しかし、これに対するバイデンの反応は?愚か者は実際に彼の気候変動法案を一般教書演説での反インフレとして売り込み、それがアメリカの家族を年間500ドル節約すると主張した。 。 。 2030年までに。アメリカ人の現在の生活費の増加は月額385ドル、または年額4,600ドルを超えています。
ただし、短期的には、食料品店とガソリンポンプへの毎週の旅行から銀行口座が流出するのを見て、痛みに備えてください。 大人たちがすぐに政権に戻ります。希望と祈りを。そして、認知症のおじいちゃんと彼のピエロのバンドは2024年に引退します。

Wokeness on Energy Is Weakness
Biden’s energy policy is bankrupting the country and making us a paper tiger abroad.
By Ned Ryun
March 6, 2022
As Joe Biden’s approval numbers sink further into the sewer, the only thing he’s building back better is 1970s-style inflation. Up until Biden, most polls usually named Jimmy Carter as one of the weakest and most inept presidents we’ve ever had. That was until Biden showed up and said, “Hold my beer!” Which you have to know has brought so much joy to Carter. Heck, he probably has a set of “Let’s go Brandon!” PJs that he wears every night as he thanks God for the gift of Biden.
Fact is, this country is now being “led” by a man who absolutely will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. In just over a year, Biden has brought inflation roaring back to levels not seen in 40 years, has destroyed our southern border as millions of illegal aliens, along with Chinese fentanyl, flood the country, and now we have been involved in two major international debacles with Afghanistan and Ukraine. The list could go on, but perhaps that’s too depressing.
Rest assured, however, it’s not going to get better. Biden is like the anti-Midas, turning everything he touches into crap.
With every opportunity to make the right decision, Biden and his administration choose the most asinine choice possible, leading one to ask, “Is this a clown show led by an imbecile? Or do you just completely hate this country?”
Answer: both.
Consider his actions on the energy front, which is part and parcel of the inflation disaster: they’re so committed to the hoax and woke religion of man made global warming and shutting down fossil fuels that they sacrificed our energy independence on its altar. Crude oil more than doubled under Biden before war broke out in Ukraine, and natural gas had risen 74 percent before the Russians invaded. Now with the crisis in Ukraine we’re seeing oil approaching $120 per barrel. None of this had to happen, mind you, especially since under Donald Trump the United States had become a net exporter of energy.
But Biden wasted no time enacting his idiotic policies. On day one of his administration he shut down the Keystone pipeline, put thousands of people out of work, crippled our self-sufficient energy production, and made us reliant on purchasing absurd quantities of oil from countries that despise us.
He is Example A of how quickly things can go wrong with terrible leadership.
With America now importing 595,000 barrels of Russian oil a day—that adds up to more than $1 billion a month we’re paying Russia—the fact is our terrible energy policy is helping finance Putin’s invasion. If you want to really know how bad it is, consider that in 2021 alone it’s estimated that European nations, most of which are NATO members, paid Russia $100 billion for oil and gas. So the infantile Left has weakened the United States and Europe in the face of Putin’s energy dominance and strengthened his hand by pumping up his coffers with oil and gas money. The environmentalist wackos and weak-kneed political “leaders” are absolutely responsible for what are now being described as war crimes in Ukraine.
Back on the home front, Americans were already feeling the soaring oil prices at the pump thanks to Biden’s moronic energy policies. Now with Ukraine, if the trends remain the same, we’ll be looking at $5-per-gallon prices on average for regular unleaded gasoline at stations across the country, which of course increases the costs of production, food, and so forth.
But Biden’s response to this? The imbecile actually pitched his climate change bill as anti-inflation at the State of the Union, claiming it will save American families $500 a year . . . by 2030. Mind you, the American people’s increase in cost of living right now is $385 per month, or over $4,600 per year.
I know many will be shocked to learn that Biden’s “solution” is a lie. Germany tried this. It committed to renewables and becoming carbon “net zero” by 2045 and is going to spend nearly $600 billion when all is said and done. For all of that, the German people now get to pay twice as much for electricity as they did before the foolish plan was implemented.
Oh, and to put a fine point on the utter failure of Germany’s plan, it still needs to import 55 percent of its natural gas from—wait for it—Russia. A sober-minded person might understandably look at this asinine behavior and say, “Ya’ll have lost your damn minds.” And that person would be absolutely correct.
In a rational world—and we are not living in one—we would address this problem immediately by reopening the Keystone pipeline and exploring additional options for drilling, fracking, and nuclear energy within the United States. Energy independence leads not only to cheaper costs for consumers and thousands of jobs for Americans, it strengthens our national security and allows us to free Europe from Putin’s leverage by offering additional energy options.
In the short term, however, prepare for pain as you watch your bank account drain from the weekly trip to the grocery store and gas pump. And then hope and pray adults are soon back in political power and Grandpa Dementia and his band of clowns are sent into retirement in 2024.