トランプ前アメリカ合衆国大統領声明 20220216~20220217









ジョディ・アリントン下院議員は、テキサス州の素晴らしい代表者です。ジョディは私たちの農民、エネルギー生産者、そしてアメリカファーストアジェンダのチャンピオンであり、彼はあなたの税金を下げ、国境を確保し、私たちの軍隊と退役軍人を支援し、そして憲法と私たちの自由を保護し守るために、極左による包囲にもかかわらず非常に一生懸命働いています。 Jodeyは私の完全で完全な支持を持っています!







なぜメディアは、根性のねじ曲がったヒラリークリントン(Crooked Hillary Clinton)の「配管工」に誰が注文したのか尋ねないのですか?ウォーターゲート事件では、はるかに大きな犯罪であることが判明したのは隠蔽でした。ヒラリーゲートの場合、それは主流メディアの隠蔽工作であり、反逆的なスパイ行為自体とほぼ同じくらい大きな犯罪です。それは、私たちのメディアが本当に人々の敵である理由を世界に示しています!



フィル・ソレル(Phil Sorrells)は、経験豊富な検察官であり、法執行機関を支援し、危険な犯罪者を拘束するために戦い、正直な選挙を確保する、並外れた刑事裁判所の裁判官です。彼は公安が政府の最初の責任であることを知っています、そしてそれが彼がタラント郡地区弁護士のために私の完全で全幅の支持を持っている理由です!



February 17th, 2022
The Wyoming State Senate is considering SF0097, introduced by Patriot Senator Bo Biteman, to protect the integrity of Wyoming primary elections. This critically important bill ensures that the voters in each party will separately choose their nominees for the General Election, which is how it should be! It makes total sense that only Democrats vote in the Democrat primary and only Republicans vote in the Republican primary. This bill has my Complete and Total Endorsement and Support. Every Member of the Wyoming Senate should vote for SF0097. Thank you!

February 17th, 2022
Endorsement of Monica De La Cruz

Monica De La Cruz will be an incredible Congresswoman for the people of Texas’ 15th Congressional District! A successful small businesswoman, Monica will fight hard to Grow our Economy, Secure our Border, Uphold the Rule of Law, Support our Military and Vets, and Defend the Second Amendment. With Monica, we will flip this seat and elect a Member of Congress who puts America First. Monica has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

February 17th, 2022
Endorsement of Congressman Jodey Arrington

Congressman Jodey Arrington is a fantastic Representative for the Great State of Texas. Jodey is a Champion of our Farmers, Energy Producers, and America First agenda, and he is working very hard to Lower Your Taxes, Secure the Border, Support our Military and Vets, and Protect and Defend the Constitution and our Freedoms, which are under siege by the Radical Left. Jodey has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

February 16th, 2022
Endorsement of Congressman Randy Weber

Congressman Randy Weber is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Texas’ 14th Congressional District. Randy is tirelessly working to Secure our Border, Grow our Economy, Cut Regulations, Champion American Energy, Support our Military and Vets, and Defend the Second Amendment. Randy is a strong advocate for our America First agenda. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

February 16th, 2022
Endorsement of Congressman Troy Nehls

Congressman Troy Nehls is doing a terrific job in Congress for the great people of Texas. A former sheriff, Troy is a strong advocate for our Brave Law Enforcement, Military and Vets. He is working hard to Secure our Border, Champion American Energy, and Protect and Defend the Second Amendment. Given his support for our America First movement, it’s no surprise Nancy Pelosi and the Radical Left are doing everything they can to stop him, but we will defeat the Democrats this November. Troy is a winner and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

February 16th, 2022
Endorsement of Congressman Lance Gooden

Congressman Lance Gooden is a phenomenal representative of the people of Texas’ 5th Congressional District. Lance is a steadfast supporter of our America First agenda. He is fighting to Secure our Border, Uphold the Rule of Law, Support our Military and Vets, Protect the Second Amendment and Hold the Biden Administration accountable for their failures. Lance has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

February 16th, 2022
Why isn’t the media asking who gave Crooked Hillary Clinton’s “plumbers” their orders? With Watergate it was the coverup that turned out to be the far bigger crime. With Hillarygate it is the Mainstream Media Coverup that is almost as big of a crime as the act of treasonous espionage itself. It is showing the world why our media is truly the enemy of the people!

February 16th, 2022
Much of the now-uncovered espionage campaign of the Democrats breaking into the White House and my New York City apartment, took place after the 2016 Election as yet another way to undermine the upcoming 2020 Election. This spying into the Oval Office continued for a long period of time and further served to undermine and discredit the 2020 Election, along with massive ballot harvesting, phantom voters, and so many other things that made the Election a sham. The voting numbers were big and determinative!

February 16th, 2022
Endorsement of Phil Sorrells

Phil Sorrells is an experienced prosecutor and exceptional criminal court judge who will support Law Enforcement, fight to put dangerous criminals behind bars, and ensure honest elections. He knows public safety is government’s first responsibility, and that is why he has my Complete and Total Endorsement for Tarrant County District Attorney!

