ICYMI:「トランプはニューヨーク州検事総長ジェームズの「魔女狩り」を「正義の悲劇」としての’魔女狩り ‘」
ICYMI:「CBP(関税国境警備局、United States Customs and Border Protection)は、フェンタニル発作の「大幅な増加」を確認し、1月に153,941人の移民との遭遇を確認しました」

これが「トランプ」以外の場合は、ここに話などありません。代わりに、民主党員は次の詐欺を探しています。ロシア、ロシア、ロシアのデマは、根性のねじ曲がった(Crooked) HillaryClintonを支援するための民主党に触発された偽の物語であることが判明しました。弾劾デマ#1、弾劾デマ#2など、すべてがデマでした。
New York Timesはおそらく、誰もそんなに馬鹿げているはずがないし、私のように彼らの信用を攻撃した人はいないので、彼に何を言うべきかを教えてくれました。 彼らは本当にフェイクニュースです。 彼らはロシア、ロシア、ロシアのピューリッツァー賞を受賞し、それは完全な詐欺であることが判明しました。 とにかく信頼性が残っていないピューリッツァー委員会は、事実が正反対だったので、ロシア、ロシア、ロシアのすべての賞を返す必要があります。 同様に、クルーグマンは、彼のアドバイスに従って財産を失ったすべての人々に謝罪する必要があります。 たぶん、彼らは全員集まって、失ったものについて彼を訴えるべきです。 謝れ、ポール!
ICYMI: “Trump Blasts NY AG James’ ‘Witch Hunt’ as ‘Travesty of Justice'”
ICYMI: “Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Caught Hanging out with Maricopa County Recorder He Should Have Prosecuted”
ICYMI: “CBP sees ‘substantial increase’ in fentanyl seizures, confirms 153,941 migrant encounters in January”
February 18, 2022 –
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the
United States of America
The National Archives did not “find” anything, they were given, upon request, Presidential Records in an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act. If this was anyone but “Trump,” there would be no story here. Instead, the Democrats are in search of their next Scam. The Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax turned out to be a Democrat inspired fake story to help Crooked Hillary Clinton. Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, has all been a Hoax. The Fake News is making it seem like me, as the President of the United States, was working in a filing room. No, I was busy destroying ISIS, building the greatest economy America had ever seen, brokering Peace deals, making sure Russia didn’t attack Ukraine, making sure China didn’t take over Taiwan, making sure there was no inflation, creating an energy independent country, rebuilding our military and law enforcement, saving our Second Amendment, protecting our Border, and cutting taxes. Now, Russia is invading Ukraine, our economy is being destroyed, our Border is once again overrun, and the mandate continues. Instead of focusing on America, the media just wants to talk about their plan to “get” Trump. The people won’t stand for it any longer!
- February 18, 2022 –
Remember when Paul Krugman, the highly overrated op-ed columnist for the New York Times, told everybody to get out of the stock market fast and completely after I was elected President in 2016.
Anybody that took this losers advice would have approximately one-third of the money
they have right now-or even less assuming bad investments.
The New York Times probably told him what to say because nobody could be so dumb, and nobody has attacked their credibility like me. They are truly Fake News. They got a Pulitzer Prize for Russia, Russia, Russia, and it turned out to be a total scam. The Pulitzer Committee, which has no credibility left anyway, should demand all of the Russia, Russia, Russsia prizes back because the facts were the exact opposite. Likewise, Krugman, should apologize to all of those people that followed his advice and lost a fortune doing so. Maybe they should all get together and sue him for what they have lost. Apologize, Paul!
“Congratulations to Kevin McCarthy and Elise Stefanik on their strong and powerful endorsement of Harriet Hageman of Wyoming. Loser Liz Cheney is a RINO and warmonger who doesn’t deserve to serve in the House of Representatives. Harriet will be an outstanding Representative for the Great State of Wyoming!
“When is Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes going to apologize for saying that my campaign was not spied upon? On top of that, they spied on the White House!”