to Donald J. Trump, the Trump Organization, and
    numerous Trump associates, in their search for derogatory information.
    As the Presidential Race Takes Form,
    The Steele Dossier Is Used To
    Mislead Federal Law Enforcement
  127. The Republican National Committee (“RNC”) held its presidential nominating
    convention from July 18 through July 21, 2016, wherein Donald J. Trump was nominated as the
    Republican Nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.
  128. On July 26, 2016, Clinton won the nomination of the Democratic Party to be its
    presidential candidate for the 2016 Presidential Election.
  129. That very same day, a briefing from the U.S. intelligence community warned that
    it had intercepted communications concerning the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton. . . of a
    proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal
    claiming interference by Russian security services.”40
  130. With the stage set and the election cycle underway, the Defendants put their plan
    into action.
  131. Specifically, the Defendants began feeding false information to federal law
    40 Letter from John Ratcliffe, Dir. of Nat’l Intelligence, to Sen. Lindsey Graham, Chairman, S. Comm. on the
    Judiciary (Sept. 29, 2020), https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-29-20_Letter%20to%20Sen.%20
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    enforcement authorities, while simultaneously spreading those same lies through the media. All
    in an effort to cast malicious aspersions on Donald J. Trump, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump
  132. The opening salvo occurred in early-to-mid July 2016, when Steele—a paid FBI
    informant—began sending his dossier memoranda to the FBI, knowing that they contained false
    information on Donald J. Trump purporting to show compromising ties to Russia.41
  133. On the morning of July 31, 2016, Steele met with Nellie Ohr and Bruce Ohr, at
    which time Steele discussed his work on the Steele Dossier. Bruce Ohr was already aware at that
    time that Steele was “sharing his information with the Clinton campaign.”42
  134. On that same day, the FBI opened a Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”)
    investigation, known as Operation Crossfire Hurricane (“Crossfire Hurricane”), into whether
    individuals associated with the Trump Campaign were witting of and/or coordinating activities
    with the Russian government.
  135. Among others at the FBI, Crossfire Hurricane was led by FBI Deputy Assistant
    Director Peter Strzok, FBI Director James Comey, and FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe,
    with involvement and assistance from, among others, FBI Special Counsel Lisa Page and FBI
    attorney Kevin Clinesmith.
    a. Text messages between Strzok and FBI Special Counsel Lisa Page, who were
    engaged in an illicit affair during that time, reveal that both of them had an utter
    disdain for the subject of their investigation, Donald J. Trump, and were
    determined to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the 2016 presidential election.
    b. For example, on August 8, 2016, Page texted Strzok, “[Trump’s] not ever going
    41 Id. at ¶ 2; see also IG Report.
    42 S. REP. NO. 116-290, vol. 5, at 909–10.
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    to become president right? Right?!.” Strzoke replied, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop
    c. The text messages also contained reference to an “insurance policy” that was being
    cultivated by Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey and others at the FBI, in the event
    that Trump were to win the election:
    d. For instance, on August 15, 2016, Strzok texted Page: I want to believe the path
    you threw out for consideration in Andy’s (Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of
    the FBI) office that there’s no way Trump gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t
    take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before
    you’re 40 … “
    e. This reference to an “insurance policy” reveals that Strzok and Page intended to
    ensure that, if Donald. J. Trump did indeed win the presidential election, that he
    would be quickly removed from office or, at a minimum, unable to effectively
  136. By August 16, 2016, the FBI had opened individual cases under the Crossfire
    Hurricane umbrella as to four United States individuals, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Paul
    Manafort, and Michael Flynn.
  137. Three of these individuals, Page, Papadopoulous, and Manafort, were associated
    with the Trump Campaign.
  138. The focus of Crossfire Hurricane quickly became to obtain a FISA warrant,
    authorizing the spying and electronic surveillance of Carter Page, a foreign policy advisor with the
    Trump Campaign.
  139. To surveil an American citizen, the FISA requires that there be probable cause that
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    the target is an “agent of a foreign power” who is “knowingly engag[ing]…in clandestine
    intelligence activities.” In short, to legitimately obtain a FISA warrant against Carter Page, the FBI
    had to demonstrate that he was a Russian agent who was knowingly engaging in intelligence
    activities on behalf of Russia.
  140. In August 2016, Bruce Ohr met with Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page and briefed
    them on the false accusation contained in the Steele Dossier, particularly those concerning Carter
  141. On September 19, 2016, Steele provided reports from the Steele Dossier to the FBI,
    which contained false information regarding Carter Page and his purported ties to Russia.
  142. Thereafter, the FBI applied for four (4) separate FISA warrants as to Carter Page.
  143. In doing so, the FBI relied substantially on the Dossier as a means of establishing
    probable cause that Carter Page was a witting agent of the Russian Federation.
  144. Indeed, McCabe would later testify before Congress, behind closed doors, in
    December 2017, that, if not for the Steele Dossier, no FISA warrant would have been issued.
  145. Each of the FISA applications set forth the FBI’ s assessment that Carter Page was
    a knowing agent of Russia and further alleged—in reliance on the Dossier—that Carter Page was
    part of a “well-coordinated conspiracy of co-operation between the Trump Campaign and the
    Russian government.”
  146. The FBI ultimately obtained a total of four court approved FISA applications
    targeting Carter Page, which authorized intrusive electronic surveillance of him from in or about
    October 2016 through in or about September 2017.
  147. The first application was approved on October 21, 2016 (“FISA #1”), and three
    43 120919-examination.pdf (justice.gov) at fn. 264.
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    renewal applications were approved on January 12, 2017 (“FISA # 2), April 7, 2017 (“FISA # 3”),
    and June 29, 2017 (“FISA # 4”).
  148. The FISA applications were reviewed by numerous FBI agents, FBI attorneys, and
    National Security Division (NSD) attorneys and, as required by law, was ultimately certified by
    then FBI Director James Comey and approved by then Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.44
  149. In fact, no probable cause existed and there was no truth to any of the allegations
    against Carter Page, Donald J. Trump, or the Trump Campaign.
  150. Strzok was directly involved in the decision to open Crossfire Hurricane and the
    four FISA applications. Additionally, “the documentation opening each of the four individual
    investigations was approved by Strzok.”45
  151. Furthermore, Comey and Sally Yates approved the first renewal application.
    Comey and then Acting Attorney General Dana Boente approved the second renewal. Acting FBI
    Director Andrew McCabe and then Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein approved
    the third renewal.46
  152. McCabe received regular briefings on the progress of Crossfire Hurricane and
    discussed the investigation with Comey at regular briefings.47
  153. Clinesmith was assigned to provide legal support to FBI personnel working on
    Crossfire Hurricane. Clinesmith worked with the National Security Division of the United States
    Department of Justice to prepare the FISA applications to obtain authority from the United States
    Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.48
    44 Id. (Page 6)
    45 Id at 349
    Id. at 7
    47 120919-examination.pdf (justice.gov) (Page 69)
    48 See generally Indictment, United States v. Clinesmith, case no. 1:20-cr-00165-JEB, District of Columbia (Aug.
    14, 2020) (hereinafter, “Clinesmith Indictment”).
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  154. While ‘assisting’ the FBI, Clinesmith doctored an email with the Central
    Intelligence Agency. Clinesmith communicated with the CIA regarding whether Carter Page was
    a source. 49
  155. Clinesmith took the email he received and added the words “not a source” and
    provided the doctored email to the FBI.50
  156. Ohr had regular contact with the Crossfire Hurricane team and provided them with
    information that appeared in the FBI interview Report Form (FD-302).
  157. James Comey was the Director of the FBI and his actions in this capacity allowed
    the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative to continue to thrive.
  158. Comey personally signed three FISA applications to spy on Carter Page, with the
    Dossier serving as part of the basis for the warrant requests.
  159. Comey was aware, or should have been aware, that there was no evidentiary basis
    for the FISA applications and that the Steele Dossier was not a credible source:
    a. The Washington Times reported that it had obtained a three page highly classified
    memo from September 2016, in which the CIA informed then FBI Director James
    Comey, that the Clinton Campaign was planning to blame “collusion” between
    Trump and the Russian government. The memo shows that Comey was advised
    by the CIA of what the Clinton campaign had been doing. Comey was advised of
    the fact that the Clinton campaign was setting up Donald J. Trump, weeks after
    the FBI had opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into alleged collusion.
    That information was a red flag to the FBI and it was ignored, as Comey was
    aligned with the Clinton Campaign.
    49 Id.
    50 Id.
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    b. Comey admitted in December, 2018, during his testimony before the House
    Judiciary Committee, that prior to signing the FISA application to obtain the
    warrant to conduct surveillance on Carter Page, that he was aware that the fake
    Dossier, authored by Steele, was financed by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC,
    or as he referred to them, “political actors, who opposed Donald J. Trump.” Yet,
    none of that information was disclosed in the FISA applications in October, 2016,
    or on any of the renewals.
    c. Moreover, Comey during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee
    disclosed that when he met with Donald J, Trump in January 2017, in Trump
    Tower, to brief him on the Dossier, that he failed to inform the incoming President,
    about who financed the document, despite, the fact that Comey was well aware
    that it was financed by Hillary Clinton via the DNC and the Clinton Campaign
    through Perkins Coie.
    d. Comey intentionally withheld that information from Donald J. Trump, as well as
    in the FISA applications, themselves. Comey not only withheld that information
    from Donald J. Trump and the FISA Court, so that the scheme could be hidden,
    but he also pushed back, on behalf of the FBI, requests from Donald J, Trump to
    investigate the origins of the “salacious material” i.e.: the Dossier. As such,
    Comey confirmed that he did not tell Donald J. Trump, during his briefing that the
    Dossier had been paid for by his political opponents, mainly Hillary Clinton, the
    Clinton Campaign, and the DNC, via the Perkins Coie law firm.
  160. Comey utilized the Steele Dossier as purported evidence to sign FISA documents
    to conduct surveillance on Carter Page, when he knew that the Dossier was discredited, and failed
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    to advise the FISA court.
  161. Comey failed to tell the FISA court that the Dossier was reportedly funded by the
    Clinton Campaign and the DNC and compiled by Fusion GPS.
  162. Comey failed to tell the FISA court that the Dossier he relied upon to request a
    warrant to monitor Carter Page was a product of the Fusion GPS
  163. Comey relied on the Dossier to monitor Carter Page, even though months later he
    called the information in the Dossier salacious and unverified.
  164. Comey relied on the Dossier, even though the FBI determined the document was
    only minimally corroborated.
    The Defendants Spread Their False
    Narrative Through the Media While
    Sussmann Makes False Statements to
    Law Enforcement
  165. At the same time that the FBI’s unfounded investigation was underway, the
    Defendants were also spreading disinformation through the media in their effort of igniting a media
  166. Their coordinated efforts at or around that time included, without limitation, the
    following acts:
    a. On September 1, 2016, Sussmann met with a reporter to discuss the false TrumpAlfa Bank connection; the reporter would later write an article about the topic.
    b. On September 12, 2016, Sussmann spoke with Elias, via phone, regarding
    Sussmann’s efforts to communicate with one newspaper on the allegations about
    Alfa Bank; Sussmann and Elias. Each billed the call to the Clinton Campaign.
    c. On September 21, 2016, Steele, Fritsch, and Simpson met with numerous members
    of the media in Washington D.C., including reporters from The New York Times,
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    The Washington Post, New Yorker, Yahoo News, and CNN, to discuss their
    investigative findings of an alleged “sinister relationship” between Donald J.
    Trump and Russia, including the “possible coordination of members of Donald J.
    Trump’s campaign team and Russian government officials.”51

d. In mid-October 2016, Steele again met with reporters of The New York Times, The
Washington Post, and Yahoo News and provided additional briefings of his
supposed findings concerning a Trump-Russia connection.52

  1. The next phase of the plan involved Sussmann meeting with the FBI to provide
    false evidence and information and to continue their efforts to intentionally mislead federal law
    enforcement authorities.
  2. In the lead-up to Sussmann’s meeting with the FBI, there were numerous meetings
    between Sussmann and Elias, Neustar, and/or Fusion GPS, all of which were billed to the Clinton
    Campaign and/or the DNC, including, but not limited to the following:
    a. On or about July 29, 2016, Sussmann and Elias met with personnel from Fusion
    GPS in Elias’ office; Sussmann billed his time for this meeting to the Clinton
    Campaign under the category “General Political Advice”53 with the billing
    description “meeting with Elias, others regarding [] confidential project.”
    b. In early August 2016, Sussmann met with Steele to advise him of a potential
    connection between Trump Tower and the Russian Alfa Bank; his time was billed
    to the Clinton Campaign.54
    51 Crime in Progress at 110; see also IG report at 105.
    52 Id. at 117.
    53 For all of Sussmann’s other billing entries cited herein that he billed to the Clinton Campaign, he similarly billed
    his time to the Clinton Campaign under the category “General Political Advice.”
    54 Tr. of Interview at 74–75, H. Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence Interview of Michael Sussmann (Dec.
    18, 2017), https://www.dni.gov/files/HPSCI_Transcripts/2020-05-04-Michael_Sussmann-MTR_Redacted.pdf; Tr.
    of Steele Dep. at 1–2.
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    c. On about August 12, 2016, Sussmann met with Elias and Joffe in Elias’ office; the
    meeting was billed to the Clinton Campaign with the billing description
    “confidential meetings with Elias, others.”
    d. On or about August 17, 2016, Sussmann had a conference call with Elias and Joffe;
    his time was billed to the Clinton Campaign with the billing description “telephone
    conference with Joffe.”
    e. On or about August 19, 2016, Sussmann had another meeting with Elias and Joffe;
    Sussmann billed his time to the Clinton Campaign with the billing description
    stating, in part, “confidential meeting with Elias, others[.]”
    f. On or about August 20, 2016, Sussmann met with a representative of Fusion GPS
    and communicated with the media; he billed his time to the Clinton Campaign
    with the billing description, “Meeting with consultant and Elias; revisions to White
    Paper; meeting with expert; meeting with expert and reporter; follow up meeting
    with reporter; conversations with Elias.”
  3. On or about September 15, 2016, just four days before Sussmann’s meeting with
    the FBI, Elias exchanged emails with Sullivan, as well as the Clinton Campaign’s manager and
    communications director, concerning the plot to falsely connect Donald J. Trump to the Russian
    bank, Alfa Bank, by disseminating the lies to the media.
  4. On or about September 19, 2016, Sussmann met with the FBI General Counsel at
    FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C. to convey his allegations of the connection between Donald
    J. Trump and the Russian bank.
  5. During this meeting, the following, in substance and in part, took place:
    55 Sussmann Indictment ¶ 25.
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    a. Sussmann stated falsely that he was not acting on behalf of any client, which led
    the FBI General Counsel to understand that Sussmann was conveying the
    allegations as a good citizen and not as an advocate for any client.
    b. Sussmann stated that he had been approached by multiple cyber experts
    concerning the Russian bank connections allegations; Sussmann provided the
    names of three cyber experts, but did not name or mention Neustar, Joffe, the
    Clinton Campaign, or any other person or company referenced above.
    c. Sussmann described the allegations of a secret Trump Organization server that was
    in communication with the Russian bank, including that the Russian bank had used
    a TOR exit node located at a healthcare company to communicate with the Trump
    d. Sussmann stated that media outlets were in possession of information about the
    Trump Organization’s secret server, and that a story would be published on Friday
    of that week.
    e. Sussmann provided to the FBI General Counsel two thumb drives and hard copy
    papers, which contained and comprised the following: (i) the aforementioned
    white paper that Sussmann had assisted in drafting, entitled White Paper #1
    AuditableV3, which contained no date or author’s name; (ii) a white paper drafted
    by a researcher, which was entitled, White Paper Comments: Time Series Analysis
    of Recursive Queries, dated September 19, 2016, and contained no author’s name;
    (iii) white paper drafted by Fusion GPS regarding the Russian Bank and its parent
    company, which contained no date or author’s name; and (iv) eight files containing
    the Russian Bank data and other purported data and information relating to the
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    mail.trump-email.com domain.
  6. Sussmann reported the Trump-Alfa Bank connection, as though it was real, and lied
    to the FBI General Counsel, by falsely stating that he was not acting on behalf of any client, when
    he was specifically there at the behest of Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, and the DNC. In fact, he
    billed the Clinton Campaign for his efforts, as he had with all of his actions taken in furtherance
    of the Defendants’ conspiracy.
  7. Sussmann’s statement to the FBI General Counsel that he was not acting on behalf
    of any client was knowingly and intentionally false. In truth, and as Sussmann well knew, he and
    his firm, Perkins Coie, had been acting on behalf of and in coordination with four specific clients,
    i.e., Neustar, Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, and the DNC in assembling and conveying his
  8. Sussmann billed his meeting with the FBI General Counsel to the Clinton
    Campaign with the billing description, “work and communications regarding confidential project.”
  9. Sussmann concealed and failed to disclose, among other things, that, (i) he had
    spent time drafting one of the white papers he provided to the FBI General Counsel and billed that
    time to the Clinton Campaign, and (ii) Fusion GPS, which at the time was also acting as a paid
    agent of the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, drafted another of those white papers.
  10. Sussmann’s lies and omissions were material because, among other reasons, they
    misled the FBI General Counsel and other FBI personnel concerning the political nature of his
    work and deprived the FBI of information that might have permitted it more fully to assess and
    uncover the origins of the relevant data and technical analysis, including the identities and
    motivations of Sussmann’s clients.
  11. Had the FBI uncovered the origins of the relevant data and analysis, it would have
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    learned, among other things, that (i) in compiling and analyzing the Alfa Bank allegations, Joffe
    had exploited his access to non-public data at multiple internet companies to conduct opposition
    research concerning Donald J. Trump; (ii) in furtherance of these efforts, Joffe had enlisted, and
    was continuing to enlist, the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were
    receiving and analyzing internet data in connection with a pending federal government
    cybersecurity research contract; and (iii) Sussmann, Elias, Perkins Coie, Joffe, and Neustar had
    coordinated, and were continuing to coordinate with representatives and agents of the Clinton
    Campaign and the DNC, with regard to the data and written materials that Sussmann gave to the
    FBI and the media.
  12. Immediately, after the aforementioned September 19, 2016, meeting, the FBI
    General Counsel spoke with the Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division.
    During their conversation, the FBI General Counsel conveyed the substance of his meeting with
    Sussmann. The Assistant Director took contemporaneous handwritten notes which reflect, in
    substance, the above-referenced statements by Sussmann and stated, among other things: “Michael
    Sussmann – Atty: Perkins Coie, LLP not doing this for any client.”
  13. In the days following Sussmann’s meeting with the FBI General Counsel, and as a
    result of that meeting, the FBI opened an investigation of the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations.
  14. The FBI’s investigation of these allegations nevertheless concluded that there was
    insufficient evidence to support the allegations of a secret communications channel with the
    Russian bank. In particular, and among other things, the FBI’s investigation revealed that the email
    server at issue was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization but rather, had been
    administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump hotels and
    hundreds of other clients.
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  15. Moreover, demonstrating that Sussmann carried out the aforementioned work on
    behalf of his clients, Sussmann continued in the weeks following this meeting to coordinate with
    Joffe, Elias, and Fusion GPS, to disseminate the Russian bank allegations to the media.
  16. For example, on or about October 10, 2016, Sussmann emailed a reporter a link to
    an opinion article which asserted, in substance and in part, that investigative reporters had not
    published as many stories regarding Donald J. Trump as other media outlets.
  17. In or about late October 2016, approximately one week before the 2016 U.S.
    Presidential Election, multiple media outlets reported that U.S. government authorities had
    received and were investigating allegations concerning a purported secret channel of
    communications between the Trump Organization and a particular Russian bank, Alfa Bank.
  18. One of these articles, published by the New Yorker on October 8, 2016, stated:
    Examining records for the Trump domain, Max’s group discovered
    D.N.S. lookups from a pair of servers owned by Alfa Bank, one of
    the largest banks in Russia. Alfa Bank’s computers were looking up
    the address of the Trump server nearly every day. There were
    dozens of lookups on some days and far fewer on others, but the
    total number was notable: between May and September, Alfa Bank
    looked up the Trump Organization’s domain more than two
    thousand times. “We were watching this happen in real time—it
    was like watching an airplane fly by,” Max said. “And we thought,
    Why the hell is a Russian bank communicating with a server that
    belongs to the Trump Organization, and at such a rate?”
  19. On or about October 31, 2016, eight days before the 2016 Presidential Election,
    Sullivan put out a written campaign statement that claimed that Trump and the Russians had set
    up a “secret hotline” through Alfa Bank and that “federal authorities” were investigating “this
    direct connection between Trump and Russia.” He portrayed the shocking discovery as the work
    of independent experts—“computer scientists”—without disclosing their attachment to Hillary
    Clinton or the Clinton Campaign. The full statement was as follows:
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    [T]his could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and
    Moscow. Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert
    server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
    This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of
    Trump’s ties to Russia. It certainly seems the Trump Organization
    felt it had something to hide, given that it apparently took steps to
    conceal the link when it was discovered by journalists. This line of
    communication may help explain Trump’s bizarre adoration of
    Vladimir Putin and endorsement of so many pro-Kremlin positions
    throughout this campaign. It raises even more troubling questions
    in light of Russia’s masterminding of hacking efforts that are clearly
    intended to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. We can only assume
    that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection
    between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into
    Russia’s meddling in our elections.
  20. Sullivan was acting in the scope and authority of his employment with the Clinton
    Campaign when he made this false statement, which was made with the intention of harming
    Trump and his campaign.
  21. Elias, acting in the scope and authority of the Clinton Campaign, assisted Sullivan
    with the statement, as evidenced by his billing entries submitted to the Clinton Campaign.
  22. On the same day, Clinton published the same false and damaging statements to the
    public through her Twitter account, wherein she included a photograph of Sullivan’s statement
    along with her own commentary: “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server
    linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.”56
  23. A second tweet from Clinton on that same day said that it was “time for Trump to
    answer serious questions about his ties to Russia.” It also included a graphic stating the following:
  24. Donald Trump has a secret server. (Yes, Donald Trump.) 2. It
    was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank
    called Alfa Bank. 3. When a reporter asked about it, they shut it
    down. 4. One week later, they created a new server with a different
    56 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton), Twitter (Oct. 31, 2016, 8:36 PM),
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    name for the same purpose.57
  25. Clinton made these statements despite her awareness that they were patently false
    and that neither Donald J. Trump nor the Trump Organization had any ties to Alfa-bank. She was
    driven by a pathological need to stop Trump from ever entering the White House irrespective of
    the damage and national discord it would cause.
  26. The Defendant, John D. Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, also
    pushed the false Trump-Russia allegations. After Wikileaks released internal Clinton campaign
    emails, Podesta told reporters on October 11, 2016, that “I’ve been involved in politics for nearly
    five decades. This definitely is the first campaign that I’ve been involved in which I’ve had to
    tangle with Russian intelligence agencies who seem to be doing everything they can on behalf of
    our opponent.”
  27. He then stated, without even a shred of evidence that “I think it is a reasonable
    assumption to, or at least a reasonable conclusion, that Mr. Stone had advance warning, and the
    Trump campaign had advance warning about what Assange was going to do.”
  28. On November 9, 2016, in spite the Defendants’ collective efforts, Trump won the
    2016 Presidential Election.
  29. Despite his victory, the Defendants’ efforts continued unabated.
  30. In mid-November 2016, Glenn Simpson met personally with Bruce Ohr, at his
    request, to discuss Fusion GPS’s findings regarding Russia and the election.
  31. Mr. Ohr concealed this meeting from the Department of Justice; he was later
    57 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton), Twitter (Oct. 31, 2016, 7:32 PM),
    58 https://time.com/4528049/hillary-clinton-john-podesta-emails-hackers-russia/
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    reprimanded and demoted for doing so.
  32. On December 10, 2016, Glenn Simpson provided a thumb drive to Bruce Ohr
    containing most of the reports comprising the Steele Dossier. Ohr, in turn, provided the thumb
    drive to the FBI.
  33. Ten days later, on December 20, 2016, Bruce Ohr provided a second thumb drive
    to the FBI, containing anti-Trump “opposition research” reports prepared by his wife, Nellie Ohr,
    in her capacity as a Fusion GPS employee.
  34. Over time, the FBI attempted to investigate, vet, and analyze the Dossier, but
    ultimately was not able to confirm or corroborate most of their substantive allegations.
  35. In the context of those efforts, the FBI learned that Danchenko, a Russian analyst,
    had served as a central source of information contained in the Dossier.
  36. From January 2017 through November 2017, the FBI conducted numerous
    interviews with Danchenko (collectively the “Interviews”) concerning, among other things, the
    information that Danchenko had provided to Steele for the Dossier.
  37. During the course of these Interviews, Danchenko plainly admitted that he had
    “zero” corroboration for the key allegations that he had contributed to the Dossier.
  38. In addition, as alleged in further detail below, Danchenko repeatedly lied to FBI
    agents during his Interviews.
  39. First, Danchenko falsely stated that he never communicated with Charles Halliday
    Dolan, Jr, a claim which was patently false.
  40. In fact, Danchenko and Dolan had been in frequent communication since at least
    April 2016, had gone on a trip together, and had attended numerous meetings and conferences
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  41. The disclosure of Danchenko’s relationship with Dolan would have been incredibly
    relevant to the FBI’s understanding of the contents of the Dossier:
    a. At all relevant times, Dolan has long held deep ties to the Democratic Party
    operative and has been a close associate of and adviser to Hillary Clinton.
    b. As a result, Dolan frequently interacted with senior Russian Federation leadership
    whose names would later appear in the Dossier, such as Putin spokesman Dmitry
    Peskov and then-Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.
    c. Also, in 2006, the Kremlin signed a deal with Ketchum, the PR firm where Dolan
    served as vice president for public affairs. As part of that agreement, Ketchum
    was to handle global public relations for the Russian government as well as the
    state-owned energy company Gazprom.
  42. In fact, as detailed above, many of the allegations contained in the Dossier came
    directly from Dolan, who had conveyed them to Danchenko who, in turn, reported them to Steele.
  43. Dolan ‘s role as a contributor of information to the Dossier was highly relevant and
    material to the FBI’s evaluation of those reports because:
    a. Dolan maintained pre-existing and ongoing relationships with numerous persons
    named or described in the Dossier, including one of Danchenko’s Russian subsources,
    b. Dolan maintained historical and ongoing involvement in Democratic politics,
    which bore upon Dolan’s reliability, motivations, and potential bias as a source of
    information for the Dossier, and
    c. Danchenko gathered some of the information contained in the Dossier at events in
    Moscow organized by Dolan and others that Danchenko attended at Dolan’s
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    invitation. Certain allegations that Danchenko provided to Steele, and which
    appeared in the Dossier, mirrored and/or reflected information that Dolan himself
    also had received through his own interactions with Russian nationals.
  44. On or about January 13, 2017, Dolan replied to an email sent by a U.S.-based person
    discussing a recent news article regarding the Dossier, wherein Dolan stated:
    [] I’ve been interviewed by the Washington Post and the London
    Times -three times over the last two days over the Steele Dossier on
    Trump and I know the Russian agent who made the report (He used
    to work for me). My client in [Foreign Country] [Business] has been
    accused of being the party that organized the hacking. Presently
    speaking with the barrister in London who is filing a brief against
    Steele has been unmasked as the man behind an explosive dossier
    about US president-elect Donald Trump. Also in conversation with
    former British Ambassador who knows Steele. Quite right -Oh what
    a boring life.
  45. At that time, Danchenko was not publicly known to be a source for Steele.
  46. On March 16, 2017, Danchenko informed the FBI that he believed the source in the
    above-referenced allegations referred, at least in part, to the Chamber President. He repeated these
    claims in subsequent interviews on or about March 16, 2017, May 18, 2017, October 24, 2017,
    and November 2, 2017.
  47. Meanwhile, Sussmann and Joffe continued to play their part in the Defendants’
    grand conspiracy.
  48. Through late 2016 and early 2017, Joffe and a researcher continued to compile
    additional information and data regarding the Alfa Bank allegations and gathered other purported
    data allegedly involving Donald J. Trump’s related computer networks which they claimed tied
    him to Russia.
  49. Around that time, Sussmann began arranging a meeting with the Central
    Intelligence Agency (CIA) to continue spreading his lies.
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  50. On or about February 9, 2017, Sussmann met with two CIA employees at a location
    outside the District of Columbia.
  51. At the meeting, the following, in substance and in part, occurred:
    a. Sussmann stated falsely – as he previously had stated to the FBI General Counsel
    that he was “not representing a particular client.” In truth and in fact, and as
    Sussmann had acknowledged to the Former Employee just days earlier, Sussmann
    was indeed representing a client.
    b. Sussmann disclosed that Perkins Coie, was active in representing several
    Democratic Party causes and officer-holders, including both the DNC and Clinton.
    Sussmann stated, however, that such work was unrelated to his reasons for
    contacting the CIA.
    c. Sussmann discussed and described the updated allegations, including new details
    concerning the Russian Bank allegations that he had not provided to the FBI
    General Counsel.
    d. Sussmann provided to the CIA employees (i) several white papers, and (ii)
    multiple data files containing purported DNS data, ranging from 2016 through
    early 2017.
  52. As he had done in his prior meeting with the FBI, Sussmann—acting on behalf of
    the Clinton Campaign and the DNC—again lied to and intentionally mislead federal law
    enforcement officials in furtherance of the Defendants’ scheme.
  53. That Sussmann was acting on behalf of, and in coordination with, the Clinton
    Campaign and the DNC when he made his false statements to the FBI and the CIA was confirmed
    in December 2017, when Sussmann testified under the penalty of perjury before the House
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    Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
    Q: [] When you decided to engage the two principals, one, [the FBI
    General Counsel] in September, and the general counsel of
    [Agency-2] in December, you were doing that on your own
    volition, based on information another client provided you. Is that
    Q: So what was – so did your client direct you to have those
    Q: Okay. And your client also was witting of you going to [the CIA]
    in February to disclose the information that individual had provided
    [ . .. ]
    Q: Okay. I want to ask you, so you mentioned that your client
    directed you to have these engagements with the FBI and [redacted]
    and to disseminate the information that client provided you. Is that
    [Sussmann]: [] [W]e had a conversation, as lawyers do with their
    clients, about client needs and objectives and the best course to take
    for a client. And so it may have been a decision that we came to
    together. I mean, I don’t want to imply that I was sort of directed to
    do something against my better judgment, or that we were in any
    sort of conflict, but this was — I think it’s most accurate to say it was
    done on behalf of my client.
  54. Meanwhile, the Defendants’ continued their campaign of spreading disinformation
    through the media.
  55. On March 7, 2017, Mook acknowledged during a Fox & Friends appearance, that
    there was a wiretap of Russian officials in contact with associates of President Trump, and that
    surveillance may have been conducted on Trump computers as well.
  56. In October of 2017, Podesta went on Twitter and accused Donald J. Trump of
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    “running a “big lie campaign” centered on the investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S.
    A String of Federal Investigations
    Clear Donald J. Trump and
    Uncover the Defendants’ Illicit Conspiracy
  57. On May 9, 2017, Comey was fired from his position of Director of the FBI.
  58. Shortly thereafter, in the wake of his firing, Comey took retaliatory action against
    Donald J. Trump.
  59. During his time with the FBI, Comey had documented several of his interactions
    with Donald J. Trump in a series of memos. After he was no longer an employee of the FBI, Comey
    intentionally shared these memos with one of his lawyer friends, who he directed to leak to a New
    York Times reporter who had been reporting on the Russia conspiracy theory.
  60. The leak was investigated by the Office of the Inspector General (IG) which, in an
    August 2019 report, faulted Comey for the “unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative
    information, obtained during the course of FBI employment, in order to achieve a personally
    desired outcome.”60
  61. The outcome that Comey desired—per his own admission to Congress—was to
    “prompt” the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Donald J, Trump’ alleged conspiracy
    with the Russian movement.
  62. The IG’s report noted that Comey had “set a dangerous example” by “release[ing]
    sensitive information” to “create public pressure for official action.”
  63. Comey was successful in getting the special master appointed, due to his unlawful
    59 https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-behind-apos-big-lie-164719959.html
    60 Report of Investigation of Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey’s Disclosure of Sensitive
    information and Handling of Certain Memoranda, Office of the Inspector General, Oversight and Review Division
    19-02, August 2019, https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2019/o1902.pdf (hereinafter, the “IG Report (Aug. 2019).
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    leaking of information, even though Comey didn’t have enough evidence to pursue it in his own
    official capacity.
  64. In May 2017, Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel to “oversee the
    previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence to 2016
    Presidential Election and related matters.”61
  65. Strzok, the leader of the Russia probe, texted Lisa Page in May 2017 that he was
    reluctant to join Mueller’s probe and leave his senior FBI post because he feared “there’s no big
    there, there.”62
  66. In addition, in May 2017, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe “it still existed
    in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no
    matter what Mueller or the FBI did.”
  67. On March 22, 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded his 22-month
    investigation and submitted his confidential report entitled “Report on the Investigation into
    Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election” (the “Mueller Report”) to Attorney General
    William Barr.
  68. The Mueller Report demonstrated that, after a two-year long investigation coming
    on the heels of a year-long FBI investigation, the Special Counsel found no evidence that Donald
    J. Trump or his campaign ever colluded with the Russian government to undermine the 2016
  69. Specifically, Special Counsel Mueller “did not find that the Trump campaign, or
    anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts,
    61 Appoint of Special Counsel (press release), US Department of Justice, May 17, 2017,
    62 Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment | The Hill
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    despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”63
  70. In March of 2019, shortly after the Muller Report determined there was no evidence
    of collusion, Reines went on Fox News and continued to accuse Donald J. Trump falsely.
  71. Reines debated with Mollie Hemingway who told Reines that the conspiracy was
    over and Reines responded: “You saying it on FOX doesn’t make it so. He’s under investigation
    by 17 other entities including the Southern District of New York.”
  72. Starting in or around 2019, two additional probes were launched to investigate the
    origins of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane.
  73. First, the Office of the Inspector General performed a review to determine whether
    the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was adequately predicated and whether the FBI had acted on
    false and misleading information.
  74. Through this investigation, the IG uncovered numerous deficiencies with the FBI’s
  75. In a report dated December 9, 2019, the IG identified “at least 17 significant errors
    or omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications, and many additional errors in the Woods
  76. Thereafter, on January 23, 2020, the DOJ formally admitted to the FISC that, with
    respect to at least the last two warrant applications, “if not earlier, there was insufficient predication
    to establish probable cause to believe that [Dr.] Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.”
  77. The FISC has also issued several rulings finding that FISA warrants contained
    material omissions and misstatements, lacked candor, and/or that the warrants were not lawfully
    63 Letter from AG William Barr, March 24, 2019.
    65 IG Report (12/19).
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    a. In an Order dated December 17, 2019, the FISC stated: “The frequency with which
    representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or
    contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld
    information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information
    contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”
    b. In an Order dated January 7, 2020, the FISC stated: “The Court understands the
    government to have concluded, in view of the material misstatements and
    omissions, that the Court’s authorizations were not valid.
    c. In an Order dated March 5, 2020, the FISC stated: “There is thus little doubt that
    the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those
    applications [involving Carter Page].”
    d. In an Order dated June 25, 2020, the FISC stated: “The government acknowledges
    that there were material omissions, and the Court has found violations of the
    government’s duty of candor, in all four applications [regarding Carter Page].”
  78. In light of these admissions, as well as the obvious questions about the legitimacy
    of Crossfire Hurricane, Attorney General William Barr assigned John Durham, the United States
    Attorney for the District of Connecticut, to lead an investigation on behalf of the Department of
    Justice into Crossfire Hurricane.
  79. Thereafter, on October 19, 2020, Barr officially appointed Durham to serve as
    Special Counsel and to continue his investigation into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane.
  80. On September 16, 2021, less than a year into his investigation, Durham indicted
    Sussmann for one count of making a false statement to a federal law enforcement in violation of
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    18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) for, on September 19, 2016, “stat[ing] to the General Counsel of the FBI
    that Sussmann was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying the particular allegations
    concerning [Donald J. Trump], when in truth, and in fact, and as [Sussmann] well knew, he was
    acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, [Joffe] and the Clinton Campaign.”66
  81. On November 3, 2021, Durham indicted Danchenko for five separate counts of
    violating 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) for making false statements to a law enforcement officials:67
    e. Count One alleges that Danchenko violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) on June 15,
    2017 when he “denied to agents of the FBI that he had spoken with [Dolan] about
    any material contained in the [Steele Dossier], when in truth and in fact, and as the
    defendant well knew, [Dolan] was the source for an allegation contained in the
    [Steele Dossier] dated August 22, 2016 and was otherwise involved in the events
    and information described in the reports.”68
    f. Count Two alleges that Danchenko violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) on March 16,
    2017 when he “stated to agents of the FBI that he received a late July 2016
    telephone call from an individual who Danchenko believed was ‘probably’
    Chamber President-1, when in truth and in fact, and as [Danchenko] well knew,
    Chamber President-1 never called Danchenko.”69
    g. Count Three alleges that Danchenko violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) on May 18,
    2017 when he “stated to agents of the FBI that he ‘was under the impression’ that
    a late July 2016 telephone call that he received was from Chamber President-I,
    66 Indictment at 27, United States v. Sussmann, case no. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC, District of Columbia (Sept. 16, 2021)
    (hereinafter, “Sussmann Indictment”).
    67 See generally Indictment, United States v. Danchenko, case no. 1:21-cr-00245-AJT, Eastern District of Virginia
    (Nov. 3, 2021) (hereinafter, Danchenko Indictment”)
    68 Id. at 37.
    69 Id.
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    when in truth and in fact, and as the defendant well knew, Chamber President-I
    never called Danchenko.”70
    h. Count Four alleges that Danchenko violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) on October
    24, 2017 when he “stated to agents of the FBI that he believed that he spoke to
    Chamber President-I on the telephone on more than one occasion, when in truth
    and in fact, and as the defendant well knew, Danchenko never spoke to Chamber
    i. Count Five alleges that Danchenko violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) on November
    16, 2017 when he “stated to agents of the FBI that he believed that he had spoken
    to Chamber President-I on the telephone, when in truth and in fact, and as the
    defendant well knew, Danchenko never spoke to Chamber President-I.”72
  82. On December 17, 2021, Durham filed a motion to inquire into potential conflicts
    of interests in Danchenko’s criminal case, notifying the court to a potential conflict of interest
    since Danchenko’s defense counsel also represents the Clinton Campaign, noting that “the interests
    of the Clinton Campaign and [Danchenko] could potentially diverge in connection with any plea
    discussions, pre-trial proceedings, hearings, trial, and sentencing proceedings.”
  83. In the motion, Durham also confirms that his office is actively investigating the
    Clinton Campaign for its role in the subject matter of this action, stating that “[a]reas of inquiry
    that may become relevant . . . include topics such as (1) the Clinton Campaign’s knowledge or
    lack of knowledge concerning the veracity of information in the Company Reports sourced by the
    defendant, (2) the Clinton Campaign’s awareness or lack of awareness of the defendant’s
    70 Id. at 38.
    71 Id.
    72 Id.
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    collection methods and sub-sources, (3) meetings or communications between and among the
    Clinton Campaign, U.S. Investigative Firm-1, and/or U.K. Person-1 regarding or involving the
    defendant, (4) the defendant’s knowledge or lack of knowledge regarding the Clinton Campaign’s
    role in and activities surrounding the Company Reports, and (5) the extent to which the Clinton
    Campaign and/or its representatives directed, solicited, or controlled the defendant’s activities.”
    He further noted that “the Clinton Campaign and [Danchenko] each might have an incentive to
    shift blame and/or responsibility to the other party for any allegedly false information that was
    contained within the Company Reports and/or provided to the FBI.”73
  84. On January 25, 2022, in a discovery-related motion in the Sussmann criminal case,
    it was revealed that Durham has already questioned a “former employee of the Clinton Campaign”
    and has served document requests and/or subpoenas on the Clinton Campaign and a “political
    organization” – likely the DNC.74
  85. On February 11, 2022, Durham filed a motion to inquire into potential conflicts of
    interest in the Sussmann case. Notably, in reference to Neustar and Joffe’s exploitation of nonpublic data in connection with the Defendants’ conspiracy, Durham states that “among the Internet
    data [Joffe] and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic
    pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central
    Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States
    (“EOP”),” and specifically notes that “[Joffe] and his associates exploited [a sensitive]
    arrangement [with the EOP] by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of
    73 See generally Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest (ECF Doc. No.35), United States v. Danchenko,
    case no. 1:21-cr-00245-AJT, Eastern District of Virginia (Dec. 17, 2021).
    74 See Government’s Discovery Update and Request for Additional Time to Produce Residual Discovery Materials,
    United States v. Sussmann, case no. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC, District of Columbia (Jan. 25, 2022).
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    gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.”75
    The Defendants’ Malicious Conspiracy
    Remains Active to This Day
  86. The Defendants’ collective effort to falsely implicate and publicly denigrate Donald
    J. Trump has not ceased and, in fact, the Defendants continue to proliferate the injurious falsehood
    that Donald J. Trump colluded with Russia to this very day.
  87. Fusion GPS, Simpson, Fritsch, and Steele continued their collective mission to
    fabricate evidence and disparage Donald J. Trump with it, well after Trump won the 2016 election.
  88. Since 2017, The Democracy Integrity Project (“TDIP”) has paid Fusion GPS,
    Steele and their associates more than $3.8 million to continue their ‘opposition research’ against
    Donald J. Trump and to continue pushing the false Trump-Russia narrative.
  89. In particular, TDIP has paid $3.3 million to Fusion GPS; $250,000 to “Walsingham
    Partners Ltd.,” a London-based firm owned by Steele and his partner, Christopher Burrows; nearly
    $130,000 to “Edward Austin Ltd.” a London-based intelligence consultancy operated by Edward
    Baumgartner, a Fusion GPS contractor; and $148,000 to the law firm Zuckerman Spaeder, which
    has represented Fusion GPS in a variety of Dossier-related legal matters.
  90. Philippe Reines has continued to insist that Donald J. Trump colluded with
  91. On, April 16, 2018, Reines tweeted “yes collusion, yes collusion, yes collusion”
    in response to an article titled: ‘Breaking: Trump puts the brake on new Russian sanctions,
    reversing Haley’s announcement.’
  92. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has also continued to maintain that Donald J. Trump
    75 See generally Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest (ECF Doc. No.35), United States v. Sussmann,
    case no. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC, District of Columbia (Feb. 11, 2022).
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    colluded with Russia.
  93. For instance, on May 10, 2019, Schultz appeared on MSNBC and boldly announced
    that there were “clear indications” that Donald J. Trump colluded with Russia. She went on to
    You know, what’s so disturbing is that Donald Trump is so lacking
    in confidence about his ability to actually get elected without the
    help of a foreign power, and particularly a foreign adversary, that
    they will go to any lengths and that he will instruct and allow his
    colleagues and allies to go to any lengths to be able to secure his
    success in an election.76
  94. Likewise, Clinton has continued to drum up the false Trump-Russia narrative in the
    hopes of damaging Trump’s political career.
  95. For example, on June 16, 2021, Clinton appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show
    and again attempted to reinforce the debunked Trump-Russia story—of which she led the effort to
    manufacture and is no doubt aware is false—when she stated to MSNBC’s audience, which
    included the general public of the State of Florida and the rest of the United States: “We don’t
    have Trump as spokesperson for Putin, anymore.” “After disastrous Trump presidency, in which
    he gave Putin a green light to do whatever he wanted to do, once Trump was elected, of course…”
  96. On February 16, 2022, in response to media reports concerning the filing of
    Durham’s February 11, 2022 motion, Clinton tweeted that “Trump & Fox are desperately spinning
    up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones. So it’s a day that ends in Y. The more his misdeeds
    are exposed, the more they lie. For those interested in reality, here’s a good debunking of their
    latest nonsense.”
  97. These are but a few of the recent examples of the Defendants’ ongoing efforts to
    77 https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1494036101572575232.
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    maintain their conspiracy to spread injurious falsehoods against Donald J. Trump.
  98. As a direct and proximate cause of the Defendants’ actions, Trump has sustained
    significant injuries and damages including, but not limited to, expenses in the form of defense
    costs, legal fees and related expenses incurred in connection with his efforts to defend against the
    Defendants’ tortious actions, false accusation, and overall fraudulent scheme to discredit and
    delegitimize him, the Trump Campaign and Administration, and the Trump Organization and the
    various federal investigations and official proceedings that arose therefrom, which to date is in an
    amount no less than twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and continuing to accrue, as well
    as the loss of existing and future business opportunities.78
  99. It was a goal of the Defendants’ conspiracy, and indeed a foreseeable and natural
    consequence of the same, that this substantial economic harm would befall Trump. The Plaintiff
    does not claim nor seek any compensation for damage to his reputation, but rather, he seeks
    damages for the cost of dealing with the legal issues and political issues, which he was required to
    spend to redress the injurious falsities which were propounded by the Defendants, and all other
    losses incurred due to the tortious conduct of the Defendants.
  100. All precedent acts and requirements have been done or have been waived by the
  101. The Plaintiff was required to retain the attorneys named below to bring this action
    and to pay them reasonable attorneys’ fees.
    Count I
    (18 U.S.C. § 1962(C))
    (Against Clinton, Clinton Campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, Elias, and Sussmann)
    78 The different opportunities which evaporated are too many to list, but as an example, Donald J. Trump has been
    banned from different social media platforms, including Twitter. Most of this was due to the misinformation campaign
    waged by Hillary Clinton, whereby truth was deemed false and lies were deemed to be truth.
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  102. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  103. The Defendants, Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, Perkins Coie, Elias, and
    Sussmann (collectively, the “RICO Defendants”) are all “persons” within the meaning of 18
    U.S.C. § 1961(3).
    The RICO Enterprise
  104. At all relevant times, the RICO Defendants, Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, the
    DNC, Perkins Coie, Elias, and Sussmann, constituted an association in-fact enterprise (the
    “Enterprise”) within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(4).
  105. The members of the Enterprise are a group of persons associated together for the
    common purpose of carrying on an ongoing enterprise; specifically, the Enterprise had a common,
    unlawful goal of dismantling the Plaintiff’s political career and/or impeding his ability to
    effectively govern through fraudulent, deceptive, and criminal means, including, but not limited
    to, falsely implicating the Plaintiff, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Administration as
    colluding with Russia.
  106. By virtue of the RICO Defendants’ professional relationships and frequent business
    collaborations, the Enterprise had an existence and legitimate business and political purpose
    separate and apart from the racketeering activity itself.
  107. Since the Enterprise’s activities had a significant effect on the 2016 presidential
    race, and affected fundraising and electoral spending, the Enterprise affected interstate and foreign
  108. The Enterprise was formed as early as April 2015 and remains ongoing and
    continuing to the present day.
  109. Considering the nature of the RICO Defendants’ longstanding political and
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    professional relationship, the continuing nature of Clinton’s political career, her ever-present
    political rivalry with Plaintiff, and the nature of the Enterprise’s goals, the longevity of the
    Enterprise is sufficient to permit the RICO Defendants to pursue the Enterprise’s ongoing goal of
    damaging the Plaintiffs’ political career with the continuing proliferation, and/or threat of
    proliferation, of disinformation, obstruction of justice, and other unlawful tactics intended to
    damage the Plaintiff’s political career and to impede his ability to effectively govern.
  110. The members of the Enterprise have longstanding inter-relationships rooted in their
    political and professional connections, in addition to common control, ongoing business dealings,
    and mutual interest and participation in common activities and dealings.
  111. The Enterprise has, or at all relevant times had, an organized, clearly delineated,
    ongoing organizational framework and command structure for carrying out its objectives: the
    Clinton Campaign and the DNC were at all relevant times mutually controlled by Clinton, who
    worked in tandem with their joint counsel, Perkins Coie, whose partners, Sussmann, and Elias,
    simultaneously served as general counsel for the Clinton Campaign and the DNC.
  112. No RICO Defendant has withdrawn, or otherwise dissociated itself, from the
    Predicate Acts
  113. Section 1961(1) of RICO also provides that “racketeering activity” includes any act
    indictable under 18 U.S.C. § 1832 (relating to theft of trade secrets) and 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503 and/or
    1512 (obstruction of justice). As set forth herein, in furtherance of the scheme to defraud the
    Plaintiff, the RICO Defendants engaged in numerous acts in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832 and 18
    U.S.C. § 1503 and/or 1512, including, without limitation, as set forth herein.
  114. Each RICO Defendant has conducted and participated in, directly or indirectly, the
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    management, conduct and/or operation of the Enterprise and its affairs through a pattern of
    racketeering activity including acts indictable under 18 U.S.C. § 1832 (theft of trade secrets) and
    18 U.S.C. § 1503, and/or 1512 (obstruction of justice).
  115. The RICO Defendants have consistently and regularly committed acts of
    racketeering activity spanning from at least April 2015. These multiple acts shared a common or
    related purpose, goal, result, participants, victims, and methods of commission.
  116. Beginning in or around April 2015, the RICO Defendants engaged in wide-ranging
    and fraudulent scheme to concoct a false narrative that the Plaintiff and his campaign were
    colluding with Russia to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election.
  117. The RICO Defendants, through their deceptive and fraudulent conduct intended to
    mislead law enforcement, the media, and the public at large and to impede, obstruct and falsely
    provoke federal investigations against the Plaintiff, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump
  118. In furtherance of this scheme, the Defendants committed multiple related acts, each
    of which constitutes an act of racketeering activity, and which, collectively, constitute a pattern of
    racketeering activity.
    Theft of Trade Secrets (18 U.S.C. § 1832)
  119. In violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832(a)(5), the RICO Defendants conspired with
    Neustar and Joffe, on at least two occasions, abused and exploited access to non-public and highly
    sensitive data sources and/or servers, and acquired obtained in excess of authorization and/or stole
    proprietary, sensitive and confidential internet data, records and/or information, including without
    limitation, DNS internet traffic data pertaining to Plaintiff, including data originating from his
    servers located at his private New York residence and those located at Trump Tower and used in
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    connection with his business, The Trump Organization LLC, a company involved in interstate
    commerce, and stole trade secrets in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832 (theft of trade secrets).
  120. DNS internet traffic data houses highly proprietary, sensitive and confidential data.
    For example, among other things, an analysis of raw DNS data could reveal a comprehensive view
    into an individual or a company’s website traffic, e-mail traffic, webmail traffic, chat messaging,
    in addition to the types of technology, hardware, software, programs, securities and processes
    being utilized by the servers.
  121. The RICO Defendants conspired with Neustar and Joffe to exploit access to nonpublic data sources and/or servers and unlawfully acquire, steal and exploit sensitive, proprietary
    and confidential internet data, including without limitation, DNS information, traffic, and/or data
    originating from computers and/or servers (i) located at Plaintiff’s private apartment in Central
    Park West in New York and belonging to the Plaintiff; and (ii) located at Trump Tower and
    belonging to The Trump Organization, in which Plaintiff has an ownership interest (collectively,
    with the computers and/or servers house in Plaintiff’s private apartment, “Plaintiff’s Servers).
  122. By conspiring to illegally access the above-mentioned information and data, the
    RICO Defendants, through Neustar and Joffe, were able to obtain proprietary, sensitive, and/or
    confidential information and data including, among other things, the number and frequency of email communications between the Plaintiff’s Servers and other third party servers, the number and
    frequency of website visits to third party websites by the Plaintiff’s Servers, the number and
    frequency of webmail interactions between the Plaintiff’s Servers and other third party servers,
    and the number and frequency of chat messaging interactions between the Plaintiff’s Servers and
    other third party servers, as well as information pertaining to the types of technology, hardware,
    software, programs, securities and processes being utilized by Plaintiff’s Servers.
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  123. This information and data revealed highly proprietary, sensitive, and confidential
    knowledge, including insight into Plaintiff’s and The Trump Organization’s business dealings,
    financial dealings, communications, future and current plans, techniques, patterns, methods,
    processes, and procedures, as well as identification of their corporate partners, political associates,
    clients, and vendors.
  124. This proprietary, sensitive and confidential information, data and/or knowledge
    constitutes trade secrets within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1839(3) where they constitute business
    and/or political methods, techniques, processes, procedures and programs that are both protected
    from disclosure by the Plaintiff and derive significant economic value from not generally being
    known to or ascertainable by others, including the RICO Defendants, who can obtain economic
    value from disclosure or use of such information.
  125. The Plaintiff and The Trump Organization restricts access to their proprietary,
    sensitive and confidential information and data, including DNS data, even within their own
    personnel and prevents unauthorized access to such records by digital or electronic means.
  126. The Plaintiff and The Trump Organization further protects against theft and
    disclosure of such information by third parties by the requirement of executed non-disclosure
    agreements prior to providing any such access.
  127. The Plaintiff’s confidential records were misappropriated by Defendants within the
    meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1839(5), where the Plaintiff’s records were acquired by the RICO
    Defendants, through their conspiracy with Neustar and Joffe, without the Plaintiff’s authorization
    and through Defendants’ acts of espionage or other improper means conducted by electronic or
    other means.
  128. The RICO Defendants conspired to violate the Defend Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C.
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    § 1832(a)(1), by assisting, aiding, and abetting Neustar and Joffe in obtaining Plaintiff’s
    proprietary, sensitive and confidential information and data by fraud, artifice, and deception and,
    thereafter, stealing, appropriating, taking, carrying away, and concealing the theft of Plaintiff’s
    confidential records with intent to convert Plaintiff’s confidential records, which are related to
    products sold in interstate and foreign commerce, to Defendants’ own benefit, while knowing and
    intending that such misappropriation would injure the Plaintiff.
  129. Each of the RICO Defendants were aware of, and active participants in, the
    conspiracy for Neustar and Joffe’s to violate the Defend Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1832, and
    each of the RICO Defendants committed at least one act in furtherance of this goal.
  130. The RICO Defendants’ actions constitute a conspiracy to steal trade secrets in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832(a)(5).
    Obstruction of Justice (18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1512)
  131. The RICO Defendants, through and using the Enterprise, engaged in, and continues
    to engage in, a coordinated effort to destroy the Plaintiff’s political career and impede his ability
    to effectively govern as President of the United States. This coordinated effort amounts to a set of
    related predicate acts with similar purposes, results, and methods, which included acts in violation
    of 18 U.S.C. § 1503 and/or 1512 (obstruction of justice).
  132. On one or more occasions, the RICO Defendants, knowingly and deliberately
    provided falsified, altered and misleading records, including the White Papers and the Dossier, to
    law enforcement officials and made false statements to law enforcement officials, including the
    FBI and CIA, with the intention of obstructing, impeding, influencing and/or impairing their
    investigations into alleged Russian collusion, and/or conspired with others to carry out these acts.
  133. On September 19, 2016, Sussmann met with FBI officials in Washington D.C., at
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    which time he, among other things: (i) made false statements to FBI officers, including that he was
    acting on behalf of any client; (ii) provided falsified, altered and/or misleading records, including
    the White Papers, to FBI officials; (iii) withheld and/or concealed pertinent information, including
    without limitation the true nature of the White Papers, his work with Neustar and Joffe, the falsity
    of the purported link between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank, and the existence of the Enterprise
    and its overarching conspiracy to create a false narrative of Trump-Russia collusion.
  134. On September 19, 2016, Sussmann met with FBI officials in Washington D.C., at
    which time he, among other things: (i) made false statements to FBI officials, including that he
    was not acting on behalf of any client; (ii) provided falsified, altered and/or misleading records,
    including (1) White Paper #1 AuditableV3, (2) White Paper Comments: Time Series Analysis of
    Recursive Queries, (3) a white paper drafted by Fusion GPS regarding a purported Trump-Alfa
    Bank connection, and (4) eight files containing falsified, altered, and/or curated data and
    information relating to Alfa Bank, Trump Tower, and the mail.trump-email.com domain, to FBI
    officials; (iii) withheld and/or concealed pertinent information, including, without limitation, that
    he was acting on behalf of his clients, Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, and in furtherance
    of the Enterprise, the falsified and/or misleading nature of the White Papers and the other
    documents that he was handing over, the true nature of his work with Neustar and Joffe, the falsity
    of the purported link between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank, and the existence of the Enterprise
    and its overarching conspiracy to create a false narrative of Trump-Russia collusion.
  135. Sussmann’s conduct in connection with his September 19, 2016 meeting with the
    FBI corruptly obstructed, influenced, and impeded and/or endeavored to obstruct, influence or
    impede the due administration of justice and/or one or more official proceeding(s), namely
    Crossfire Hurricane and/or other ongoing investigations by the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and/or the
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    IG, and therefore constituted a violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503 and/or 1512.
  136. On February 9, 2017, Sussmann met with CIA officials at a location outside of
    Washington D.C., at which time he, among other things: (i) made false statements to CIA officials,
    including that he was not representing a particular client; (ii) provided falsified, altered and/or
    misleading records, including the White Papers and multiple data files containing purported DNS
    data, ranging from 2016 through early 2017, to CIA officials; (iii) withheld and/or concealed
    pertinent information, including, without limitation, that he was acting on behalf of his clients,
    Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, and in furtherance of the Enterprise, the falsified and/or
    misleading nature of the White Papers and the other documents that he was handing over, the true
    nature of his work with Neustar and Joffe, the falsity of the purported link between Trump Tower
    and Alfa Bank, and the existence of the Enterprise and its overarching conspiracy to create a false
    narrative of Trump-Russia collusion.
  137. Sussmann’s actions on February 9, 2017 corruptly obstructed, influenced, and
    impeded and/or endeavored to obstruct, influence or impede the due administration of justice,
    and/or one or more official proceedings, namely, ongoing investigations by the CIA, the FBI, the
    IG, and/or the DOJ and therefore constituted a violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503 and/or 1512.
  138. The other RICO Defendants, Clinton, Clinton Campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, and
    Elias, had a meeting of the minds, common intent, were aware of, and conspired with Sussmann
    in the commission of the above-mentioned violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1512, including, without
    limitation, his conduct in connection with his meeting with the FBI on September 19, 2016 and
    his meeting with the CIA on February 9, 2017, and each of the other RICO Defendants committed
    an overt act in furtherance of said violation(s), and the RICO Defendants conspired to commit the
    above-named acts in furtherance of the overarching conspiracy to denigrate the Plaintiff and to
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    derail his political career.
  139. Therefore, the actions of the RICO Defendants, Clinton, Clinton Campaign, DNC,
    Perkins Coie, and Elias, constituted a conspiracy to obstruct justice in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    § 1512(k).
  140. By virtue of the foregoing, Sussmann, and the other RICO Defendants, willfully,
    knowingly, deliberately and corruptly obstructed, influenced, and impeded and/or endeavored to
    obstruct, influence or impede the due administration of justice, and/or one or more official
    proceedings, including, but not limited to, Crossfire Hurricane and/or other investigations by the
    FBI, the CIA, the IG, and the DOJ.
  141. In addition, the RICO Defendants conspired with Fusion GPS, Fritsch, Simpson,
    Orbis Ltd., Steele, and Danchenko to produce the Steele Dossier, which contained falsified,
    misleading and inaccurate representations about the alleged Trump-Russia connection, and which
    they knew would be provided to law enforcement, including without limitation the FBI, the DOJ
    and the CIA, for the purpose of corruptly obstructing, influenced, and impeding and/or
    endeavoring to obstruct, influence or impede one or more official proceedings, including, but not
    limited to, Crossfire Hurricane and/or other investigations by the FBI, the CIA, the IG, and the
    DOJ, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512.
  142. In addition, the RICO Defendants conspired with Danchenko in connection with
    his conduct in making various false statements and misrepresentations to the FBI in violation of
    18 U.S.C. § 1512, including, but not limited to:
    a. On June 15, 2017, Danchenko stated, at the direction of and in coordination with
    the RICO Defendants, that he had not spoken with Dolan about any material
    contained in the Dossier. This statement was patently false, as Danchenko used
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    the information provided by Dolan as a source for allegations made in the Dossier.
    b. On March 16, 2017, May 18, 2017, October 24, 2017, and November 16, 2017,
    Danchenko, at the direction of and in coordination with the RICO Defendants,
    directly lied about the sources relied upon in compiling the Dossier.
  143. The RICO Defendants had a meeting of the minds, common intent, were aware of,
    and conspired with Fusion GPS, Fritsch, Simpson, Orbis Ltd., Steele, and Danchenko in
    connection with the commission of the above-mentioned violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1512, including,
    without limitation, the scheme to produce and fraudulently disseminate the Steele Dossier and
    Danchenko’s various false statements to law enforcement, and each of the other RICO Defendants
    committed an overt act in furtherance of said violations, and the RICO Defendants conspired to
    commit the above-named acts in furtherance of the overarching conspiracy to denigrate the
    Plaintiff and to derail his political career.
  144. Therefore, the actions of the RICO Defendants constituted a conspiracy to obstruct
    justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(k).
  145. Based on the foregoing, the RICO Defendants’ actions constituted at least two
    separate violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503 and/or 1512.
  146. All of Defendants’ actions in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832 occurred after May 11,
    2016 and, therefore, qualify as predicate acts pursuant to the 2016 amendment federal RICO
  147. The Plaintiff has been injured in his business and property as a direct and proximate
    result of Defendants’ violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c).
  148. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has suffered,
    and continues to suffer, significant damages, including but not limited to, actual, compensatory,
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    special, incidental, and consequential damages in addition to costs of defense and attorneys’ fees.
  149. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ actions and the various federal
    investigations and/or official proceedings which arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities for himself, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Organization
  150. All of these injuries were sustained within, and were the result of conduct occurring
    within the United States.
  151. The Plaintiff is entitled to recover, pursuant to Title 18 United States Code
    § 1964(c), treble damages in the amount to be determined by offer of proof at time of trial. The
    Plaintiff is also entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs of this litigation, as well as damages
    arising from lost profits and/or lost business opportunities attributable to the activities engaged in
    by defendants committed in furtherance of the Enterprise.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Hillary Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the
    Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, LLP, Michael Sussmann, and Marc Elias for
    damages, including Compensatory and Treble damages, costs, attorneys’ fees, and such further
    and other relief as this honorable Court may deem just and proper.
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    Count II
    RICO Conspiracy
    (18 U.S.C. § 1962(D))
    (Against Clinton, Clinton Campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Dolan, Sullivan, Podesta,
    Mook, Reines, Elias, Fusion GPS, Simpson, Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Ltd., Steele,
    Danchenko, Neustar, and Joffe)
  152. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  153. Defendants, Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Dolan,
    Sullivan, Podesta, Mook, Reines, Elias, Fusion GPS, Simpson, Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr,
    Orbis Ltd., Steele, Danchenko, Neustar, and Joffe (the “RICO Conspiracy Defendants”), are all
    “persons” within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(3).
  154. The RICO Conspiracy Defendants conspired with each other to violate 18 U.S.C.
    § 1962(C) and knowingly agreed, conspired and acted in concert for the express purpose of injuring
    the Plaintiff’s political career and/or impeding his ability to effectively govern through a pattern
    of racketeering activity.
  155. The RICO Conspiracy Defendants knew that they were engaged in a conspiracy to
    commit the predicate acts, including theft of trade secrets (18 U.S.C. § 1832) and obstruction of
    justice (18 U.S.C. §§ 1503 and/or 1512), and they knew that the predicate acts were part of such
    racketeering activity, and the participation and agreement of each of them was necessary to allow
    the commission of this pattern racketeering activity. This conduct constitutes conspiracy to violate
    18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1962(d).
  156. Each of the RICO Conspiracy Defendants knew about and agreed to facilitate the
    Enterprise’s scheme to fraudulently concoct a scheme to damage the Plaintiff’s political career and
    undermine his ability to effectively govern as the President of the United States through the
    wrongful acts identified herein. It was part of the conspiracy that the RICO Conspiracy Defendants
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    would commit a pattern of racketeering activity in the conduct of the affairs of the enterprise,
    including the acts of racketeering as set forth herein.
  157. No RICO Conspiracy Defendant has withdrawn, or otherwise dissociated itself,
    from the conspiracy at issue or the other conspirators.
  158. As a direct and proximate result of RICO Conspiracy Defendants’ actions, the
    Plaintiff has been injured in his business and property has suffered, and continues to suffer,
    significant damages, including but not limited to, actual, compensatory, special, incidental, and
    consequential damages in addition to costs of defense and attorneys’ fees.
  159. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ actions and the various federal
    investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom.
  160. The Plaintiff is entitled to recover, pursuant to Title 18 United States Code
    § 1964(c), treble damages in the amount to be determined by offer of proof at time of trial. The
    Plaintiff is also entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs of this litigation, as well as damages
    arising from lost profits and/or lost business opportunities attributable to the activities engaged in
    by defendants committed in furtherance of the Enterprise.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Michael Sussmann, Perkins Coie,
    LLP, Hillary R. Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, the DNC Services
    Corporation, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, John Podesta, Perkins Coie, LLP, Marc
    Elias, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Business
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    Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, Robert Mook,
    Philippe Reines, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Andrew McCabe, John
    Does 1 through 10, said names being fictious and unknown persons, and ABC Corporations 1
    through 10, said names being fictitious and unknown entities, for damages, including
    compensatory and treble damages, costs, attorneys’ fees, and such further and other relief as this
    Court may deem just and proper.
    Count III
    Injurious Falsehood
    (18 U.S.C. § 2701-12)
    (Against Clinton, Sullivan, Schultz, Danchenko, Sussmann, and Steele)
  161. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  162. As detailed at length herein, on multiple occasions the Defendants, Clinton, Joffe,
    Sussmann, Steele, Sullivan, and Schultz, made, disseminated and/or published false and damaging
    statements concerning the Plaintiff, specifically that he was colluding with Russia and its President
    Vladimir Putin.
  163. At all relevant times, the Defendants acted with actual malice, as they knew that
    the Plaintiff was not colluding with Russia or, at a minimum, acted with reckless abandon as to
    the truth of whether the Plaintiff had colluded with Russia; despite said knowledge, the Defendants
    conspired to disseminate false information and spread a false narrative in an attempt to ruin the
  164. These individual Defendants, Clinton, Sullivan, Schultz, Danchenko, Sussmann,
    and Steele, made, disseminated, and/or published the false and damaging statements to third
    parties, including, but not limited to, government authorities, media outlets, and the general public.
  165. Clinton, Sullivan, and Schultz, among other things, falsely and deliberately
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    published false and damaging statements about the Plaintiff and his purported ties with Russia and
    promoted their false allegations through the media.
  166. In turn, the media heavily reported their allegations story as true, making it appear
    as if the Plaintiff had colluded with the Russian government, despite the falsity of their claims.
  167. Sullivan, among other things, issued a press release on October 31, 2016, on behalf
    of Clinton and the Clinton Campaign, in made false and damaging claims about the Plaintiff:
    [T]his could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and
    Moscow. Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert
    server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
    This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of
    Trump’s ties to Russia. It certainly seems the Trump Organization
    felt it had something to hide, given that it apparently took steps to
    conceal the link when it was discovered by journalists. This line of
    communication may help explain Trump’s bizarre adoration of
    Vladimir Putin and endorsement of so many pro-Kremlin positions
    throughout this campaign. It raises even more troubling questions
    in light of Russia’s masterminding of hacking efforts that are clearly
    intended to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign. We can only assume
    that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection
    between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into
    Russia’s meddling in our elections.
  168. Clinton, personally, also published the same false and damaging statements to the
    public, through her Twitter account on October 31, 2016, and to media outlets.
  169. Clinton continues to publish the false and damaging allegations to media outlets.
  170. For example, on June 16, 2021, Hillary Clinton appeared on the Morning Joe show
    on MSNBC and stated to the general public of the State of Florida, and the rest of the United
    States: “We don’t have Trump as spokesperson for Putin, anymore.” “After disastrous Trump
    presidency, in which he gave Putin a green light to do whatever he wanted to do, once Trump was
    elected, of course.”
  171. Schultz has also published numerous false and damaging statements about the
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    Plaintiff and his alleged collusion with Russia.
  172. For example, she told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront”, that reported contacts
    between President Donald J. Trump’s campaign aides and Russia amounted to collusion. Schultz
    told the reporter, “[W]ith every passing day, it gets more and more disturbing, and more and more
    evidence that there was collusion.” “Donald Trump should be the first person asking for one, but
    since I think he likely was part of it, it’s not surprising that hasn’t happened.”
  173. Danchenko, among other things, submitted falsified evidence to the FBI and
    published false and damaging statements orally to the FBI.
  174. Sussmann, among other things, submitted falsified evidence to the FBI, DOJ and
    CIA and published false and damaging statements orally to the FBI.
  175. Steele, among other things knowingly maintained and published to third parties,
    including, but not limited to the FBI, the false series of reports referred to as the “Steele Dossier.”
  176. The individual Defendants knew that the statements were false at the time they
    made then and also knew or should have known that said statements would damage the Plaintiff’s
    lawful property interests.
  177. As a direct and proximate result of the individual Defendants’ unlawful conduct,
    the Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer economic losses and irreparable injuries.
  178. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damages, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damages in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  179. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses Among other things,
    the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be determined at trial, but known to be
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    in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and continuing to accrue, in the form of
    defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in connection with his effort to defend
    against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various federal investigations and/or official
    proceedings arose therefrom.
  180. The Plaintiff does not claim nor seek any compensation for damage to his
    reputation, but rather, he seeks damages for the cost of dealing with the legal issues and political
    issues, which he was required to spend to redress the injurious falsities which were propounded by
    the Defendants, and all other losses incurred due to the tortious conduct of the Defendants.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan,
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Michael Sussmann, Christopher Steele, and Igor Danchenko, and for
    damages, including Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may
    deem just and proper.
    Count IV
    Conspiracy to Commit Injurious Falsehood
    (Against Clinton, Clinton Campaign, DNC, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Dolan, Sullivan, Podesta,
    Schultz, Mook, Reines, Elias, Fusion GPS, Simpson, Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Ltd.,
    Steele, Danchenko, Neustar, and Joffe)
  181. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  182. The Defendants had a meeting of minds to harm the Plaintiff by making false and
    damaging statements regarding the Plaintiff’s alleged collusion with the Russian government, and
    its President Vladimir Putin, and then disseminating the false and damaging statements by
    publishing them to third parties, including, but not limited to, government authorities, media
    outlets, and the general public, in an attempt to cause harm to the Plaintiff.
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  183. As such, the Defendants conspired to commit unlawful acts by unlawful means.
    They had different roles, where some actors, such as Danchenko, Dolan, Steele, and Joffe, were
    involved in the fabrication of supposed facts to put into the Dossier, and later helped to foist it
    upon the FBI, while others were more involved with the publishing of the allegations to the media
    and general public, and still others were more involved in feeding false information federal
  184. Each of the Defendants executed one or more acts in furtherance of the conspiracy,
    as detailed in this Complaint, and committed overt acts to harm the Plaintiff in furtherance of the
  185. In this regard, the Defendants conspired to create a false narrative that that the
    Plaintiff was colluding with Russia through their dissemination of false and damaging statements.
  186. At all relevant times, the Defendants acted with actual malice, as they knew that
    the Plaintiff was not colluding with Russia or, at a minimum, acted with reckless abandon as to
    the truth of whether the Plaintiff had colluded with Russia; despite said knowledge, the Defendants
    conspired to disseminate false information and spread a false narrative in an attempt to ruin the
  187. Despite this knowledge, that no evidence existed of the collusion, the Defendants
    further conspired to publish the false information to third parties, such as the FBI, other
    governmental agencies, the news-media outlets, and the U.S. population, in an attempt to smear
    the Plaintiff’s to harm his chance of being elected and properly administrating his office of
    President of the United States.
  188. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
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    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  189. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities.
  190. The Plaintiff does not claim nor seek any compensation for damage to his
    reputation, but rather, he seeks damages for the cost of dealing with the legal issues and political
    issues, which he was required to spend to redress the injurious falsities which were propounded by
    the Defendants, and all other losses incurred due to the tortious conduct of the Defendants.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Michael Sussmann, Perkins Coie,
    LLP, Hillary R. Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, the DNC Services
    Corporation, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, John Podesta,
    Perkins Coie, LLP, Marc Elias, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr,
    Orbis Business Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney
    Joffe, Robert Mook, Philippe Reines, John Does 1 through 10, said names being fictious and
    unknown persons, and ABC Corporations 1 through 10, said names being fictitious and unknown
    entities, for damages, including Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this
    Court may deem just and proper.
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    Count V
    Malicious Prosecution
    (Against Sussmann, Elias, Danchenko, Fritsch, Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Steele, Joffe, Comey,
    McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Clinesmith)
  191. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  192. The Defendants, Sussmann, Elias, Danchenko, Fritsch, Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Steele
    and Joffe, willfully and knowingly misled FBI and DOJ officials with the intention of inducing the
    FBI to commence an investigation of the Plaintiff and his alleged collusion with Russia.
  193. The Defendants, Sussmann, Elias, Danchenko, Fritsch, Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Steele
    and Joffe, concocted a scheme to denigrate the Plaintiff and by so doing, to cause harm to his
    campaign, and, in the course of carrying out this scheme, conspired to feed false and/or misleading
    information to the FBI and the DOJ, which prompted the FBI to commence an investigation.
  194. The Defendants, Sussmann, Elias, Danchenko, Fritsch, Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Steele
    and Joffe, were the legal cause of the commencement of the FBI’s investigation into the Plaintiff
    in that they, among other things, engaged in efforts to falsify information, documents, and/or
    evidence, such as the Dossier and the white papers, provided said false information, documents
    and/or evidence to the FBI and the DOJ, made false and/or misleading statements to the FBI and
    the DOJ concerning, among other things, the facts and circumstances of the development of the
    Dossier and the white papers, the credibility of their evidence and sources, the individuals and
    entities behind the Dossier and white papers, and other facts relevant to the Defendants’ plot to
    falsely implicate the Plaintiff.
  195. As a direct and proximate results of the Defendants’ efforts, on July 31, 2016, the
    FBI launched a Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”) investigation, known as Crossfire
    Hurricane, to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Plaintiff and his campaign were
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    witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Russian government.
  196. In acting to bring forth the false information to commence the investigation by the
    FBI for the express purpose of harming the Plaintiff, the Defendants acted with malicious intent.
  197. The Defendants, Sussmann, Elias, Danchenko, Fritsch, Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Steele
    and Joffe, acted with actual malice, as they knew that the Plaintiff was not colluding with Russia
    or, at a minimum, acted with reckless abandon as to the truth of whether the Plaintiff had colluded
    with Russia; despite said knowledge, the Defendants conspired to disseminate false information
    and spread a false narrative in an attempt to ruin the Plaintiff.
  198. Subsequent to the commencement of Crossfire Hurricane, additional Defendants
    who were well-position within the FBI, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Clinesmith, were the
    legal cause of the continuation of the FBI’s investigation and the commencement of extrajudicial
    FISA surveillance of the Plaintiff and his administration in that they, among other things, engaged
    in efforts to falsify evidence, information and/or documents, such as an e-mail correspondence
    regarding Carter Page that was submitted in furtherance of FISA application(s); relied upon
    knowingly false information including, without limitation, the White Papers and the Steele
    Dossier, which the Defendants were aware was not credible and was funded by the Clinton
    Campaign and the DNC; withheld pertinent and material information from FISA applications and
    in submissions, communications, and correspondences with judges, law enforcement officials,
    supervisors, superiors, and other government officials; made false and/or misleading statements to
    the FISC, Congress, and/or the Plaintiff, who at the time was sitting President of the United States;
    and otherwise misled as to the credibility of the evidence supporting their investigation, the
    individuals and entities behind the Dossier and white papers, and other facts relevant to the
    evidentiary basis for Crossfire Hurricane, the FISA applications, the Mueller investigation, and
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 81 of 108
    other related investigations regarding the alleged Trump-Russia connection.
  199. In acting to falsely maintain and continue the investigation(s) by the FBI and the
    DOJ for the express purpose of harming the Plaintiff, the Defendants, Comey, McCabe, Strzok,
    Page, and Clinesmith, acted with malicious intent.
  200. The Defendants, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Clinesmith, acted with actual
    malice, as they knew that the Plaintiff was not colluding with Russia or, at a minimum, acted with
    reckless abandon as to the truth of whether the Plaintiff had colluded with Russia, and they knew
    that Crossfire Hurricane lacked a legitimate evidentiary basis and was based on a false and
    contrived premise; despite said knowledge, the Defendants conspired to continue the baseless
    investigations, to obtain FISA warrants in excess of their lawful authority, and to proliferate the
    spread of the Defendants’ false narrative.
  201. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damages, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damages in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  202. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities for himself, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Organization
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
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    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Michael Sussmann, Peter Fritsch,
    Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele, Nellie Ohr, Igor Danchenko, Rodney Joffe, James Comey,
    Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Kevin Clinesmith for compensatory damages,
    Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count VI
    Conspiracy to Commit Malicious Prosecution
    (Against Clinton, Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson, Fritsch, Steele, Ohr,
    Danchenko, Joffe, Podesta, Mook, Reines, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Clinesmith)
  203. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  204. The Defendants, Clinton, Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson,
    Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe, had a meeting of minds and a common plan to induce
    the FBI and/or the Department of Justice through deceptive means into commencing an unfounded
    investigation into the Plaintiff’s alleged collusion with the Russian government, Vladimir Putin,
    and other government officials.
  205. The Defendants, Clinton, Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson,
    Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe, conspired to cause the FBI’s investigation to be
    commenced, and continue forward, by, among other things, falsifying information, documents,
    and evidence, such as the Dossier and the white papers, providing said falsified information,
    documents, and evidence to the FBI and the DOJ, and making false and/or misleading statements
    to the FBI and the DOJ concerning, among other things, the facts and circumstances of the
    development of the Dossier and the white papers, the credibility of their evidence and sources, the
    individuals and entities behind the Dossier and White Papers, and other facts relevant to the
    Defendants’ plot to falsely implicate the Plaintiff.
  206. The Defendants, Clinton, Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson,
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    Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe, concocted a scheme to denigrate the Plaintiff and
    tarnish his harm his chance of becoming elected and then to properly and effectively administrate
    his office of President of the United States. In the course of carrying out this scheme, they
    conspired to feed false and/or misleading information to the FBI and the DOJ which prompted the
    FBI to commence an investigation.
  207. The Defendants, Clinton, Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson,
    Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe, conspired to do an unlawful act by unlawful means.
  208. The Defendants, Clinton, Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson,
    Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe, acted with actual malice, as they knew that the Plaintiff
    was not colluding with Russia or, at a minimum, acted with reckless abandon as to the truth of
    whether the Plaintiff had colluded with Russia; despite said knowledge, the Defendants conspired
    to disseminate false information and spread a false narrative in an attempt to ruin the Plaintiff.
  209. Moreover, in conspiring to bring forth the false information to commence the
    investigation by the FBI for the express purpose of harming the Plaintiff, the Defendants, Clinton,
    Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson, Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe,
    acted with malicious intent.
  210. Subsequent to the commencement of Crossfire Hurricane, additional Defendants
    who were well-positioned within the FBI, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Clinesmith,
    conspired to continue the FBI’s investigation and to commence an extrajudicial FISA surveillance
    of the Plaintiff and his administration in that they, among other things, conspired to falsify
    evidence, information and/or documents, such as an e-mail correspondence regarding Carter Page
    that was submitted in furtherance of FISA application(s); conspired to rely upon knowingly false
    information including, without limitation, the White Papers and the Steele Dossier, which the
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 84 of 108
    Defendants were aware was not credible and was funded by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC;
    conspired to withhold pertinent and material information from FISA applications and in
    submissions, communications, and correspondences with judges, law enforcement officials,
    supervisors, superiors, and other government officials; conspired to make false and/or misleading
    statements to the FISC, Congress, and/or the Plaintiff, who at the time was sitting President of the
    United States; and otherwise conspired to mislead as to the credibility of the evidence supporting
    their investigation, the individuals and entities behind the Dossier and white papers, and other facts
    relevant to the evidentiary basis for Crossfire Hurricane, the FISA applications, the Mueller
    investigation, and other related investigations regarding the alleged Trump-Russia connection.
  211. In conspiring to falsely maintain and continue the investigation(s) by the FBI and
    the DOJ for the express purpose of harming the Plaintiff, the Defendants, Comey, McCabe, Strzok,
    Page, and Clinesmith, acted with malicious intent.
  212. The Defendants, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Clinesmith, acted with actual
    malice, as they knew that the Plaintiff was not colluding with Russia or, at a minimum, acted with
    reckless abandon as to the truth of whether the Plaintiff had colluded with Russia, and they knew
    that Crossfire Hurricane lacked a legitimate evidentiary basis and was based on a false and
    contrived premise; despite said knowledge, the Defendants conspired to continue the baseless
    investigations, to obtain FISA warrants in excess of their lawful authority, and to proliferate the
    spread of the Defendants’ false narrative.
  213. Each of the above-named Defendants executed several acts in furtherance of the
    conspiracy, as detailed at length in this Complaint, and committed overt acts to harm the Plaintiff
    in the furtherance of the conspiracy.
  214. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
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    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damages, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damages in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  215. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  216. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Hillary Clinton, Michael Sussmann,
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, Marc Elias, Glenn
    Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Christopher Steele, Nellie Ohr, Igor Danchenko, and Rodney Joffe, John
    Podesta, Robert Mook, Philippe Reines, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page,
    and Kevin Clinesmith for compensatory damages, Punitive damages, costs, and such further and
    other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count VII
    Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
    (18 U.S.C. § 1030)
    (Against Neustar, Joffe, DNC, Clinton Campaign, Clinton, Perkins Coie, Sussmann)
  217. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
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    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  218. The computers belonging to the Executive Office of the President of the United
    States are non-public, belonging to a department or agency of the United States, are exclusively
    for the use of the United States Government and are involved in interstate and foreign commerce
    and communications.
  219. The computers belonging to the Trump Organization LLC, located at Trump
    Tower, are involved in interstate and foreign commerce and communication and, therefore, are
    protected computers under 18 U.S.C. § 1030(e)(2).
  220. The Defendants’ conduct as alleged herein violated 18 U.S.C. §§ 1030(a)(2),
    1030(a)(3), 1030(a)(4), and/or 1030(a)(6).
  221. The Defendants, Neustar and Joffe, knowingly, intentionally and unlawfully
    accessed and/or exceeded their authority to access the computers at the Executive Office of the
    President of the United States and thereby obtained and used valuable, sensitive and/or proprietary
    information and data from those computers in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(2)(B),
    1030(a)(2)(C), and 1030(a)(3).
  222. Such information and data include, but are not limited to, non-public, sensitive,
    confidential, classified and/or proprietary internet data, DNS records, techniques, processes,
    procedures and programs.
  223. Neustar and Joffe also knowingly, intentionally, and unlawfully accessed and/or
    exceeded their authority to access computers belonging to the Trump Organization LLC, located
    at the Trump Tower, and thereby obtained and used valuable, sensitive and/or proprietary
    information and data from those computers in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(2)(C).
  224. Such information and data include, but are not limited to, non-public, sensitive,
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    confidential and/or proprietary internet data, DNS records, business methods, techniques,
    processes, procedures and programs.
  225. As detailed at length herein, the Defendants, the DNC, the Clinton Campaign,
    Clinton, Perkins Coie, and Sussmann conspired with Neustar and Joffe in their commission of the
    above-stated acts, in violation of 18 § U.S.C. 1030(b).
  226. As a direct and proximate result of the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, Clinton,
    Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Neustar, and Joffe’s violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1030, the Plaintiff has been
    injured and has sustained a loss in excess of $5,000.
  227. Among other things, the Defendants obtained valuable, sensitive, proprietary and
    confidential data and information pertaining to the Plaintiff, which they manipulated, falsified and
    altered for nefarious purposes, and, in addition, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an
    amount to be determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars
    ($24,000,000) and continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related
    expenses incurred in connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ actions and the
    various federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom
  228. The acts of the above-mentioned Defendants which violated 18 U.S.C. § 1030 were
    not discoverable until September 16, 2021, upon the disclosure of said acts described in the
    indictment of Michael Sussmann in United States v. Sussmann, case no. 1:21-cr-00582-CRC,
    United States District Court, District for Columbia.
  229. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendant’s actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage, including, among other things, the
    cost of investigating and responding to the unauthorized access, defending himself against federal
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    investigations, harm to his business, and loss of trade secrets and/or other proprietary, sensitive or
    valuable information and data, entitling the Plaintiff to compensatory relief under 18 U.S.C.
    § 1030(g).
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, Perkins
    Coie, LLP, Michael Sussmann, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, the DNC
    Services Corporation, and Hillary Clinton for compensatory damages, Punitive damages, costs,
    attorneys’ fees, and such further and other relief as this honorable Court may deem just and proper.
    Count VIII
    Theft of Trade Secrets
    (18 U.S.C. § 1830-32)
    (Against Neustar, Joffe, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Clinton)
  230. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  231. The Plaintiff owns and possesses certain non-public, proprietary, sensitive and
    confidential information and data, including without limitation, DNS data.
  232. DNS internet traffic data houses highly proprietary, sensitive and confidential data.
    For example, among other things, an analysis of raw DNS data could reveal a comprehensive view
    into an individual or a company’s website traffic, e-mail traffic, webmail traffic, chat messaging,
    in addition to the types of technology, hardware, software, programs, securities and processes
    being utilized by the servers.
  233. Neustar and Joffe, at the direction of Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign,
    DNC, and Clinton, exploited access to non-public data sources and/or servers, and unlawfully
    acquired, stole and exploited sensitive, proprietary and confidential internet data, including
    without limitation, DNS information, traffic, and/or data originating from computers and/or
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 89 of 108
    servers: (i)located at Plaintiff’s private apartment in Central Park West in New York and belonging
    to the Plaintiff; and (ii) located at Trump Tower and belonging to The Trump Organization, in
    which Plaintiff has an ownership interest (collectively, with the computers and/or servers house in
    Plaintiff’s private apartment, “Plaintiff’s Servers”).
  234. Joffe and Neustar exploited their access to non-public data to, among other things,
    mine DNS traffic and other data from Plaintiff’s Servers for the purpose of gathering derogatory
    information about the Plaintiff.
  235. In doing so, Joffe and Neustar intentionally accessed, without authorization,
    Plaintiff’s Servers.
  236. By illegally accessing the above-mentioned information and data, the Neustar and
    Joffe, were able to obtain proprietary, sensitive, and/or confidential information and data
    including, among other things, the number and frequency of e-mail communications between the
    Plaintiff’s Servers and other third party servers, the number and frequency of website visits to third
    party websites by the Plaintiff’s Servers, the number and frequency of webmail interactions
    between the Plaintiff’s Servers and other third party servers, and the number and frequency of chat
    messaging interactions between the Plaintiff’s Servers and other third party servers, as well as
    information pertaining to the types of software, programs, securities and processes being utilized
    by Plaintiff’s Servers.
  237. This information and data revealed highly proprietary, sensitive, and confidential
    knowledge, including insight into Plaintiff’s and The Trump Organization’s business dealings,
    financial dealings, communications, future and current plans, techniques, patterns, methods,
    processes, and procedures, as well as identification of their corporate partners, political associates,
    clients, and vendors.
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  238. This proprietary, sensitive and confidential information, data and/or knowledge
    constitutes trade secrets within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1839(3) where they constitute business
    and/or political methods, techniques, processes, procedures and programs that are both protected
    from disclosure by the Plaintiff and derive significant economic value from not generally being
    known to or ascertainable by others, including the Defendants, who can obtain economic value
    from disclosure or use of such information.
  239. The Plaintiff and The Trump Organization restricts access to their proprietary,
    sensitive and confidential information and data, including DNS data, even within their own
    personnel and prevents unauthorized access to such records by digital or electronic means.
  240. The Plaintiff and The Trump Organization further protects against theft and
    disclosure of such information by third parties by the requirement of executed non-disclosure
    agreements prior to providing any such access.
  241. Defendants, Neustar and Joffe, violated the Defend Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C.
    § 1832(a)(1), by knowingly obtaining the Plaintiff’s confidential records by fraud, artifice, and
    deception and, thereafter, stealing, appropriating, taking, carrying away, and concealing the theft
    of the Plaintiff’s confidential records with intent to convert the Plaintiff’s confidential records,
    which are related to products sold in interstate and foreign commerce, to the Defendants’ own
    benefit, while knowing and intending that such misappropriation would injure the Plaintiff.
  242. Defendants, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Clinton,
    conspired with Neustar and Joffe to commit the above-named actsin furtherance of the overarching
    conspiracy to denigrate and spread injurious falsehoods to harm the Plaintiff’s political career and
    to impede his ability to effectively govern.
  243. Defendants, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Clinton,
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    conspired with Neustar and Joffe to violate the Defend Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1832(a)(1),
    by assisting, aiding, and abetting Neustar and Joffe in obtaining Plaintiff’s proprietary, sensitive
    and confidential information and data by fraud, artifice, and deception and, thereafter, stealing,
    appropriating, taking, carrying away, and concealing the theft of Plaintiff’s confidential records
    with intent to convert Plaintiff’s confidential records, which are related to products sold in
    interstate and foreign commerce, to Defendants’ own benefit, while knowing and intending that
    such misappropriation would injure the Plaintiff
  244. Each of the Defendants, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign, DNC, and
    Clinton, were aware of, and active participants in, the conspiracy for Neustar and Joffe’s to violate
    the Defend Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1832, and each of the RICO Defendants committed at
    least one act in furtherance of this goal.
  245. The Plaintiff’s confidential records were misappropriated by Defendants within the
    meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1839(5), where the Plaintiff’s records were acquired by the Defendants,
    through unlawful and deceptive acts, without the Plaintiff’s authorization and through Defendants’
    acts of espionage or other improper means conducted by electronic or other means.
  246. The theft of the protected trade secrets has damaged the Plaintiff.
  247. The actions of Defendants, Neustar and Joffe, constitute theft of trade secrets in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832(a)(1).
  248. The actions of Defendants, Perkins Coie, Sussmann, Clinton Campaign, DNC, and
    Clinton, constitute a conspiracy to steal trade secrets in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1832(a)(5).
  249. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
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    attorneys’ fees.
  250. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur, the Plaintiff was forced to
    incur expenses in an amount to be determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four
    million dollars ($24,000,000) and continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees,
    and related expenses incurred in connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’
    actions and the various federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in
    addition to the loss of existing and future business opportunities.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter a
    Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, Perkins
    Coie, LLP, Michael Sussmann, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, the DNC
    Services Corporation, and Hillary Clinton, for compensatory damages, Punitive damages, costs,
    attorneys’ fees, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count IX
    Stored Communications Act
    (18 U.S.C. 2701-12)
    (Against Neustar and Joffe)
  251. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  252. The Defendants, Neustar and Joffee, on one or more occasions willfully and
    intentionally accessed, without authorization or in excess of any authorization, facilities through
    which an electronic communication is provided.
  253. Neustar and Joffee obtained unauthorized access to or, at a minimum, exceeded
    their authorization to access, numerous facilities through which an electronic communication is
    provided, including, but not limited to: (i) the computers, networks and/or servers of the Plaintiff’s
    private New York residence; (ii) the computers, networks and/or servers of the Executive Office
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    of the President of the United States; and (iii) the computers, networks and/or servers of the Trump
    Organization LLC, specifically located at Trump Tower (collectively, the “Computers”).
  254. Neustar and Joffee obtained wire or electronic communications from the
    Computers that were in electronic storage in such systems.
  255. The Plaintiff was aggrieved as a direct and proximate result of Neustar and Joffe’s
    actions, and was caused to suffer significant damage, entitling him to an award for monetary relief
    under 18 U.S.C. § 2707(c).
  256. The violations of Neustar and Joffe were willful and intentional, thereby warranting
    an award of punitive damages under 18 U.S.C. § 2707(c).
  257. Moreover, in conspiring to bring forth the false information to commence the
    investigation by the FBI for the express purpose of harming the Plaintiff, the Defendants, Clinton,
    Sussmann, Schultz, Dolan, Sullivan, Elias, Simpson, Fritsch, Steele, Ohr, Danchenko, and Joffe,
    acted with malicious intent.
  258. The Plaintiff also seeks an award for attorneys’ fees and costs as permitted pursuant
    to 18 U.S.C. § 2707(c)
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendants, Neustar, Inc. and Rodney Joffe, for
    compensatory damages, punitive damages, costs, attorneys’ fees, and such further and other relief
    as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count X
    (Against Clinton)
  259. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
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  260. Clinton, acting as a principal, used the law firm, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton
    Campaign as her agents to act on her behalf to carry out the plot against Trump to assure that he
    would be falsely implicated as colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.
  261. Specifically, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC under Clinton’s direction put into
    place a scheme to hire dishonest operatives to put together a collection of lies and innuendo about
    the Plaintiff and shop it to the FBI. The statements that were disseminated were knowingly false
    and damaging.
  262. Clinton directed the DNC and the Clinton Campaign to also retain Perkins Coie,
    LLP to find proof of a sinister link between Trump and Russia in the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential
  263. The Clinton Campaign and the DNC, under the direction of Hillary Clinton, directed
    its law firm, Perkins Coie, to hire an outside intelligence firm, Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on the
    Plaintiff’s alleged connections with Russia in 2016. They paid Fusion GPS approximately $10
    million to produce and propagate a false narrative that the Plaintiff had colluded with the Russians.
  264. Clinton attempted to shield her involvement through a barricade of agents working
    on her behalf.
  265. Once retained Perkins Coie, was tasked with spearheading the mission to find or
    fabricate proof of a sinister link between Trump and Russia in the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential
  266. The Clinton Campaign also secured Joffe and his company Neustar, Inc. to help
    Clinton achieve her goal.
  267. During the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, the Clinton Campaign retained
    Perkins Coie to perform “opposition research” on the Trump Campaign.
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  268. Perkins Coie did not provide legal services to the Defendants, but instead, was
    commissioned to dig up whatever dirt they could on the Plaintiff, and to the extent there was none,
    to manufacture it.
  269. Perkins Coie, acting with the knowledge and direction of the Clinton Campaign,
    then proceeded to proliferate a false narrative that the Trump Campaign was actively colluding with
    Russian operatives to subvert the 2016 Presidential Election.
  270. Sussmann and Elias, while working for Perkins Coie, and working on behalf of the
    Clinton Campaign, worked with Joffe and attempted to find any such wrongdoing by the Plaintiff.
  271. Sussmann advised the media and others, falsely and knowingly claiming to
    demonstrate the existence of a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization
    and Alfa Bank. In this regard, Sussmann invoiced the Clinton Campaign for his communications
    with Joffe and Elias.
  272. Sussmann was also advising the Clinton Campaign in connection with cybersecurity
    issues, and Perkins Coie, acted as the Clinton Campaign’s General Counsel.
  273. Joffe used his access at multiple organizations to gather and mine public and nonpublic Internet data regarding Trump and his associates, with the goal of creating a “narrative”
    regarding the candidate’s ties to Russia.”
  274. Joffe later shared certain results of those data searches and analysis with Sussmann
    so that Sussmann, in turn, could provide them to the media and the FBI.
  275. Clinton was fully aware of the plan and hired and instructed the necessary parties to
    make it happen.
  276. Moreover, employees of Perkins Coie, Elias and Sussmann had multiple conferences
    regarding their work and billed the Clinton Campaign for these meetings.
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  277. All of the abovementioned acts were committed by Perkins Coie under the
    instruction and for the benefit of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign.
  278. The agents, the Clinton Campaign and Perkins, Coie, LLP, were not acting outside
    of the instructions of the principal when committing the above-mentioned acts because they were
    hired for the sole purpose of digging up or manufacturing information on the Plaintiff.
  279. Sussmann, and his firm, Perkins Coie were always acting on behalf of and in
    coordination with the Clinton Campaign, in assembling and conveying Sussmann’s allegations.
  280. Additionally, all of Sussmann’s recorded time and work relating to the Russian Bank
    were billed to the Clinton Campaign.
  281. Clinton is liable as a principal for all of the acts her agents committed against the
    Plaintiff at her request and for her benefit.
  282. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  283. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities.
  284. The Plaintiff does not claim nor seek any compensation for damage to his
    reputation, but rather, he seeks damages for the cost of dealing with the legal issues and political
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    issues, which he was required to spend to redress the injurious falsities which were propounded by
    the Defendants, and all other losses incurred due to the tortious conduct of the Defendants.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, Hillary Clinton, for damages,
    including Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just
    and proper.
    Count XI
    Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability
    (Against Perkins Coie)
  285. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  286. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Defendant, Perkins Coie, is
    vicariously responsible for the torturous conduct of its agents, servants, representatives, employees
    and/or contractors.
  287. Specifically, under the doctrine of respondeat superior, Perkins Coie is responsible
    for the tortious actions that its employees, Sussmann and Elias, committed.
  288. Elias and Sussmann were two of Perkins Coie’s senior partners responsible for
    representing the DNC. The senior partners negotiated the Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between
    the DNC and the Clinton Campaign in which Hillary Clinton would be permitted to control the
    party’s finances, strategy, and utilize the money that the DNC raised.
  289. Sussmann and Joffe engaged in efforts with Elias and individuals acting on behalf
    of the Clinton Campaign to manufacture evidence of wrongdoing by the Plaintiff and the existence
    of a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank.
  290. Sussmann reported the Alfa Bank connection as though it was real and lied to the
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    FBI General Counsel in that he falsely stated that he was not acting on behalf of any client, when
    he was specifically there at the behest of Clinton, the Clinton Campaign, and the DNC. In fact, he
    invoiced the Clinton Campaign for his efforts.
  291. From in or about late July through in or about mid-August 2016, Sussmann, Joffe,
    and Elias coordinated and communicated about the Plaintiff’s involvement with Alfa Bank.
    Sussmann and Perkins Coie invoiced the Clinton Campaign for that conspiratorial meeting.
  292. Elias and Sussmann perpetrated lies about the Plaintiff and falsified evidence. Elias
    and Sussmann committing these egregious acts while working for a client of their firm. The DNC
    and the Clinton Campaign hired Perkins Coie and Sussmann and Elias to complete the work as a
    part of their job.
  293. At all material times, the above-named employees were all acting within the scope
    of their employment, performing work for their employer at the time of the tortious conduct, and
    therefore are responsible for the actions of their employees.
  294. As a direct and proximate result of the torturous actions by agents, servants,
    representatives, employees and/or contractors, as alleged above, Perkins Coie is vicariously liable
    to the Plaintiff, as he suffered losses due to the actions of the employees who were working within
    the scope of their employment.
  295. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
  296. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
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    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities for himself, the Trump Campaign, and the Trump Organization
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, Perkins Coie, LLP, for damages,
    including Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just
    and proper.
    Count XII
    Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability
    (Against the DNC)
  297. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  298. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Defendant, the DNC, is vicariously
    responsible for the torturous conduct of its agents, servants, representatives, employees and/or
  299. Specifically, under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the DNC is responsible for
    the tortious actions committed by its chairperson, Schultz, and other members and employees.
  300. At all material times, the above-named employees were all acting within the scope
    of their employment, performing work for their employer at the time of the tortious conduct, and
    therefore are responsible for the actions of their employees.
  301. As a direct and proximate result of the torturous actions by agents, servants,
    representatives, employees and/or contractors, as alleged above, the DNC is vicariously liable to
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    the Plaintiff, as he suffered losses due to the actions of the employees who were working within the
    scope of their employment.
  302. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, the Democratic National Committee,
    the DNC Services Corporation, for Compensatory damages, Punitive damages, costs, and such
    further and other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count XIII
    Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability
    (Against the Clinton Campaign)
  303. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  304. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Defendant, the Clinton Campaign,
    vicariously responsible for the torturous conduct of its agents, servants, representatives, employees
    and/or contractors.
  305. Specifically, under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Clinton Campaign is
    responsible for the tortious actions committed by its campaign manager, communications director,
    and foreign policy advisor.
  306. On or about September 15, 2016, Elias exchanged emails with the Clinton
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    Campaign’s campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor concerning
    the plot to falsely connect Donald J. Trump to a Russian bank.
  307. At all material times, the above-named employees were all acting within the scope
    of their employment, performing work for their employer at the time of the tortious conduct, and
    therefore are responsible for the actions of their employees.
  308. As a direct and proximate result of the torturous actions by agents, servants,
    representatives, employees and/or contractors, as alleged above, the Clinton Campaign is
    vicariously liable to the Plaintiff, as he suffered losses due to the actions of the employees who
    were working within the scope of their employment.
  309. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of existing
    and future business opportunities.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, HFACC Inc., for damages, including
    Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count XIV
    Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability
    (Against Fusion GPS)
  310. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  311. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Defendant, Fusion GPS is vicariously
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    responsible for the torturous conduct of its agents, servants, representatives, employees and/or
  312. Specifically, under the doctrine of respondeat superior, Fusion GPS is responsible
    for the tortious actions committed by its employees, Fritsch and Simpson.
  313. Elias, in his mission to obtain derogatory anti-Trump ‘opposition research,’
    commissioned Fusion GPS, and its co-founders, Fritsch and Simpson, and directed them to dredge
    up evidence—legitimate or otherwise, true or otherwise, of collusion between the Plaintiff and
  314. Fritsch and Simpson, in turn, enlisted the assistance of Orbis Ltd and its owner,
    Steele, to produce a series of reports setting forth damning evidence of the supposed collusion
    between the Plaintiff and Russia.
  315. Moreover, the efforts of Ohr to pass the knowingly false Dossier through her
    husband to the Department of Justice, while she was in the full-time employment of Fusion GPS
    also leads to the liability of Fusion GPS.
  316. The now-debunked collection of reports, known as the “Steele Dossier” or simply
    the “Dossier,” was riddled with misstatements, misrepresentations and flat out lies. As it turns
    out, the Dossier was largely based upon information provided to Steele by his primary sub-source,
    Danchenko, who admittedly fabricated his claims.
  317. Danchenko had close ties to senior Clinton Campaign official Dolan, who
    knowingly provided false information to Danchenko, who relayed it to Steele, who reported it in
    his Dossier and fed it to the FBI and the media.
  318. Fritsch and Simpson were hired and working for their company Fusion GPS when
    they fabricated research and evidence.
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  319. At all material times, the above-named employees were all acting within the scope
    of their employment, performing work for their employer at the time of the tortious conduct, and
    therefore are responsible for the actions of their employees.
  320. As a direct and proximate result of the torturous actions by agents, servants,
    representatives, employees and/or contractors, as alleged above, Fusion GPS is vicariously liable
    to the Plaintiff, as he suffered losses due to the actions of the employees who were working within
    the scope of their employment.
  321. Among other things, the Plaintiff was forced to incur expenses in an amount to be
    determined at trial, but known to be in excess of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) and
    continuing to accrue, in the form of defense costs, legal fees, and related expenses incurred in
    connection with his effort to defend against the Defendants’ false accusations and the various
    federal investigations and/or official proceedings arose therefrom, in addition to the loss of
    existing and future business opportunities.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, Fusion GPS, for damages, including
    Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Count XV
    Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability
    (Against Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd)
  322. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  323. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Defendant, Orbis, vicariously
    responsible for the torturous conduct of its agents, servants, representatives, employees and/or
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  324. Specifically, under the doctrine of respondeat superior, Orbis is responsible for the
    tortious actions committed by its employee, Steele.
  325. Fritsch and Simpson enlisted the assistance of Orbis Ltd and its owner, Steele, to
    produce a series of reports setting forth damning evidence of the supposed collusion between the
    Plaintiff and Russia.
  326. The now-debunked collection of reports, known as the “Steele Dossier” or simply
    the “Dossier,” was riddled with misstatements, misrepresentations and flat out lies. As it turns out,
    the Dossier was largely based upon information provided to Steele by his primary sub-source,
    Danchenko, who admittedly fabricated his claims.
  327. Danchenko had close ties to senior Clinton Campaign official, Dolan, who
    knowingly provided false information to Danchenko, who relayed it to Steele, who reported it in
    his Dossier and fed it all the way back up the chain.
  328. Fusion GPS was hired to create the fabricated Dossier and Steele was working for
    the company when he created it.
  329. At all material times, the above-named employees were all acting within the scope
    of their employment, performing work for their employer at the time of the tortious conduct, and
    therefore are responsible for the actions of their employees.
  330. As a direct and proximate result of the tortious actions by agents, servants,
    representatives, employees and/or contractors, as alleged above, Orbis is vicariously liable to the
    Plaintiff, as he suffered losses due to the actions of the employees who were working within the
    scope of their employment.
  331. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
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    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., for
    damages, including Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may
    deem just and proper.
    Count XVI
    Respondeat Superior/Vicarious Liability
    (Against Neustar)
  332. The Plaintiff avers the allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs and
    incorporates them in this count, as if set forth at length herein.
  333. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the Defendant, Neustar vicariously
    responsible for the torturous conduct of its agents, servants, representatives, employees and/or
  334. Specifically, under the doctrine of respondeat superior, Neustar is responsible for
    the tortious actions committed by its employee, Joffe.
  335. The Clinton Campaign secured Neustar, Inc. which is run by Joffe, to help Hillary
    Clinton achieve her goal.
  336. Sussmann and Elias, while working for Perkins Coie, LLP, and working on behalf
    of the Clinton Campaign, worked with Joffe and attempted to find wrongdoing by the Plaintiff or
    the Trump Organization.
  337. Sussmann advised the media and others, falsely and knowingly claiming to
    demonstrate the existence of a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization
    and Alfa Bank. In this regard, Sussmann invoiced the Clinton Campaign for his Communications
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 106 of 108
    with Joffe and Elias.
  338. Sussmann was also advising the Clinton Campaign in connection with cybersecurity
    issues, and Perkins Coie, acted as the Clinton Campaign’s General Counsel.
  339. Joffe used his access at multiple organizations to gather and mine public and nonpublic Internet data regarding Trump and his associates, with the goal of creating a “narrative”
    regarding the candidate’s ties to Russia.”
  340. Joffe later shared certain results of those data searches and analysis with Sussmann
    so that Sussmann, in turn, could provide them to the media and the FBI.
  341. Joffe was working and acting on behalf of Neustar when he attempted to find
    wrongdoing and fabricated facts and evidence.
  342. At all material times, the above-named employees were all acting within the scope
    of their employment, performing work for their employer at the time of the tortious conduct, and
    therefore are responsible for the actions of their employees.
  343. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ actions, the Plaintiff has
    suffered, and continues to suffer, significant damage, including but not limited to, actual,
    compensatory, special, incidental, and consequential damage in addition to costs of defense and
    attorneys’ fees.
    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, respectfully requests that this Court enter
    a Judgment for Donald J. Trump and against the Defendant, Neustar, Inc., for damages, including
    Punitive damages, costs, and such further and other relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
    Jury Demand
    The Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable.
    Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 107 of 108
    Dated: March 24, 2022
    Respectfully submitted by:
    270 SW Natura Avenue
    Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441
    Telephone: (561) 232-2222
    /s/ Peter Ticktin _
    Florida Bar No. 887935
    Florida Bar No. 10802
    Florida Bar No. 1025180
    Our Matter No.: 22-0062
    1430 US Highway 206
    Suite 240
    Bedminster, New Jersey 07921
    ALINA HABBA, ESQUIRE (Upon Anticipated Admission Pro Hac Vice)
    New Jersey Bar No. 018592010
    MICHAEL T. MADAIO, ESQUIRE (Upon Anticipated Admission Pro Hac Vice)
    New Jersey Bar No. 070752013

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