






00:00:04:01 – 00:00:24:01

さて、誰かが私に陰謀論者のレッテルを付ける前に、私は陰謀の現実主義者だと言いたいと思います。そして違いは、私は時間とデューデリジェンスを見抜いたことであり、私 は 1年間これを言ってきたし、私はすべての人、誰もがそのパターンを通過するように挑戦してきたということです。

00:00:24:15 – 00:00:42:23


00:00:42:23 – 00:01:04:10

紙に。今、第二の特許があり、これは私が心で覚えています。 これは、マイクロソフトが 所有する国際特許です。それは 2020 666です。私はこれを作ることができません。そして、この特許は、生体認証データの送信を暗号通貨にリンクします。

00:01:08:00 – 00:01:26:13


00:01:27:14 – 00:01:44:23


00:01:45:09 – 00:02:03:06


00:02:05:12 – 00:02:31:01


00:02:32:06 – 00:02:42:07

だから、 アップルペイやクレジットカード、法定通貨や紙幣を忘れてください。文字通り手をスキャンする必要があります。家の中にセンサーがあり、手をスキャンすると、おそらくドローンがあり、パンを提供します。

00:02:43:01 – 00:02:58:00


00:02:58:04 – 00:03:31:09


00:03:33:07 – 00:03:57:11

それが私たちが直面しているものです。 そして 、それはレースです。ここにレースがあります。人類と人種を奴隷にする競争がある。何が起こっているのかを実現するための集団人間意識の拡大の競争。そして、それと戦うための競争が。(これで最後にします)


00:04:00:11 – 00:04:28:12


00:04:29:08 – 00:04:43:04

では、 なぜそれらが破壊されたのかという疑問があります? だから、 誰もが「不道徳」によるといいます。しかし、現実は全世界が不道徳でした。彼らのユニークなものは何ですか? だから、 答えの一つは、大地の法則にコーディネートされた不道徳の中核です。

00:04:44:14 – 00:05:01:12

それは神に言う非常に直接的な方法です、 私 たちはあなたの法律を望んでいません、私たちはあなたがここにいることを望んでいません、そして、これは私たちが生きるよりどころにする法律です。私が起こっていると思うことは、神が一人一人に選択肢を与えているということです。

00:05:02:16 – 00:05:20:10


00:05:20:22 – 00:05:43:06

神はあなたが恐怖に対処するのを助けます。それとも、科学の神に頭を下げるつもりですか?技術の神?お金の神? 私は力を手に入れました。社会病質者(社会病的オリガルヒ)、腐敗した政府、そして各個人が与えられている選択であるワクチンの黄金の子牛の誤った約束。

00:05:43:23 – 00:06:02:17

それは二者択一です。もうフェンスの上に座ることはできません。 私が出てきて、これらの話をする理由は、競争の原動力を理解してもらうために人々のやる気を引き出そうとするためです。これは神に対する戦争なのです。本当に危機に瀕しているのは何ですか?

00:06:04:08 – 00:06:18:23


00:06:27:17 – 00:06:50:01


00:06:50:15 – 00:07:33:06





00:08:03:16 – 00:08:29:09



—ここまで講演 3/6アップ分


00:08:34:16 – 00:08:48:01


00:08:48:22 – 00:09:06:03


00:09:06:09 – 00:09:21:03


00:09:22:03 – 00:09:34:14

だから 、私の妻は、おそらくあなたは私が今のようなこのコロナのもののためにいくつかのビタミンか何かを取る必要があります、私はちょうどとても医者になるつもりです。彼はそこに誰かを助けるいくつかの実用的なツールを持っているように見えます。

00:09:34:14 – 00:09:45:07


00:09:45:17 – 00:09:58:18

だから、 医師 エレンコ は、私がセールスマンであることが嫌いについて教えてくれます。今、私たちに教えてください。しかし、真剣に、彼は私が彼にそれをさせるつもりは言及しません。それでは、その背後にある話をさせてください。その背後にある話をさせてください。

00:09:59:06 – 00:10:14:23

私はヒドロキシクロロキン、これらの原子化亜鉛だった私のプロトコルを開発したとき、私はそれを使用していたので、それは神からの贈り物だと思います。私の患者は死ぬのをやめた。それは終わった。しかし、私は大統領、米国に知らせます。そして、彼が実際に ヒドロキシクロロキンを服用していることを発表したとき、彼は私の手紙を引用しました。

00:10:15:05 – 00:10:44:04


00:10:44:23 – 00:11:00:23


00:11:01:10 – 00:11:20:10

そして突然、クオモ知事は、COVID 19の文脈でのみ、薬剤師がこの薬を分配することができなかったという単なる行政命令であり、私の患者は再び死に始めました。想像できますか?だから、海兵隊は即興、適応、克服という言葉を持っています。

00:11:23:03 – 00:11:34:09

だから、あなたは  軍隊と戦争に行かない、あなたは何を知っていますか?あなたが望む鎧を持っていません。そこで、彼らはヒドロキシクロロキンを取り上げたので、私は亜鉛を南に届ける別の代替品を見つける必要があります。

00:11:34:23 – 00:11:47:14

だから、すべての場所のNIHサーバーで、私は、ああ、私は見ている、私は  ヒドロキシクロロキンと同じことを行うビタミンCと一緒にケルセチンと呼ばれるオプションを見つける。さて、正直に言うと、私はケルセチンが何であるか知りませんでした。

00:11:47:21 – 00:12:01:01

だから私はそれをグーグルし、私はそれがタマネギとリンゴの皮の派生物であることがわかります。しかし、もっと重要なことは、それはカウンターの上にあります。そして、  私は身をやるのが好きで、私は言った、ああ、私はちょうど専制政治の治療法を見つけました。

00:12:08:16 – 00:12:23:21


00:12:23:21 – 00:12:37:07

私は言うことができます, 聞いて, クレア, ビタミンショップに行きます, これとこれとこれを取得します, そして、あなたは今大丈夫です.そして、私は ソース情報を開 きます。私はそれでインターネットをスパムしました。私は100のメディアを望み、ちょうどそれについて人々に伝え、それは何人かの人々を助けます。

00:12:37:07 – 00:12:53:07

しかし、大多数の人々が戻ってきて、私に言った、我々は一つの場所にすべての成分を見つけることができません。オプション が 多すぎます。私たちはパズルを一緒に置くすることはできません。そして、私が気づくのは、人々が症状の発症の最初の数日間だった正しい時間枠で治療を受けにいれなかったです。

00:12:53:23 – 00:13:09:16

だから、彼らは介入の重要なウィンドウを欠いている  、それがいつ、それはすべての利点があるときです。 だから、私は人々のためにそれを容易にするように頼まれました。 だから私はちょうどそれをすべて1つの錠剤に入れて、あなたが知っている、基準、製造基準を確認してください。

00:13:10:02 – 00:13:27:10


00:13:27:21 – 00:13:47:22


00:13:48:09 – 00:14:03:05


00:14:09:20 – 00:14:33:23


00:14:39:04 – 00:14:54:15


00:14:54:16 – 00:15:03:11


00:15:04:01 – 00:15:34:20

医者だった私たち、ゼリコウ。皆さんが。はい。 だから 私はあなたに最後の言葉を与えます。大丈夫です。皆さん、ゼリコウ博士のためにもう一度聞いてみましょう。今日の「繁栄タイム」ショーの部族国家は、ポランスキーの息子アーチャー牧師にインタビューしています。

00:15:34:23 – 00:15:52:01


00:15:52:09 – 00:16:12:15


00:16:12:22 – 00:16:28:08


00:16:29:11 – 00:16:54:01


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00:17:15:20 – 00:17:29:11


00:17:29:12 – 00:17:41:04


00:17:41:12 – 00:17:57:11


00:17:58:16 – 00:18:13:15


00:18:13:15 – 00:18:30:13


00:18:30:13 – 00:18:49:15

我々は彼らに政治的圧力をかけたい。 だから 電話をかける。アメリカ人が始めたイニシアチブもあります。フリーパスまたはアートドットコムと呼ばれ、カナダ大使館や領事館で警戒や平和的な抗議行動に参加することができます。

00:18:50:10 – 00:19:03:09

だから、 カナダ政府があまりにも長い間この専制政治から逃れてきたので、そのようなことをすることに興味があるなら、率直に言って、あなたが北にあなたの隣国で起こらせれば 、それはあなたに起こるでしょう。

00:19:03:09 – 00:19:21:13

つまり、彼らはこの牧師に何をしているか。私の父は、平和に礼拝したい世界中の何百万人もの人々を代表しています。我々はただ平和的に集まり、彼らの憲法上の権利を実践したいだけだ。 だから、 彼が言ったように、牧師にこれが起こることを許せば、彼らがこれをやっているなら、彼らが来たことを何度も何度も

00:19:21:13 – 00:19:32:07


00:19:32:20 – 00:19:51:07


00:19:52:01 – 00:20:05:19

だから、それは最大40分です。通常、それは1日約20分です。彼は、細胞はそれが不潔だと言います。ところで、彼はそれを自分できれいにしなければならなかった、と彼は検疫中です。 だから、 これは彼の健康のためです。そして、彼は細胞が絶対に不潔であると言いました。

00:20:06:01 – 00:20:06:14



00:00:04:01 – 00:00:24:01

Now, before someone labels me, a conspiracy theorist, I’d like to say I’m a conspiracy realist. And the difference is that I’ve taken the time and the due diligence to look through and I’ve I’ve been saying this for a year and I’ve challenged everyone, anyone to go through that pattern.

00:00:24:15 – 00:00:42:23

And let’s have a discussion. If you think I’m wrong. Let’s have a civil discussion and get to a deeper truth. But no one has taken me up on this challenge because that’s what the patent says. The only people that have resisted are those that called me a conspiracy theories, those that didn’t take the time to even look

00:00:42:23 – 00:01:04:10

into the paper. Now there’s a second patent and this one I remember by heart. It’s international patent owned by Microsoft. It’s w o 2020 666. I can’t make this stuff up. And the patent links the transmission of biometric data to cryptocurrency.

00:01:08:00 – 00:01:26:13

OK, now let’s look at China as an example of what’s coming to us. The CCP, the Chinese Communist Party controls the central bank and China, the central bank in China, just issued a cryptocurrency called the digital yuan. Then they made illegal all other cryptocurrency.

00:01:27:14 – 00:01:44:23

So the only way to transact now is to use a state sponsored cryptocurrency. And then they linked something called the social credit score system to. The use of cryptocurrency, in other words, they don’t have to put you in a gulag or put a bullet in your head anymore if they don’t like what you say.

00:01:45:09 – 00:02:03:06

They just turn off your accounts. They just turn off your ability to buy bread. They starve you and your family. So it’s a form of control now. In 2026, when Medicare will begin to go back, rooms and the economies of the world will become chaotic.

00:02:05:12 – 00:02:31:01

There will be a change in the global system of finance. The end result will be. A global cryptocurrency that’s controlled by a few global powers, remember World Economic Forum, and in order to participate in that global cryptocurrency, you will need to be tagged with a digital identifier that transmits biometric data.

00:02:32:06 – 00:02:42:07

So forget about Apple Pay or credit cards, a fiat currency or paper money. You’ll literally have to scan your hand and you have a sensor in the house and scan your hand and then you have probably a drone, deliver your bread.

00:02:43:01 – 00:02:58:00

Now it sounds kind of cool, but what if I don’t want to be tackled with digital identifier? Well, then I’ll be excluded from participating in global finance and financial transactions. What if the government doesn’t like what I say?

00:02:58:04 – 00:03:31:09

That’s happened? So they’ll restrict or turn off my ability to transact and buy bread for my family. So. According to the Christian faith. This is the mark of the Beast. It’s a it’s enslavement, it’s a very technical, brilliant mechanism that a few sociopaths have created to enslave humanity.

00:03:33:07 – 00:03:57:11

That’s what we’re facing. And so it’s a race. There’s a race here. There’s a race to enslave humanity versus a race of the. Expansion of the collective human consciousness to realize what’s happening. And to combat it, and I’ll end with this, why is this really happening?

00:04:00:11 – 00:04:28:12

I would say that we as a human, as a species over the last decades, 50, 60 years have made some really bad decisions. We’ve slaughtered the unborn. We’ve desecrated the sanctity of marriage, desecrated gender roles. We’ve normalized debauchery, you know, in the Bible, says the two cities were destroyed, Sodom and Gomorrah.

00:04:29:08 – 00:04:43:04

So there’s a question of why were they destroyed? So everyone says immorality. But the reality was the whole world was immoral. What was unique about them? So one of the answers is the core of codified immorality into the law of the land.

00:04:44:14 – 00:05:01:12

It’s a very direct way of saying to God, We do not want your law, we don’t want you here, and this is the law that we’re going to live by. What I think is happening is that God is giving each individual person a choice.

00:05:02:16 – 00:05:20:10

Who are you going to boil down to, right? You’re going to boil down to your creator who makes you every instant in time. Happy birthday, you just made it right and it gives you strength. He does it out of love.

00:05:20:22 – 00:05:43:06

He helps you deal with your fears. Or are you going to bow down to the God of science? The God of technology? Got a money. I’ve got a power. Sociopathic oligarchs, corrupt governments and the false promises of a golden calf of a vaccine that is the choice that each individual is being given.

00:05:43:23 – 00:06:02:17

It’s a binary choice. You can’t sit on the fence anymore. And so the reason why I come out and do these talks is to try to help motivate people to. Understand the dynamics of the conflict. What’s really at stake, that this is a war against God?

00:06:04:08 – 00:06:18:23

And we all have the power to say, no, you know, we had some freedom in this in our lives, but it wasn’t free. It came because our our grandparents had the courage to storm the beaches of Normandy or confront fascism.

00:06:27:17 – 00:06:50:01

That’s the sad question is, will our children be free? The answer is, if we right now are ready to sacrifice, it is for us to rise up now nonviolently organize, resist, say no to mandates, say no to the masks, don’t take the poisoned up shot.

00:06:50:15 – 00:07:33:06

Don’t limit fear. Don’t isolate yourself from the people you love. And we will win. We are winning. But I I implore I plead, I beg to Medicaid to mitigate the body count. In other words, to reduce the amount of people that are going to fall to tyranny, it’s upon us.

00:07:34:09 – 00:08:03:12

To rise up and organize and resist. And really, I don’t see a natural solution to this, this this, this is a monstrous Goliath. And we need a divine supernatural intervention. But supernatural interventions aren’t free. They have to come.

00:08:03:16 – 00:08:29:09

We have to pay the price, which is to choose God of our own fears and beg and plead him to bring and reveal the redemption. God bless you.


What is a general, what time is here for Dr. Zelikow?

00:08:34:16 – 00:08:48:01

All right. Don’t just link a couple of quick questions for you here, sir, just a quick Q&A here for you. You’re missing one lung and you have cancer. Is that correct, sir? Unfortunately. And are you scared to be around this many people, sir?

00:08:48:22 – 00:09:06:03

It gives me vitality in life, so we have to kill the spirit of fear. And I just want you to know why not? From a mindset perspective, we cannot be fearful. I know people start to show up and I didn’t shut my company down, didn’t pause, didn’t mitigate, didn’t do any social distancing.

00:09:06:09 – 00:09:21:03

But I refuse to use hand sanitizer is my protest. I said, Forget it now. I won’t even take a shower. No, I’m just kidding. But people kept coming into my office doing the elbow bump thing. I remember that was like, Hey, ha, we’re in a master’s, has faith over fear, faith over here.

00:09:22:03 – 00:09:34:14

So but my wife’s like, perhaps you should take some vitamins or something for this corona thing I’m like now, I’m just going to be so doctors. Looks like he has some practical tools that will help anybody out there.

00:09:34:14 – 00:09:45:07

I was wanting to share briefly about that because we’ve got a room back there with you, with your stuff. You could tell us about it because literally, since we started to reawaken America to, I have not been sick one day because I take this stuff all the time.

00:09:45:17 – 00:09:58:18

So doctors elenco tell us about I hate being a salesman. Now tell us. But seriously, he won’t mention I’m going to make him do it. So let me tell you the story behind it. Let me tell you the story behind it.

00:09:59:06 – 00:10:14:23

I think it’s a gift from God, because when I developed my protocol, which was hydroxychloroquine, these atomized and zinc, I was using it. My patients stopped dying. It was over. But I let the president, United States know. And when he actually announced that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, he quoted my letter.

00:10:15:05 – 00:10:44:04

That’s how I found out that I had influenced the president United States. But then the tyrant, the Gaulle ex-governor, Cuomo killed 20,000 nursing home residents, issued a executive order on March 27th, 2020, blocking pharmacies from dispensing hydroxychloroquine, which was a drug that was FDA approved for 65 years.

00:10:44:23 – 00:11:00:23

It was used for malaria, malaria prophylaxis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. We gave it to pregnant women. We gave it to children and nursing mothers, and some people live on it for 50 years, taking 400 milligrams a day every day.

00:11:01:10 – 00:11:20:10

And all of a sudden, Governor Cuomo is just a executive order that only in the context of COVID 19, pharmacists could not dispense this medication, and my patients started dying again. Can you imagine? And so, you know, the Marines have a saying improvise, adapt, overcome.

00:11:23:03 – 00:11:34:09

So what do you you know, you don’t you go to war with the army. You have not armor you wish. So they took away hydroxychloroquine, so I needed to find another substitute that would deliver zinc and to the south.

00:11:34:23 – 00:11:47:14

So on the NIH server of all places, I, uh, I’m looking at, I find a option called quercetin together with vitamin C that does the same thing as hydroxychloroquine. Now, to be honest, I didn’t know what quercetin was.

00:11:47:21 – 00:12:01:01

So I googled it and I see it’s a derivative of onions and apple peels. But more importantly, it’s over the counter. And so I like lean back and I said, Oh my God, I just found the cure to tyranny.

00:12:08:16 – 00:12:23:21

There are only two reasons why people die from COVID. one is the moronic doctor that delays treatment and allows for complications to develop. And two is the tyrannical government that blocks access to life saving medication. So now I could circumvent that.

00:12:23:21 – 00:12:37:07

I can say, Listen, Claire, go to the vitamin shop, get this, this and this and this, and you’ll be OK now. And I open sourced information. I spammed the internet with that. I want 100 media outlets and just telling people about it, and it helps some people.

00:12:37:07 – 00:12:53:07

But the majority of people came back and said to me, we can’t find all the ingredients in one place. There’s too many options. We can’t put the puzzle together. And what I notice was people were not getting treatment in the correct timeframe, which was the first few days of the onset of symptoms.

00:12:53:23 – 00:13:09:16

So they’re missing that crucial window of of intervention, when that’s when, that’s when all the benefit is. So I was asked to make it easier for people. So I just put it all in one pill, you know, make sure that the standards, manufacturing standards.

00:13:10:02 – 00:13:27:10

I put my name on on there to make sure that and I just made it available, and I had no idea to what degree people were ready to take their own health care, to reject medical tyranny, to take back control over their own lives.

00:13:27:21 – 00:13:47:22

And it really helped people reintegrate back. But the people they loved in society, and it actually works. So now, according to the FDA, is the only thing I could say is that it’s a nutritional supplement and an immune booster, which it is, but it has quercetin vitamin C, which, according to peer reviewed papers on the NIH server

00:13:48:09 – 00:14:03:05

, delivers zinc into the cell. It has zinc, which, according to an age peer reviewed papers, inhibits an enzyme called RNA dependent RNA polymerase, which blocks viral replication. And by the way, let me tell you which viruses all the strains of COVID.

00:14:09:20 – 00:14:33:23

And influenza virus. RSV respiratory syncytial virus, which which affects mostly children, 60,000 children a year, end up in hospitals, 1000 die and there’s no treatment for it. And now here’s something I discovered. It also inhibits Ebola and Marburg virus.

00:14:39:04 – 00:14:54:15

And I’m working on trying to develop protocols to possibly address this bioterrorism threat, which you hear a lot of chatter about. So that’s how obviously this attack was born out of necessity, out of was just trying to keep my patients above ground and and to help people.

00:14:54:16 – 00:15:03:11

And you brought some of it with you right back there in the booth. I don’t know. He doesn’t know, but we think it’s back there. What better way to say I love you this February than with the gift of Z Stack?

00:15:04:01 – 00:15:34:20

Those of us who were doctors, the Zelikow. Everybody? Yeah. So I’ll give you the final word. All right. Let’s hear one more time for Dr. Zelikow, everybody. Tribe Nation on today’s edition of the Thrive Time show, we are interviewing Pastor Archer, Polanski’s son.

00:15:34:23 – 00:15:52:01

Many of you know Pastor Archer Plaskett, the Canadian pastor who has refused to bow down to the tyrannical orders, the mandates, the quarantines, the curfews imposed upon the Canadian citizens by Justin Trudeau, who is being controlled by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

00:15:52:09 – 00:16:12:15

And because of his unapologetic stance and his refusal to lock his church down and to stop teaching the word of God. He’s been to jail numerous times, and he’s in jail yet again. We’re joined here with his son today, Nathaniel, to share with us the status of what’s going on with Pastor Artur Blousy.

00:16:12:22 – 00:16:28:08

How you can help. Nathaniel, welcome to the thrive time show. How are you, sir? Thanks for having me. OK, brother. So first off, how old are you? I’m 21, nearly 22. How? Approximately how many times has your dad been arrested this year?

00:16:29:11 – 00:16:54:01

This year, oh, I think it’s four times this year, 15 total since. Since 2005, he’s been arrested 15 times, five times since the so-called pandemic was announced. And what how would you describe this most recent arrest versus the other arrests?

00:16:55:15 – 00:17:15:12

This one seemed a lot more aggressive. It seemed like they were very scared. The politicians, the judicial system seems very scared of him, like they needed to snatch him up and silence him right away. As you know, he’s been denied bail twice, so they want to keep him in.

00:17:15:20 – 00:17:29:11

So this one seems very, very aggressive, very vengeful. And for the listeners out there that want to support you, what can they do? And also we will ask because I say, clay, what can we do to support Pastor Archer Pawlowski?

00:17:29:12 – 00:17:41:04

By the way, folks have spent a lot of time with pastor archipelagic. He spoke at the Reawaken America tour event. I can tell you he’s a great man of God. Is he perfect? No. But he absolutely loves the Lord and seeks to share the word of God.

00:17:41:12 – 00:17:57:11

He refuses to relent and to shut down his church. How can people support your debt? Well, if you want to donate to him directly, you can go to the website St Church Dot. Or you could e-transfer A.R.T. art at St George.

00:17:58:16 – 00:18:13:15

But what we’re also looking for right now is to put political pressure on the Canadian government because this constant harassment and persecution needs to stop. I mean, the fifth arrest since 2020, and it doesn’t seem like they’re stopping.

00:18:13:15 – 00:18:30:13

I mean, five arrests, 40 COVID tickets, dozens of court appearances. We’re not even talking about pre-pandemic stuff that when the constant harassment was beginning. We’re talking about just COVID era, and it doesn’t seem like they’re stopping so well.

00:18:30:13 – 00:18:49:15

We want to do is we want to apply political pressure on them. So make phone calls. There’s also an initiative that the Americans have started. It’s called Free Pass or art dot com, and you can participate in a vigil or peaceful protest at a Canadian embassy or consulate.

00:18:50:10 – 00:19:03:09

So if you’re interested in doing something like that because the Canadian government has gotten away with this tyranny for too long, and quite frankly, if you let it happen in your neighboring nation to the North, it’s going to happen to you.

00:19:03:09 – 00:19:21:13

I mean, what they’re doing to this pastor. My dad represents millions of people worldwide who just want to worship in peace. We just want to peacefully assemble, practice their constitutional right. So if we allow this to happen to a pastor, as he said, time and time and again, if they if they’re doing this, that they came for

00:19:21:13 – 00:19:32:07

me, they’re going to come for you. What are conditions? Is your dad being kept in? Tell us about the conditions, because I believe he has an hour per day where he can or 20 minutes a day, or he can converse with you.

00:19:32:20 – 00:19:51:07

Tell us what is the actual status? Yeah, so he’s in solitary confinement 23 hours a day. He only has one hour outside of the cell, and sometimes he’s given 20 minutes to talk with us. Sometimes he’s given 40 minutes, but that’s to talk to us, his lawyers, friends, family.

00:19:52:01 – 00:20:05:19

So that’s 40 minutes maximum. Usually, it’s about 20 minutes a day. He says the cell is it’s filthy. He had to clean it himself, and he’s in quarantine, by the way. So this is for his health. And he said the cell is absolutely filthy.

00:20:06:01 – 00:20:06:14

He said it.



